Create your Own NWO Conspiracy Theory: Research Challenge


New Member
Lets Play a game - Create your own NWO conspiracy Theory...The Rules:

1. If you want to present a challenge simply start your post with "(CHALLENGE)"


(Challenge: Associated Press) Bet you can't get this one
2. If you want to answer a challenge start your post with (NWO CONSPIRACY). You must connect the challenge loosely or even directly with the NWO or Globalism, You must use wikipedia:


(NWO Conspiracy: Associated Press)

Associated Press merged with United Press Interenational(

which was founded by New World Communications(

which was founded by Unification Church, A south Korean church (,

the church was founded by SUn Myung Moon( and follows Unification theology.

List of Unification Church Affiliated organizations (
  • International Highway Project[SUP][13][/SUP]
  • World Summit of Leadership and Governance[SUP][16][/SUP]
This can be a very easy and fun game, You can pretty much loosely associate just about anything with anything so lets get crackin....

The most important rule of all is you must use wikipedia or drudge or something credible, NO USING INFOWARS OR PRISONPLANET OR SOME SHIT! And no mainstream media Junk! Make your own original Conspiracy theories only!

For each challenge you complete I will award you with +REP If I am able to, more Importantly you will score 1 point. on Febuary 19th the game is over and whoever has the most points wins your choice a handfull of seed of my F3 Blue Light Special (Blue Mystic x NL) (usually horrible yield and a shitty plant but the smokes is usually good) or 3 crisp 1$ bills.

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
deprave is part of a psychiatric early release experiment. I contend that no evidence is needed because it is self-evident.

I think the Bilderbergers are in on it.