• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Creationists Are Dumb.


Well-Known Member
I can see that I have been misunderstood...so FUCK GOD...but you cant just dismiss it because you dont like it...I dont like it, God that is, and I accept evolution....but as I have no proof either way it remains an option to be considered...anyway my point is made and it was only meant to do what it did....demonstrate that no explanation to an unknown can be dismissed as ludicrous and some more banter to masturbate my mind

I appreciate your points. The reason god get's dismissed isn't just because we don't like it, but because it has no valid evidence, no real plausibility, and can not be falsified. At that point it becomes a waste of time, dismissible. The burden of proof falls to the party making the claim. When presented with sufficient evidence, any good scientist would have no choice but to accept creationism.

Plus don't forget good ole Occams' razor... Why entertain an explanation which is NOTHING but assumptions when evolution makes it unnecessary. It is as big of a waste of time as trying to find an alternate explanation of why my pencil falls to the ground when it rolls off my desk.


New Member
Thank you H...And I really admire your sig....

Take care my friends...I admire your intellects and learn much from all of you...the reason I am on this forum is to learn so again thank you all... especially Heis,, Mind, 420 and Guy



New Member
Except the beginning actually exists[ and we might figure it out some day. Just because something is a theory doesn't mean it's useless. Evolution is a theory. A damn good one.
Helluva a statement there friend...what proof do you have that a beginning exists? That is a quite a leap... just as big as saying there's a god

And I am not saying there is a god nor do I believe in god or gods

But it seems that many hold to that human reason is supreme; or science; or intellect

And intellect is their god or reason is their god and or science

Hence there can't be anything superior to their gods, reason, intellect, and or science

Therefore the ideas of a superior being or even beings go out the window as they are the threat to the gods of intellect reason and or science

That is what I observe and this thread gives merit to my observation

That is all...have an awesome existence with whatever fits you...that's what matters



Well-Known Member
Helluva a statement there friend...what proof do you have that a beginning exists? That is a quite a leap... just as big as saying there's a god

And I am not saying there is a god nor do I believe in god or gods

But it seems that many hold to that human reason is supreme; or science; or intellect

And intellect is their god or reason is their god and or science

Hence there can't be anything superior to their gods, reason, intellect, and or science

Therefore the ideas of a superior being or even beings go out the window as they are the threat to the gods of intellect reason and or science

That is what I observe and this thread gives merit to my observation

That is all...have an awesome existence with whatever fits you...that's what matters

This is how I see it. There is only one truth, one reality. Even if we can never be aware of it all, it still exists. Gravity would work the same way whether we understood it or not. If the planet was completely void of intellect, the laws of thermodynamics would still remain. So no matter what we may or may not believe and understand, there is always the truth; reality, which is not subject to change.

We as humans have tools to help us see that truth. Those tools are intellect and reason among other things. Science is just a way of systematically testing reality and then applying reason to the results. The scientific method has a strict set of rules that must be followed, because rather than intellect and reason being godlike, they are quite prone to mistakes. Science recognizes and tries to correct for that. So science is a system designed to help us get to the truth while being very careful of mistakes. Once science gets a result, it tests it again and again to see if the result is replicable. Science tries it best to falsify the result, and after exhaustively getting a consistent result over and over in different ways, we then believe it.

A relevant example of this at work, though it's on a bigger scale, is the question of the age of the universe. When geologists test material using potassium argon dating, they find the universe is about 14 billion years old. When astronomers, a completely different branch of science, look at the edge of the observable universe and calculate the distance light has had to travel to reach us, guess what number they get...14 billion. Two independent branches of science getting the same result with very different methods of testing.

It can be said that I have faith in science, but it is a very different type of faith. In fact it is the direct opposite of faith in the divine. Those who have faith in god do so despite a complete lack of evidence. Those who have faith in science do so because of consistent, replicable results.

BTW ty for the compliment


New Member
And thank you H...always the gentleman and scholar....Hats off to you my friend...not to mention the gift of enlightening minds with and to truth


guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I can see that I have been misunderstood...so FUCK GOD...but you cant just dismiss it because you dont like it...I dont like it, God that is, and I accept evolution....but as I have no proof either way it remains an option to be considered...anyway my point is made and it was only meant to do what it did....demonstrate that no explanation to an unknown can be dismissed as ludicrous and some more banter to masturbate my mind

I'm dismissing it for entirely different reasons than I don't like it. It doesn't make sense, nor does it solve the question at hand. In fact it raises even further questions.

To say there is no proof either way is not entirely correct either. That's like if I invent some crazy concept that is completely unverifiable, then saying each side has an equal chance of being right because I don't have any hard evidence either way is ludicrous.

There is a rogue band of gangster mermaids living in the pacific ocean. What evidence do I have for this? Nothing other than I believe in my heart of hearts it to be true. But what evidence AGAINST it do you have? Ahah! It must be reasonable to entertain the idea that this is right then? You have no evidence against it so it must be possible.

If anyone believed in my gangster mermaids (which have never been seen other than this ancient book which recounts encounters with them) you would think, rightfully so, that they should be segregated from society and locked away for being BAT SHIT CRAZY.


Well-Known Member
Russell's Teapot

If I were to suggest that between the Earth and Mars there is a china teapot revolving about the sun in an elliptical orbit, nobody would be able to disprove my assertion provided I were careful to add that the teapot is too small to be revealed even by our most powerful telescopes. But if I were to go on to say that, since my assertion cannot be disproved, it is an intolerable presumption on the part of human reason to doubt it, I should rightly be thought to be talking nonsense. If, however, the existence of such a teapot were affirmed in ancient books, taught as the sacred truth every Sunday, and instilled into the minds of children at school, hesitation to believe in its existence would become a mark of eccentricity and entitle the doubter to the attentions of the psychiatrist in an enlightened age or of the Inquisitor in an earlier time.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russell%27s_teapot#cite_note-0
- Bertrand Russell


New Member
Neither can I accept your beginning...but then again I am BAT SHIT CRAZY!! Guano is amazing shit...literally!:twisted:

But I really do appreciate your insight....

Thanks Guy


guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Helluva a statement there friend...what proof do you have that a beginning exists? That is a quite a leap... just as big as saying there's a god

And I am not saying there is a god nor do I believe in god or gods

But it seems that many hold to that human reason is supreme; or science; or intellect

And intellect is their god or reason is their god and or science

Hence there can't be anything superior to their gods, reason, intellect, and or science

Therefore the ideas of a superior being or even beings go out the window as they are the threat to the gods of intellect reason and or science

That is what I observe and this thread gives merit to my observation

That is all...have an awesome existence with whatever fits you...that's what matters

Again you miss the point completely. I don't "throw out the idea of a supreme being" because that would be a threat to science. No one does. That would be as big a mistake as blindly accepting that god does exist and created everything. God could potentially be a threat to science as his powers would transcend science, logic, and all physical laws as we know them. But that's not the case. We have tested the laws of the universe as we know them, and they agree 100% of the time, NEVER a single exception. If there was an exception it's because we didn't understand how it actually worked, and we revised our theories. I am confident we will never, ever, ever defy those laws, especially the ones that have been verified countless times.

What proof do I have that a beginning exists? Well I guess it depends on the semantics and exactly how you define it. The idea that time and space and everything in the universe has always existed doesn't make any sense to me. The same way i've been told by my parents and pastor that god always existed. He just did. Forever and for eternity. Go back in time an infinite distance, and there is god, existing as he has for an infinite length of time before that. The idea just doesn't add up.

So what happened before the big bang? I don't know, and neither do you. Does "before" the big bang even exist? Or did time itself begin at the big bang? Again, I don't know. For all practical purposes I think it's safe to assume the big bang was the beginning of our entire universe as we know it. It's useless to speculate what happened before that until we have some way to test or find evidence of something before (whatever that means in this context) the bang. If and when evidence comes up that time and/or anything existed before the big bang I will gladly accept it.


Well-Known Member
Saying the earth was created by some spiritual being is like saying catholic priests don't touch little boys. Ok all you Catholics bash away...


Global Moderator
Staff member
Saying the earth was created by some spiritual being is like saying catholic priests don't touch little boys. Ok all you Catholics bash away...
Some come to this forum for mature intellectual exchange of opinions, other to troll hate.
It's not a big stretch to see that you fall into the latter category.



Well-Known Member
Helluva a statement there friend...what proof do you have that a beginning exists? That is a quite a leap... just as big as saying there's a god

And I am not saying there is a god nor do I believe in god or gods

But it seems that many hold to that human reason is supreme; or science; or intellect

And intellect is their god or reason is their god and or science

Hence there can't be anything superior to their gods, reason, intellect, and or science

Therefore the ideas of a superior being or even beings go out the window as they are the threat to the gods of intellect reason and or science

That is what I observe and this thread gives merit to my observation

That is all...have an awesome existence with whatever fits you...that's what matters

"As science advances, there seems to be less and less for God to do. It's a big universe, of course, so He, She, or It, could be profitably employed in many places. But what has clearly been happening is that evolving before our eyes has been a God of the Gaps; that is, whatever it is we cannot explain lately is attributed to God. And then after a while, we explain it, and so that's no longer God's realm."
— Carl Sagan (The Varieties of Scientific Experience: A Personal View of the Search for God)

"One of the reasons for its success is that science has a built-in, error-correcting machinery at its very heart. Some may consider this an overbroad characterization, but to me every time we exercise self-criticism, every time we test our ideas against the outside world, we are doing science. When we are self-indulgent and uncritical, when we confuse hopes and facts, we slide into pseudoscience and superstition."
— Carl Sagan (The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark)


Active Member

we humans with our meager understanding of science have been able to create all manner of strange living things. take your fresh and fruity pinapple chunk/freak expresstraintoenlightenmentwrekage. is it so far fetched to consider that perhaps something with an even better scientific understanding created man?

and where do fruit flies come from? leave a beer out, and boom fruit flies? perhaps DNA is spontaneous, perhaps life is everywhere, and manifests itself, when the conditions are right.

i think everyone already know that Christianity if fuck'd, can we move on? evolve our thinking past what previous notions of creation may have implied?


Active Member
This is my first time I stumble upon talks of creation in here, I don't get to check in that often. I appreciate that an open exchange of ideas and opinions exist here, but some have taken a closed and condescending approach to their presentations. I never believed in a god as a kid. I was raised Catholic, went to church, and read the good book. To this day I find the parables quite interesting, especially the story of creation. I was into mythologies and stories that explained the existence of everything else. I placed all stories learned in the same category; fiction. It just never occurred to me, after we stopped being religious, that people actually believed in what they read in the Testaments.
For a while as a young teen I found myself in a weird position where I thought everyone around me was absolutely insane. I got older, met people who were atheist, and found out that I was atheist as well. I called myself atheist, until I realized that atheist is defined as: the theory or belief that God does not exist.
I have always had an immense passion for the sciences. I consider myself a man of science and I live my life with respect to scientific laws and theories. The best part about the sciences are the theories! It offers us something to examine, and we love to examine shit. It offers us possibility of discovery, new intelligence, and to an extent, adventure. We love that shit too!
I can agree with the agnostic perspective, that nothing can be known of a god or creator that is beyond the material world. The existence of a god is not important to science right now (although it may be argued it is important to science's existence). What is most important is understanding the world and all of its organisms and processes.
Deists believe in a supreme being that does not intervene in life at all. Again, these things can not be examined at this stage in our intelligence. I like the god concept sometimes, and sometimes I don't.
Then there are those who believe the Ancient Astronaut Theory answers all of these questions. History, closely examined, solving the riddles of ancient texts. Subscribers to this theory are few. I love this idea because it presents a new universe of thought, but it doesn't make any of it "real" or viable. I won't argue it either way.
Then there is human experience, consciousness, and death. We know we will die and it is a very scary prospect for many. We have no idea what will happen after we die. We dream when we sleep, sometimes when we're knocked out unconscious. When we die we can assume that our dreams will kick in, but we dream because of our brain. When our brain is kept off the Oxygen long enough, blood stops flowing, brain rots and decays, then die too will those dreams. Consciousness will not exist, you will not exist. But you only know how it is to exist, you can't fathom not existing. So we may delude ourselves in order to accept this natural process of life. We will be recycled into parts that we can't see, that will not be a housing for a conscious. Or maybe your consciousness won't die, maybe somehow you will continue to exist in some unknown incomprehensible fashion.
I've come to appreciate tradition and religions. It offers people solace, so why would I be such an a-hole to fuck this up for them? I know that religions have been exploited for use in war, genocide, and other sick acts, but it does not speak to the merits of the individual follower. The person looking for consistency and peace with his or her own life. Peace with his or her inevitable death, and the fading of his/her consciousness into the utterly unknown.

I love you guys for discussing this in an intelligent and civilized manner. And remember we all love this earth, that's something we have in common. Now back to my bubba kush meds, humans need their rest. ;-)


Well-Known Member
I loved Sagan...was shocked when he became a god believer though

You are wise and knowledgeable in the best of ways ... As are you GWN

This is a myth that is often perpetrated by creationist. They like to say that some of the most famous atheists changed their mind on their death bed. I often hear this about Darwin himself. Truth is, Darwin and Sagan both went to the grave non-believers.

When my husband died, because he was so famous and known for not being a believer, many people would come up to me—it still sometimes happens—and ask me if Carl changed at the end and converted to a belief in an afterlife. They also frequently ask me if I think I will see him again. Carl faced his death with unflagging courage and never sought refuge in illusions. The tragedy was that we knew we would never see each other again. I don't ever expect to be reunited with Carl.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Sagan#cite_note-39
- Ann Druyan


Well-Known Member

we humans with our meager understanding of science have been able to create all manner of strange living things.

is it so far fetched to consider that perhaps something with an even better scientific understanding created man?

and where do fruit flies come from? leave a beer out, and boom fruit flies? perhaps DNA is spontaneous, perhaps life is everywhere, and manifests itself, when the conditions are right.

i think everyone already know that Christianity if fuck'd, can we move on? evolve our thinking past what previous notions of creation may have implied?
Humans understand science just fine, it is reality that we hope to better understand, through science.

It is not ridiculous to wonder if we may have been created by something. What is ridiculous is believing in an explanation without any evidence.

Fruit flies come from other flies. This simple explanation removes the need for something like spontaneous generation, which has no plausibility, and not been observed to happen. Saying something like "when the conditions are right" opens the door for special pleading. Understand that your explanation itself is a fine place to start. You observed an event and made a guess at what happened, like many before you. However when you move onto the next step, controlled testing, you find no evidence of spontaneous generation. With no support, you must abandon the explanation and start over.

This is what Darwin did. He made a guess and tested it. Turns out that he found loads of evidence which many, many others have confirmed since then.

It's natural to wonder these things, and one of the reasons the scientific method was developed, since the human mind is fallible.


New Member
This is a myth that is often perpetrated by creationist. They like to say that some of the most famous atheists changed their mind on their death bed. I often hear this about Darwin himself. Truth is, Darwin and Sagan both went to the grave non-believers.

- Ann Druyan
Well thank god for that..:fire:..A bit of humor... but I am glad you cleared that for me....I was bummed about it more than I realized evidentially as I blindly accepted it which is really quite not my nature



Well-Known Member
"As science advances, there seems to be less and less for God to do. It's a big universe, of course, so He, She, or It, could be profitably employed in many places. But what has clearly been happening is that evolving before our eyes has been a God of the Gaps; that is, whatever it is we cannot explain lately is attributed to God. And then after a while, we explain it, and so that's no longer God's realm."
— Carl Sagan (The Varieties of Scientific Experience: A Personal View of the Search for God)

"One of the reasons for its success is that science has a built-in, error-correcting machinery at its very heart. Some may consider this an overbroad characterization, but to me every time we exercise self-criticism, every time we test our ideas against the outside world, we are doing science. When we are self-indulgent and uncritical, when we confuse hopes and facts, we slide into pseudoscience and superstition."
— Carl Sagan (The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark)

carl is my god... lol

I have seen every episode of cosmos... it never fails to just blow your mind..

through the wormhole with morgan freeman is pretty good too, like a modern cosmos, but with morgan freeman.

I didn't know that carl sagan wrote the novel "contact" and that they made that movie based off it...