This is my first time I stumble upon talks of creation in here, I don't get to check in that often. I appreciate that an open exchange of ideas and opinions exist here, but some have taken a closed and condescending approach to their presentations. I never believed in a god as a kid. I was raised Catholic, went to church, and read the good book. To this day I find the parables quite interesting, especially the story of creation. I was into mythologies and stories that explained the existence of everything else. I placed all stories learned in the same category; fiction. It just never occurred to me, after we stopped being religious, that people actually believed in what they read in the Testaments.
For a while as a young teen I found myself in a weird position where I thought everyone around me was absolutely insane. I got older, met people who were atheist, and found out that I was atheist as well. I called myself atheist, until I realized that atheist is defined as: the theory or belief that God does not exist.
I have always had an immense passion for the sciences. I consider myself a man of science and I live my life with respect to scientific laws and theories. The best part about the sciences are the theories! It offers us something to examine, and we love to examine shit. It offers us possibility of discovery, new intelligence, and to an extent, adventure. We love that shit too!
I can agree with the agnostic perspective, that nothing can be known of a god or creator that is beyond the material world. The existence of a god is not important to science right now (although it may be argued it is important to science's existence). What is most important is understanding the world and all of its organisms and processes.
Deists believe in a supreme being that does not intervene in life at all. Again, these things can not be examined at this stage in our intelligence. I like the god concept sometimes, and sometimes I don't.
Then there are those who believe the Ancient Astronaut Theory answers all of these questions. History, closely examined, solving the riddles of ancient texts. Subscribers to this theory are few. I love this idea because it presents a new universe of thought, but it doesn't make any of it "real" or viable. I won't argue it either way.
Then there is human experience, consciousness, and death. We know we will die and it is a very scary prospect for many. We have no idea what will happen after we die. We dream when we sleep, sometimes when we're knocked out unconscious. When we die we can assume that our dreams will kick in, but we dream because of our brain. When our brain is kept off the Oxygen long enough, blood stops flowing, brain rots and decays, then die too will those dreams. Consciousness will not exist, you will not exist. But you only know how it is to exist, you can't fathom not existing. So we may delude ourselves in order to accept this natural process of life. We will be recycled into parts that we can't see, that will not be a housing for a conscious. Or maybe your consciousness won't die, maybe somehow you will continue to exist in some unknown incomprehensible fashion.
I've come to appreciate tradition and religions. It offers people solace, so why would I be such an a-hole to fuck this up for them? I know that religions have been exploited for use in war, genocide, and other sick acts, but it does not speak to the merits of the individual follower. The person looking for consistency and peace with his or her own life. Peace with his or her inevitable death, and the fading of his/her consciousness into the utterly unknown.
I love you guys for discussing this in an intelligent and civilized manner. And remember we all love this earth, that's something we have in common. Now back to my bubba kush meds, humans need their rest.