Critical Skunk Grow Journal


Active Member
I actually started this thread on the MNS forum of Mr. Nice Seeds but it is down for some time now and I have the feeling it'll stay down for quite some time to come.

I see little information is available on the Critical Skunk strain so I like to share my experiences. I will keep you informed from germination to first commercial harvest which will be either end of November, if I can get sufficient cuttings from the mother plants I'm gonna grow, or end of January.

Currently I'm growing White Widow and even with temperatures of around 31 degrees Celsius both day and night (I live in Spain) I do minimal 0,8 grams/Watt and when it's colder 1 gram/Watt under 2x 600 Watts regular Cooltubes. I plan on upgrading to professional reflectors and digital ballasts soon which should increase the yield at least another 10 to 20%.

My goal for the first Critical Skunk harvest is 1,25 grams/Watt which should be feasible if this plant is really a big harvester. I used Advanced Nutrients Grow Micro Bloom and Bud Candy, now I am trying Bud Ignitor, Rhino Skin, Connoisseur and Bud Factor X. I grow on a 80/20 mixture of Perlite and Vermiculite, 36 plants total, each plant 4 to 6 main buds. Because cleaning the substrate mixture every harvest is very time consuming, next harvest I'm gonna either use Coco or some new white substrate I forgot the name of (anybody know? available in bags and slabs).

A little over 3 weeks ago I put the 19 in stead of 18 seeds I received from Seedsman in a cup of distilled water for one night, then a day or two between some moist cottonwool and two dishes. All 19 seeds germinated and a week later I had 19 healthy little plants. I am using soil, Atami Light Mix.

Because I don't have the space and equipment to grow an additional 19 plants and their cuttings indoors, last week I put them outside under the Spanish sun and as soon they are large enough, and before they start flowering, I will make 2 cuttings of each plant which I will keep indoors. They are currently on my patio so that the neighbors can't see the artificial light I am using to extend the day from 14 to 16 hours to prevent them to start flowering already. I am using 2 20W 6400K CFL bulbs from Philips which will hopefully be enough.

Once I have the cuttings they go upstairs to my roof terrace and somewhere later in August I should be able to separate the males from females so if everything goes as expected I will have approx. 8 healthy female plants and 16 small plants from the cuttings I made earlier. At the end I will choose the best plant so 2 plants from the cuttings remain. With some luck these will be big enough to make 45 cuttings for my next grow or else I have to wait another 2 months.

Attached you will see my White Widow week 7 of 8, and the Critical Skunk plants from seedling up to today.

Also I am working on a modular climate control system that is extremely easy to use and can be managed from anywhere you are in the world with a web interface and I am looking for an investor. 40k initial, up to 100k euros short term credit for stock. Please PM me if you know someone. Thanks!

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Well-Known Member
Very nice...If all of that is from MNS you will be the toast of the town. MNS makes everything else seem like a fake Rolex.


Active Member
Not much to see except that they are doing very well and developing their first site branches so within a week I expect I can take the cuttings. I am feeding them Advanced Nutrients Mother Earth Grow.

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