
Well-Known Member
Just read through your journal man, great work! I have a dual pc set up that I just got up and running, with v12's help -he truly is the pc growing god. I have been thinking of testing the waters of hydo once I get the hang of soil and appropriate funds. I am sub'd and can't wait to see your end results! Keep up the good work.



Well-Known Member
Just read through your journal man, great work! I have a dual pc set up that I just got up and running, with v12's help -he truly is the pc growing god. I have been thinking of testing the waters of hydo once I get the hang of soil and appropriate funds. I am sub'd and can't wait to see your end results! Keep up the good work.


thanks dude ill check out your grow tonight. gotta run to the office



Well-Known Member
DAY 37

Plant Stage: flower week2
Light Cycle: 12/12
Lights: 1 125w cfl
Medium: Rockwool & hydroton
Ferts: Flora nove bloom, 225ppm and humboldts county bushmaster
Strain: Bagseed and tarragon, type of seasoning

whats happenin everyone,

quick update. she has had bushmaster int he res for 3 days now. i am seeing results and vert growth has all but stopped. i did have to tie her down until i got the bushmaster in her system. so here is a few pics. tonight i will do a full res change and put 225 of grow and bloom nutes just because she had no nutes for the last few days while soaking up the bushmaster. she is starting to smell a little. here's a few pics of the filter i got and the bushmaster and some of the lady. i still haven't named her, she is a reggs seed. and a few pics of an 8th i picked up lastnight. not sure of the strain but tastes fruity.

does anyone think that the top bud is to close to the light?





Well-Known Member
semi update

just mixed up a new gallon of water.

275 ppm of flora nova bloom
50ppm of flora nova grow
1.2ml of humboldts bushmaster
all ph'd to 5.7

will do res change when lights come on. i peeked earlier and noticed she had grown into the heat shield so thought id use another dose of bushmaster.

peace guys


Well-Known Member
Lookin good CT! As long as the top is not touching the light your fine. CFL's do not burn till they touch and if you have the plexi glass in there your all set. That is a beaut of an eighth, where did you get it from -are you running dual cases too?

'Till next time, keep up the good work mate!

PS can you get a pic of how your using that carbon filer? i would appreciate it, cuz I have not had a smell problem yet and I was just going to attach a few fabric softeners to the back of my exhaust fan. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
yo x

the filter i bought is liek a sheet, i have 2 layers duct taped together alone the edges then those egdes are taped to the top of the case. temps rise to 82 this way so im not sure if i will keep doing it. more than likely get an ona block and use one carbon sheet. got the bud from my "guy" ha not sure of the strain.



Well-Known Member
DAY 39

Plant Stage: flower day15
Light Cycle: 12/12
Lights: 1 125w cfl
Medium: Rockwool & hydroton
Ferts: Flora nove bloom 225ppm, Flora nova grow 50ppm, and 1.2ml humboldt county's bushmaster
Strain: Bagseed

ok so not really an update. i just got the days right with what day it is on flowering. sorry if that didnt make sense, pretty medicated. vert growth seems to have stopped and will change res on monday or tuesday and get a decent amounts of nutes in her. here's a few pics some are better than others so bare with me here.


comment away



Well-Known Member
what up toke,

man to be honest i just wanted to give it a shot. when i bought the case it came with the hydro tub. so i thought why not. more than likely i will go back to soil for the next grows.

thanks for the kind words.

peace bro


Well-Known Member
freakin nice man, ive been watching your grow. little to much work for my lifestyle though. if that made sense lol i'm in outside sales and not home alot so. i think for me soil is safer lol. thanks for the pics man they are beautiful



Well-Known Member
Hey ct, about to post up the pics in my journal but just wanted to stop by and ask why you are thinking about going back to soil? Was thinking about hydoing out both my pcs end of August.



Well-Known Member
what up x

well been thinking of soil for next grows just because i feel more comfortable with it and i am in outside sales so my schedule can be a little hectic. hydro needs more attention than soil. so thats pretty much my reason fo wanting to switch back. the growth was fast and vigorous with hydro which i thought was really cool. we'll see just depends on how this grow goes.



Well-Known Member
hey guys

so hopefully tonight or tomorrow i will have a full update with pics. hang in there been flowering for 3 weeks 1 day.



Well-Known Member
Can't wait to see. I, too, should have an update coming tonight. Also, I got those pics you wanted up on my last update :)



Well-Known Member
DAY 47

Plant Stage: flower day 30
Light Cycle: 12/12
Lights: 1 125w cfl
Medium: Rockwool & hydroton
Ferts: Flora nove bloom, 300ish ppm and flora nove grow 150 ppm
Strain: Bagseed

hey guys,

so its been a lil over a week since last update. i have had to tie her down a little more. she is starting to show signs that she needs more nitrogen in a few of the larger fan leaves. i did a complete res change. ph'd the water to 4.5 then added around 300ppm worth of bloom and 150ish ppm of grow to get her green again on the lower leaves. buds are starting to fill in nicely. However, there is no trichome production that i have seen. she really doesnt smell either, at least not from the buds. i can rub the stem and have my fingers smell but other than that i have an ona block in there and its doing the job, even though she doesnt smell lol. the leaves look a little silly since she is a tad restricted in the case so they are kinda bent down. also here is a pic of some lemon i picked up that had seeds in it. i got 9 mature seeds out of an 8th and will save those for a future grow.

anyways time for pics. comments/suggestions for the case or anything feel free to leave em, as well as rep if you like haha

CIMG3535.jpgCIMG3534.jpgCIMG3537.jpgCIMG3533.jpgCIMG3536.jpgseeded lemon.jpgseeded lemon1.jpg



Well-Known Member

God bless man, your stuff puts mine to shame! Looking amazing broski. I would like to see your soil grow, but honestly this little lady is starting to really come together. Congrats on the lemon seeds too mate. I should have an update tonight too.
