
Active Member
oh yea i was meaning to ask you. how did the sheets work out for you? How much and where did you get them?


Well-Known Member
the sheets are working pretty well. i have an ona block in there. if i double stackt he sheets together it restricts air flow so one sheet with the ona is good so far. really don't have much smell anyways. i got them at ace hardware. i think it was like 10 or 11 bucks for the box. i took pics of the sheets a ouple pages back if you need the name or anything.



Active Member
ya thanks alot! i seen the pics. i'll take a look into it when my babies start to smell there are only their 2 week into flowering anyways no smell at all just the smell of trim lol


Well-Known Member
yo couple of questions.

day 51 flower day 34

lower leaves are yellowing and roots have slimey brown stuff on em. and thats my snake ha

any input is greatly appreciated.




Active Member
looking real good. do some research on root rot. I dont know anything about hydro so im not much help in that area


Active Member
how much h2o2 per gallon you think? or just straight dose to the roots? i dunno lol
I dont know for sure....but I think I read somewhere 5 mls per gallon!! every 48 hrs... Not sure though. If you can decrease your res temperature and make sure NO light is getting in, that will help alot too.

Good luck man!


Well-Known Member
thanks guys

yo cab i started a thread in the plant problems section. found a real good thread that i copy pasted the link. have hopefully treated the problem.



Well-Known Member
Crazytrain, sweet pc grow man, I would have never thought hydro in a pc! Thanks to u and v12 and phase and the other pc growers, I have found my way into one, plus my other cab was in my garage and the heat was too much!!

Would you explain to me how this DWC works? I have been thinking about it since I seen your grow, and it looks simple: pump to airstone, which is in water, net cups and medium for net cups, run pump, water, drain and refill res occasionally. Is that it? Oh, ph, big deal, ph. Good tester!

U have had nice growth in your setup, and thanks for any info u can provide!


Well-Known Member
Crazytrain, sweet pc grow man, I would have never thought hydro in a pc! Thanks to u and v12 and phase and the other pc growers, I have found my way into one, plus my other cab was in my garage and the heat was too much!!

Would you explain to me how this DWC works? I have been thinking about it since I seen your grow, and it looks simple: pump to airstone, which is in water, net cups and medium for net cups, run pump, water, drain and refill res occasionally. Is that it? Oh, ph, big deal, ph. Good tester!

U have had nice growth in your setup, and thanks for any info u can provide!
whats happenin dude

thanks for stoppin by. yea man you basically answered your question haha. i check ph, res level, and give a good look over everyday. i'm thinkin soil next go roound just so i dont have to constantly have to check the ph and deal with res levels and mixing nutes like every 4 days lol. its been a good learning experience.

do you have anything growing atm?

peace buddy


Well-Known Member
a seedling, i dont have any grow journal at the moment. i just built my pc and it has 104 watts of cfl.


Well-Known Member
DAY 59

Plant Stage: flower day 42
Light Cycle: 12/12
Lights: 1 125w cfl
Medium: Rockwool & hydroton
Strain: Bagseed

hows it going everyone. today is day 42 of flowering. stull plumping up. no brown hairs yet. i have done extensive cleaning of the roots with h202 a few days back. i was getting some brown algea or some kind of slimey stuff. i also added a frozen quart bottle of water to the res to lower res temps. other than that everything is going well.

how much longer do yall think? i'm thinking 3ish weeks maybe 4.

i ask because i am leaving for africa on july 30th for a 2 week hunting trip so i'm teaching my gf a little everynight in case it is ready while i am gone.

picture time.

pic 1- roots
pic 2-main cola
pic 3 & 4 side views
pic 5 above view
pic 6 side cola
pic 7 lower popcorn nug, pretty airy.
pic 8-stoner pupp


stay high



Well-Known Member
Lookin good crazytrain! What you thinking for final yield, 20 grams or so? Can't wait for mine to get that big??