Criticism only makes trump more powerful

Oh I agree whole-heartedly with the criticism of trump. It's a news agency's responsibility to point out his lies, in my opinion.

But it would seem, as this article points out, that the unwavering support of his base only solidifies with people's criticisms of trump.

Do they even watch news that is critical of trump? How do they get their information?
If it's explained to people in a way that is purely categorical fact it's difficult to disagree.

They might initially oppose it completely off hand but facts have a habit of wiggling in and are eventually accepted at a time and in a way that allows the person's pride to remain unscathed.

The ACA was a recent and I think quite blatant example of this.
Oh I agree whole-heartedly with the criticism of trump. It's a news agency's responsibility to point out his lies, in my opinion.

But it would seem, as this article points out, that the unwavering support of his base only solidifies with people's criticisms of trump.

Do they even watch news that is critical of trump? How do they get their information?

let's ask the few avowed trump supporters who have not run off like a bunch of pussies.


you guys both voted for trump, how do you guys get your news?

what's your opinion on his endless series of lies, such as "3-5 million illegal votes", "paid protestors", "obama wiretapped me", "my inauguration was the biggest", and "we never vetted flynn so we had no idea he was a compromised foreign agent"?

what do you think of him comparing mexican people and muslim people to "snakes" in his klan rally last night?

what do you think of him completely changing his position on NAFTA, china as a currency manipulator, his claim that he would insure everyone, not touch medicare, and countless other flip flops?

what do you think of his complete incompetence and inability to even issue an executive order without the courts striking it down as unconstitutional?

and what are the odds that you cowards just slink off to the corner and hide, retreating to your blanket of racist beliefs and conspiracy theories of persecution against white "men" such as yourselves?
Take it however you like.
BTW I served our country for 24 years, saved many lives in the Cuban exodus in the 80's (for one).
What have you done?
