So I've been working at the same place for a little over 2 years, and this lady has been coming there pretty often since I started, she's like a regular customer... About a year ago she started sort of coming onto me and became extremely flirtatious and I felt really uncomfortable from the beginning... She's more than twice my age and older than my mom, and has a son a year younger than me! So one day after the usual shit she gave me her phone number and told me I should come over and get in the hot tub. (wtf?!) - that was like 4 or 5 months ago... Ever since then I've been trying to avoid her, every time she comes in she asks for me, every time I'm there I tell other coworkers to handle her because I don't want to even look at her the situation has become so awkward. She's started using this tactic that traps me into having to talk to her, the shit is so annoying.
So what kind of advice do you have for this unusual situation?
So what kind of advice do you have for this unusual situation?