• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Crazy ideas, that your psychologist would not approve of.


Well-Known Member
In response to cn :p Now what is this wellspring of existence?
And what are ideas you've made either on or off K?
Not all of this was on K, but built on through some crazy drug use. I think numbers 1, 2, 3, and 5.

1) Cerebral evolution: . , ; / /- -|- /x\ *~ ~*~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The idea started during that one K episode. And it combines reincarnation with the picture I
had in my mind. Energy strands. Imagine a blue luminescent dot. It is your very first being,
that being something like an ant. And as this energy grows, which is you, it progresses into
something where the strand is longer and more complex. A worm perhaps. The strand slowly
grows and grows through life and death to be more and more complex. Humans are like the
-|- example. Soon, which I've realized sort of from double joints, is that through evolution
humans will grow in both mind and physical body. I can bend my finger backwards partially.
Sooner or later humans will be able to make a fist in both directions. But that is just their
hand, one example of the physical evolution. They will also grow mentally.

Alien species that have been around a lot longer than us have already surpassed the double
fist making. Physically being perhaps ridded of joints and ligiments, making all body parts
into a sort of ball and socket system where they can move 360 degrees with any part of their
physical body. Mind wise they would be far passed ours, and also be able to think in 360 degrees.
This would eleminate useless things like good and bad, power, greed. Now the reason why the species
was born able to eliminate these feelings is because they have been us before(perhaps even knowing it,
as when I was watching dogs wrestle today I felt like I had been them at one point. Fighting,
playing around, being mezermized by the storm coming. Humans ignore the storm, they know what it is
its nothing new. To dogs they enjoy it every time. At the end of their days not giving a shit because
they have experienced it so many times before). In analogy we live our lives fighting out of anger,
power, money.. The likes of which dogs haven't even come to yet. And at the end of our days, we know
none of it really mattered. We are about to die anyways. Thus we become a higher species.

Perhaps these species that we become are so intelligent by now through the evolution of the
conciousness, that they are able to remember the past lives. Able to recall.

Dogs cannot fathom past lives, if they started as an ant and gradually moved their way up, their
brain can't think of it. They have not evolved enough. Humans are the first step into understanding
this. Maybe after the life of the human, the higher species is able to recall being all of those

As the evolution moves on, it would make sense that at a point, the soul would actually shed its
physical body and become pure energy. Free of everything that the past few species had carried along.
It was not learn-able without the trial and error of being with our physical body. But we need the
physical body to start out with so things actually make sense. You can't just start life as the President
and know what to do. Therefor we could not shed our physical body at first, because starting out as super
intelligent would just.. Not be possible.

This is all just a thought I was very high when I thought of it. Obviously.

2) Our existence is a power source to a greater being. The energy is all sucked out of our universe, life energy and matter. Stars are born destined to burn out, they all will. And living matter is born to whither away in death. Whether this is true or not, someday technology should potentially be able to replicate an entire universe in a sort of computer simulation type thing. But not quite. Maybe black holes do actually contain universes *We've been over this shit before* and extraterrestrials feed off of them for energy. A universe like ours contains, trillions and trillions of stars. We so far are able to use nuclear power. A universe power source would be trillions times stronger than nuclear power, easily containable as long as the black holes are a certain distance away from inhabited zones. There are smaller ones. Perhaps they blow up stars in order to make these universes. That would be sort of similar to splitting an atom, except on a huge, macrocosmic scale.

By time a species is able to evolve either biologically or technologically, they would be in no need of resources. Being able to make synthetic foods that are exactly the same as organic ones. Hell, maybe they don't even need food anymore. They wouldn't ever harm us, they would know a little about afterlife and realize that it is probably pointless to bring death. They would let us grow on our own. Or kill ourselves, which I see as more of a possibility.

3) Perhaps the cerebral evolution is backwards, maybe we become more and more ignorant until we turn into nothing.

4) A hamburger that is inside of a french fry. So the fry to burger bite ratio is perfect without taking a bite of each.

5) Consciousness is crucial for the universe to exist, a lot of people overlook this. We all have a universe in our head, we all see this universe differently because there are trillions of them in each organism. Sure there may be one universe that we all physically live in, however the fact that what we see and dont see drastically changes the results shows that this universe is definitely mouldable, determined by each and every one of us. In a weirder, less mapped out way than we think as of now.

6) If there is a megaverse, perhaps the infinite amount of universes makes up our universe on an extremely subatomic level. Creating all possibilities that are, were, or ever will be, ever.


Ursus marijanus
Hi|iH! :mrgreen:

No real comment to 1) except I don't personally put much store in afterlife, forelife or soul. But otherwise it is an uplifting vision.
To 2): We are currently able to evolve biologically, as is every life form on our planet. And being biologicals we all need material and energetic resources. Perhaps one day we will know if an incorporeal life form is possible, and if so, how it might interact with the material plane.

3) reminds me powerfully of a story I read when i was a youngster. It was "Devolution" by Edmond R. Hamilton. it is anthologized in Masterpieces: The Best Science Fiction of the 20th Century.

4) Make it cheeseburgers, and *heaven on earth*.

5) I don't really grasp this. While i could imagine that a universe can exist without a watching consciousness, I can say that ours, with us in it, only exists to us in the ways we can perceive and cognize. I do not think that the observer effect is "drastic" at the level of physics however.

6) Some theorists have said that our three+one dimensions are only the macroscopic ones. There are as many as eleven or seventeen dimensions in toto, but the remainder are "packed" or "compressed" below a level where they obviously impinge on the "uncompressed" four.

Remind me one day to elaborate on my "wellspring of all existence" vison. it was short but had that inexpressible psychedelic punch of Profundity. cn


Ursus marijanus
Hi|iH! :mrgreen:

No real comment to 1) except I don't personally put much store in afterlife, forelife or soul. But otherwise it is an uplifting vision.
To 2): We are currently able to evolve biologically, as is every life form on our planet. And being biologicals we all need material and energetic resources. Perhaps one day we will know if an incorporeal life form is possible, and if so, how it might interact with the material plane.

3) reminds me powerfully of a story I read when i was a youngster. It was "Devolution" by Edmond R. Hamilton. it is anthologized in Masterpieces: The Best Science Fiction of the 20th Century.

4) Make it cheeseburgers, and *heaven on earth*.

5) I don't really grasp this. While i could imagine that a universe can exist without a watching consciousness, I can say that ours, with us in it, only exists to us in the ways we can perceive and cognize. I do not think that the observer effect is "drastic" at the level of physics however.

6) Some theorists have said that our three+one dimensions are only the macroscopic ones. There are as many as eleven or seventeen dimensions in toto, but the remainder are "packed" or "compressed" below a level where they obviously impinge on the "uncompressed" four.

Remind me one day to elaborate on my "wellspring of all existence" vision. it was short but had that inexpressible psychedelic punch of Profundity. cn


Well-Known Member
Elaborate! Todays the day :p

Lol, but anyways, same here with the soul thing. I like to, but... Its really 50/50, either something happens, or something doesn't. and either way I am content with it. There is no point in putting weight on either side of that argument as we know practically nothing. I remember thinking about how there has to be a creator because the laws and coincidences of the creation are to precise. And if I were to create a universe, I would make an after death system. But then again I am not a god, can't think like a god. It might just be a compeltely natural phenomenon though.

I'm reading this biocentrism book, and its pretty convincing. One sentence in the very beggining was explaining quantum workings, and it said something like, when you turn your light off in the kitchen to go to bed, you imagine your things just the way they were. In reality, this is not true. They have all split into different possibilities as a sort of mist. It went into rainbows and how standing in certain spots you are able to see a rainbow because of the way the light reflects off of the water particles. In a smaller model, a rainbow in a sprinkler, you can see it, but someone 5 feet away from you may not see it. It doesn't exist for them, but it does to you. Of course if they went to where your standing, theyd see it. But it would not pop into their existence until they did.

I meant cheeseburgers. Of course :p I think I'm gonna really try to make one.. Haha, if I do, I'll post a picture. I'll get whatever next time I go to a grocery store :D

At the level of physics no, at the level of biology, yes. I don't really think a material universe with no living matter could exist. Because.. Well, I guess it.. I DONT KNOW. A single cell thinks 'PROTEIN, MAKE PROTEIN', multicell organisms think, 'GET FOOD GET WATER', then it gets more complicated. But the thing is that some kind of reincarnation would maybe make some sense.. I had this vision once on mushrooms that as your sperm races into the egg, you have been, meanwhile, well your soul has been going through the weird fabric of existence, weaving through different organisms, working your way up, until you fertilize the egg. Then that is the human. But this happened each time you were born as any organism. Or, you were the last organism, and how well you were as that orgaism(developed) determined which sperm got there first. Its a race of all different souls, each the organism before a human. The best one wins, the others fail. Possibly becoming the older organism again?lol thisis whacky. Time doesn't exist. We made time. Even to lower animals it doesnt really exist.

I'm done. I have a lot of stuff to say about this kind of shit, but I'll save it for when you reply so its not as much of a load on your eyes. I don't know how you can read as a bear anyways.. But right on!


Ursus marijanus
...salut, neer. Would you say cognisance is potentially dimensional?
I have often wondered if spirit-action could be the result of "leakage" between our continuum and a higher-dimensional one that is very weakly coupled to ours.

I don't know if that addresses your question. I think that our consciousness is "pinned" to our flesh somehow, but people I trust have told me stories about things like reincarnation. It shakes my materialist baseline beliefs, y'know? So maybe perhaps conceivably ... there is a link to elsewhere that is unreliable in its operation from the perspective of us 4-D meatheads. cn

3 Pounds of Weeden

Active Member
You guys should check out the works of Terrance Mckenna. I'm sure you guys may know of him already, but i'm just starting my journey to find my way and try to make as much sense of this life as I can. I have yet to participate in Psychedelics, I have some mushrooms I've been sitting on for a year now just trying to find the perfect time. All/most of what you guys talked about seem spiritual to an extent and I hope I can have these same experiences. Just my 2c


Ursus marijanus
It's been a while, and how does one jam the infinity of meanings that accompany a psychedelic event into the straitjacket of the written word?

The context is provided by one of my journeys into the K-hole. To do this, i favored smoking the base. I learned very quickly that this does not work in an ordinary pipe; ketamine base likes to scorch. A meth-type pipe was improvised and found good. A typical K run would involve a first dose of 40 mg, followed by the second stage at 80 mg taken just as soon as I could recognize the pipe after the 40.

The ride after the 80 would be a quick immersion into the inner mysteries of K, where I sometimes got the impression of being "outside" the universe, inspecting its seamy underside through the beautiful but diversionary spray of day-glo bamboo leaves or othr linear features.

So this one time, the K-hole vision opened up on a (time) and (place) where I witnessed a vast great cone of pitch-black potentiality impinging upon an endless anvil of flat-black unbeing. At the precise point of contact was a blinding starburst of beyond-white, and this was the source of all existence, continuity, meaning. Without visual cues, but with the strange compelling dreamlike and yet somehow narrative qualities of dissociant ideation, I could not tell if the scale were cosmic (if galaxies were snowflakes, the cone-and-anvil would be a mountain touching the belly of clouds) or subnucleonic (one in every lepton).
I could also not tell if the timescale were cosmic (a look back on the jumper cables of the Big Bang) or immediate (the necessary expenditure of something other than energy to bind the ongoing universe to "the real").
But the sensation of having been shown something privileged stayed with me even after the drug dissipated. cn


Ursus marijanus
So you think it was a privilege to be able to experience what you did? And if so, by whom?
It felt like a privilege, but i am accustomed to such sensations with the entheogens, of which the psychedelics are the premier class. It doesn't mean I believe as a consequence that I contacted/was contacted by an actual Other. Jmo. cn


Well-Known Member
Wow man, that sounds pretty.. Sounds like shit got real. As one would say. haha

The thing is.. Do you think. Well, what did you gain from this experience?