CTV viewers demand Vancouver close Robson Square illegal drug market


Well-Known Member




Ross McLaughlin and Sandra Hermiston, CTV Vancouver
Published Thursday, January 18, 2018 6:00AM PST
Last Updated Thursday, January 18, 2018 6:56PM PST
The image the City of Vancouver had for Robson Square as an idyllic public space for families to gather and enjoy music and watch buskers has long disappeared and been replaced by illegal pot vendors selling their goods.

“It’s a joke,” said Charles Gauthier, president of the Downtown Vancouver Business Improvement Association. "It's not family-friendly. I mean, we used to have tables and chairs here in this space."

His organization originally supported closing down traffic on Robson Street to open a public square, but what he sees now disgusts him.

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The proposed sketch of what Robson Square was supposed to look like, and some of the pot vendors who now occupy the area daily. (CTV)

On any given day, you can watch fights break out, watch as teens try to gain access to marijuana and pot sellers try to take justice into their own hands by threatening and intimidating those who try to disrupt their trade.

It started out with a handful of tents and tables. On some days, you can now see up to a dozen or more illegal weed vendors pushing their product.

Food truck operators who pay the city to be in the square and play by the rules have had enough and feel like they’re being squeezed out.

“It's like you're a deer and your surrounded by wolves. It is and they're all nipping at you," Allister Fitsgerald told CTV News standing beside the Sauzzy Thai food truck that he and his wife operate in the square.

The city says it issues two warnings to the vendors before handing out $1,000 fines.

"Enforcement is our last resort and we try to work with them and, largely, over the last year it's been fairly successful," said Jerry Dobrovolny, chief engineer and general manager of engineering services.

It’s not working. The city does have the right to seize the pot and marijuana edibles, but that hasn’t happened.

“I think they should seize right away. Why give a warning?" Gauthier pointed out.

“I'm not impressed with it. I see it every time I come through here now,” said one longtime West End resident as she walked through the square.

We invited CTV viewers to weigh in as well.

Here are some of the comments we’ve received. We’ve taken out their email addresses and last names. We have not edited the content, so you may see some typos etc.:


Dear Sir - I suggest that your program tonight be called, "Three Billboards Outside Robson Square" with one billboard reading: "Chief Palmer, when are you going to do something?" Another one: "Mayor Robertson, Clear The Air In Robson Square" Another one: "You Haven't Done A Lot With The Pot"


Mr. Mclaughlin.

I am a retired police officer with over 35 years of service. I find it deplorable and a dereliction of duties by the Vancouver Police Department, in that they allow the open sale of drugs, not only to exist, but to allow it to go unimpeded without action. On July 18th, 2016 I sent a letter to Chief Palmer (attached) advising him of his oath of office under section 70 of the Police Act, where he swore to execute his duties honestly and impartially and failure to do so was a direct dereliction of his duties.

On July 24th, 2016, I received a response from Inspector Bruce Martin #1759 for Chief Palmer. In this e mail (attached) he goes on to explain that they are not in the position to do anything to stop the stores selling pot, due to Canada Federal Health guide lines. He goes on to make excuses as to why they could not do anything and eludes to priorities and so on and so on! The need for Medical Marijuana (which in itself is a joke) will all but disappear when it becomes legal, but until then it remains illegal and for the Mayor and City Officials to allow it continue borders on the City profiting from proceeds of Crime.

It is easy to stop this open selling of Marijuana in Vancouver. As it is being sold in the open, in a public place and in plain view, one does not need a warrant. Acting under Section 5 (1) and (2) of the Controlled Drugs And Substances Act, they should be arrested and charged with possession and possession for the purpose of trafficking. Their money ,drugs and property seized. They could be released on a Promise to Appear for a future court date with conditions not to possess any illegal substance or to attend the area of Downtown Vancouver. They treat the By-Law tickets as a joke, when they are actually breaking the law. Facing a criminal charge would not seem as such a joke and when the rest see what real enforcement is like the open selling of Marijuana will disappear. It is because of people in authority doing nothing over the last 40 to 50 years is why we now have a drug problem and with the upcoming legalization it is bound to get worse.


Dear Ross,

First of all, I want to thank you for all of your great reporting and the help you bring to so many!

I’ve been watching your coverage of the Robson Street pot sales and am so completely perplexed that I’m not even sure what to write. The fact that the Vancouver Police are not forcing shut downs of these illegal commercial pot sales is such a blatant injustice to the public and neglect of duty that I feel the city should be held legally responsible for any criminal and/or wrongful death suits that will inevitably arise from these unregulated, illegal drug sales.

Imagine a group doing the same thing with alcohol sales, tobacco sales, or even prescription drug sales. I’m sure the city would be sweeping in at lightning speed! And would the difference in their reaction be because those are revenue generating substances? It would be sad to think that the government doesn’t care much as long as they aren’t losing any tax payer dollars, but it sure looks that way from my perspective.

It all boils down to protecting the laws we have in place and prioritizing laws that protect public safety. And this is one gigantic threat to public safety! I sure hope the City of Vancouver isn’t waiting for someone to end up in hospital or even die before stepping up.

So happy you’re here to shine a light in dark places


So when Vancouver goes Green it means Cannabis Green?

What a disgrace that closed area behind the art gallery has turned into. Uncivil.


Hello, firstly, great reporting on this situation. I am very glad CTV does not turn a blind eye to this like other media does.

Now here's my questions;

- Why is the VPD chief not saying anything or responding to the concerns?

- If the city of Vancouver is essentially setting a precedent by saying that they don't really care if you sell without permits, what would stop others from trafficking other illicit drugs?

-If the police don't care about the selling of illegal drugs, does this mean it's okay for people to start selling hard drugs like cocaine and fentanyl at this open drug market?

-Why does the police not care at all even though they are breaking the laws?

-if people started selling alcohol at this public market, why would they be shut down so fast but not the same as drug??

- What if people started setting up shop and selling weed in front of schools? Would VPD also not act? Essentially they are sending the message that it's okay to do.


Hi Ross,

Re: your feature on the ongoing illegal pot market in Robson Square, I have just one thing to say to the mayor - Do your job and shut it down!

This is so ridiculous it's beyond words. They wouldn't allow a hot dog vendor to operate without a license.

Good work, guys.


I am appalled at the lack of enforcement of laws around the illegal sale of “pot” at Robson square.

If our law enforcement personal do not enforce the laws we are to abide by then we are headed for a lawless society.

Please keep up the good work in making this topic a priority.


Hello Ross

It would appear that both, those at Vancouver city hall, and the Vancouver police must be under a cannabis daze, acting as all users do, putting off what they should do today until tomorrow, whenever that is.

Best wishes, Richard

PS- just think, we can all LEGALLY delay life's important realities come the summer.

Thank You so very much for your coverage re the open market on Robson at which marijuana products are sold by unlicensed vendors and illegally! I cannot figure out how the City of Vancouver and VPD allow this to continue. With due respect to VPD I am also concerned re the calls for their service related to other illegal drug activity with some causing the spike in overdoses with some leading to death.

I do not understand safe injection sites and a CDC representative appearing before Vancouver City Council today to promote 'clean drug' vending machines.

Whether marijuana or opiods these products alter the user's cognitive (thoughts, reasoning, perception) abilities as does the use of alcohol...I haven't yet heard of advocates working to provide free to the user 'safe ride home' services for those impaired by their use of alcohol.

I am all too aware of the impact of not treating those with addictions. Dollar costs often speak when addressing such issues I have been unable to identify studies that quantify those costs though one cannot put a dollar amount on the human suffering of those struggling with addictions which are too often due to self-medicating to numb the suffering of untreated mental illness.

One cost which I think is an underestimated cost of not treating addictions, and untreated mental illness, is related to the impact on others. The impact instance I am most aware of is a result of a man who used heroin, stole a truck and 'nodded off' while driving it and rear ended the car I was driving when I had stopped at a red light. I did not know the human body could endure the crushing impact I recall. I regained consciousness hearing the sobs of our oldest son crying "You have killed our Mom." Police later told us that all 3 children (2 of our sons and a teammate of one who was in a baseball tournament with our son that w/e), despite wearing seat belts, would have been killed if I had been driving a hatch back rather than the solid car of which the frame did not crumple. I now have $4000.00 of titanium in my body with the implementation of that metal being through some of the many surgical procedures I have had as a result of the accident. Interestingly I have had doctors scold me saying I need to take pain medication more than I do as my various test results indicate I must be living with significant pain. I do have pain but prefer not to further damage my body through drugs such as the Oxycodone one doctor was so determined to have me take that he gave me some along with a prescription to fill for more. I was given Oxycodone once when I was virtually unable to move due to the pain movement caused. After taking one I was so 'stupefied' that when I came back to reality I asked my husband to take the prescription back to the pharmacy where he had the prescription filled so they could properly dispose of it.

On Monday the VP of our neighbourhood association and I will be meeting with our MLAs to advocate for accessible, effective treatment of mental illness and/or addictions and accessible, affordable housing. Since forming in 2005 we have had some remarkable successes. Please let me know if you have any studies which put a dollar cost to not treating mental illness & addictions. I mentioned we cannot quantify the suffering of those with untreated mental illness and/or addictions. We do have folks whose experiences we will speak to re this. We will also be meeting with our MP re the federal government responsibilities re accessible, affordable housing. Our last meetings with our MLAs and MP to advocate for the above mentioned were 2 years ago. I have spoken with Judy Darcy, Minister of Mental Health and Addictions, and shared our concerns with her.

Any information you can share, exceptional coverage you can offer will be greatly appreciated. We know we are speaking for many who cannot speak for themselves and know they too will be forever grateful for any effective treatment they can receive that will lead them to live lives free of the 'stranglehold' of untreated mental illness and/or addictions.


I don’t understand why the law-abiding public has to put up with this sort of thing. I don’t appreciate having to walk by this smelly chaos.

It now may become hazardous if they are attacking each other, and I do wonder how many under age kids have been successful in purchasing pot.

Show me a mayoral candidate who is willing to take this on and they will have my vote.


The comment you made about the police merely driving by slowly instead of stopping and assessing the situation.

The cops call that, FIDO

*uck It, Drive on.

This is what a skytrain PO once told me. I was telling him how I saw the cops do that very move when I pointed out a hooker that was hooking w an infant strapped to her back.

Quite pathetic.


Dear Mr. McLaughlin,

I have watched all your reports on CTV about the illegal sales at our new Robson walkway.

It is Awful.

It is not only terrible to have minors encouraged to use pot, it is terrible that people are getting away with putting up their stalls.

It is disgraceful for Vancouver to be seen as a city with such a lack of respect for law and order.

It is frightening for anyone who would like to walk through that part of town, and for local merchants.

Thank you for having the courage to go into that scene.

It is shocking that Mayor Robertson has not acted on changing this.

The problem has been going on too long.

If the vendors will not pay fines for selling without licenses, if they will not respect pedestrians, I believe they should be put in jail overnight.

Is there not enough space for them?

We have a beautiful city so this ugliness must be stopped before it spreads.


The block should never have closed off to buses and cars which angered many Westenders and seniors. Recently on a cruise to LA some American tourists were astounded at all the pot smoke on the streets of Vancouver. This is a disgrace and the Mayor should man up and clean up our “Green City” and not focus just on bike lanes. Let’s get civil! We need good morals in our elected leaders!


Robson square used to be a nice place to visit. Now it’s a *hithole.


I have watched all your stories about pot sellers in Robson Square: the illegal sellers must be stopped. They are there partly due to city hall not giving out business licenses to open dispensaries ... people will find away when the city fails ... we shouldn’t be surprised.

City Hall has failed to take a lead on this issue


Very disheartening that the cops/mayors not doing anything about the illegal sale of drugs in the very public Robson Square area. There seems to be this dope double standard. I can't trot down the street with a glass of wine nor should pple be smoking on the street but there seems to be a blind eye turned. AND see how fast you get shut down if you do an experiment and set up a little bar with alcohol for purchase on Robson. Why don't you try that on tv? See what happens?


1) recreational Marijuana is not legal in Canada at this time

2) they don’t have business licenses or permits to sell on the street

3) they do not report their sales or submit taxes to the CRA

4) they have been filmed repeatedly selling to minors

It’s simple, shut them down and confiscate all their belongings, and do it everyday if necessary.

From a frustrated law-abiding business owner who’s fed up with the double standards in this town!


I think it is just ludicrous that nothing has been about this it is totally illegal, they r breaking the law and should be arrested, charged and the pot seized. Anybody selling items on the street had to have a license why are they the exception. Time the city of Vancouver did something about it and soon.


Why is it they can sell edibles without a food safe certificate and a business license Those in charge are shucking their responsibilities and the cops are copping out with the statement we don’t have the resources . Moonbeam’s office has not stepped up and done their jobs for a very long time as they hire the very same police and issue licenses and permits for the city/ Time for change and time to take our city back



I've been following your story about the "open pot market" on Robson St and it's full of misleading information.

Why are you so bent on making it seem like it's a violent drug frenzy bent on getting kids high and beating them up?

The market is not perfect, I'll admit that. Not all of them take debit and you gotta take out cash. Ridiculous!

In all seriousness, tonight's story was ridiculous. Some dirt bag kid STOLE, and you completely take his side. If that happened at a gas station, I wouldn't be surprised if the same thing happened.

All your trying to do is make pot look evil to get views from uppity suburban moms. Instead of maybe looking at benefits of soon-to-be-legal drug.

Since when has CTV become so right-wing?

Switching over to Global.

I heard the story today and am looking forward to tomorrow’s story. I am incensed at the fact that there are up 5-10 pot dealers - not “vendors” taking up the space illegally. I have made several complaints to 311 and called the non-emery VPD and the community police — someone to help enforce the by-laws! I am a West Ender for 25 years now. As I walk through that plaza a few times a week, I wonder why this is not being nipped in the bud before legalization. I have thought about contacting your station since your so close to say “Am I the only one outraged?!” Last week as I went through I had to avoid a used needle in between 2 pot tables.

I use this plaza in the summer time. Its a public plaza. Even “brick and mortar” pot shops are supposed to adhere to proximity rules — and we know that they aren’t enforcing those shops to have a business license. I am an involved and concerned citizen about our public spaces and how they are to be used and this is not it. I didn’t vote for a public plaza like this. A few points: like mentioned in the trailer today for tomorrow - for any farmer's market or food trucks there are many permits and rules required for food safety. These vendors with their edibles have none. Are these things being investigated? What about liability if there were an overdose on edibles on City property because the VPD didn’t enforce the laws. I have seen the VPD around the food trucks and not bothering with these pot vendors.

If you can’t drink liquor under the age of 19 and not in public spaces why is it that families with children can walk through and hang out in this plaza with this illegal substance? My husband is a bartender and if he set up a little cocktail stand on that plaza it would be shut down immediately. If the sale of cigarettes in stores has are locked up and hidden behind a counter and required ID why is this allowed in a public plaza? Why the tolerance?

The City is working on Vancouver’s identity - that area is not for vending without a license — and drug dealing. All of this going on beside the Law Courts - really?

Viva Vancouver is trying to create a plaza for ALL - as seen as folks start blazing in this newly renovated plaza there will now be families with kids and folks who are meeting or enjoying the weather or an event and wanting to hang out. Was THIS the City’s vision for a public space? Drug Dealers make it feel less safe and less welcoming — it is not conducive to a vibrant positive healthy energy for this space when its people selling for profit to their niche market — this means it is not for ALL.

Thanks for doing this story.

Great story just now. Yet another lame duck spineless city council In NON action. My husband and I saw these pot vendors over Christmas and were Mystified and surprised by their presence ! It’s not legal yet ! How nice they have handed out some fines ...after two warnings ...how generous and understanding of the city !

The next question is, were those fines actually PAID ?! And then did the poor sods get their “product” back ?

What a bloody joke !

Keep up the good work on that one please.


Wow. I didn't know that being an entitled, tax evading, unscrupulous drug dealer had such privileges that legitimate businesses did not have...


This is BS. The last time I checked, it was illegal. In addition, why are they not required to obtain the proper license and inspections? Once again, the lowest denominator is running the City. The Law is the Law until changed.


They have been Dealing Pot at Robson Square since the 60's . Relax. Quit playing the Children Card. It's getting Old...


Wonder if I could sell booze openly like that?


Wow, and reading this makes me happy I moved my daughter away to suburbia


If they must be sold, ALL addictive, debilitating, deadly drugs (such as alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, etc.) MUST be sold ONLY in government liquor stores. They are the most likely place where underage customers will be asked for photo ID, and refused. Private stores are focused solely on profit — and the vast majority will sell ANYTHING to ANYONE, thinking that they won’t get caught, and if there’s a chance they might get caught, the penalties will be minimal and considered the cost of doing business. An employee of a government liquor store would be severely rebuked — and possibly fired — for selling to underage customers


While I believe that there is indeed a potential for minors to purchase drugs from this open air market; I am even more gob-smacked that this open-air ILLEGAL pot market is allowed to operate in the first place...what the h-e-double hockey sticks is up with that??? And to have the police and the City of Vancouver turn a blind eye - seriously?

I am so fed up with illegal drugs being made out to be OK...open-air pot markets; safe (and free) injection sites; free naloxone kits. Where's the free insulin shots for diabetics? Where's the free epipens for people with life threatening allergies? Has anyone ever done the math proportional to population for what is being referred to a 'drug crisis'?

In my opinion, anyone accused of a crime in Vancouver would have a legitimate argument, that whatever they were accused of, wasn't illegal. Despite this open-air market being called illegal, it's de facto legal because it's allowed to continue to operate. And this is just one example where the young people see that it's OK to do drugs. I'm so glad that I won't live long enough to see how all this shakes down.


Great job again Ross. Keep pounding away at this topic. Clearly neither Gregor nor Adam Palmer could give a tinker's damn. Thank you for doing this!!


There should also be concern with the sale of the edibles to any person with dementia/Alzheimer’s. My mother was given a cookie that contained some pot and she also had a severe anxiety reaction. I hope they also follow all food safe handling requirements, following extreme cleaning procedures in their kitchens, such as cross contamination, any nuts in the products or in close proximity, as well if any pink peppercorns, spices are added( pink peppercorns are a member of the cashew family)


I appreciated the piece last night on CTV. I was watching for comments today and read them on Facebook. not intelligent at all. I am writing to the City again in this regard. Interesting that they say they have confiscated tents and tables and given warnings. I called non-emergency VPD before; they don’t see this issue as a priority. They are not present to give warnings daily or fines. I will contact the Mayor and councilors as well as the chief engineer Jerry Dobrovolny you had comment from the City. I do wish that you pursue this issue. Action has to be taken now by the City and VPD and enforcement and ensure these vendors stay away and follow City by-laws.

The City said they were going to do a full arrest and they didn’t follow through. They admit no inspection so they can’t tell if its safe or not - made in an oven at home - one dealer admitted he does not take the time to cut and weigh each individual bar! Can the City be liable for this if someone overdoses?

It would be great for you to continue to delve into this to make the City accountable.

Thank you for bringing this attention.
Catherine and Jim

Keep up the good work...it's disgusting that the awful marijuana market at Robson Square is continuing. It is illegal but no one except you seems eager to shut them down. Why not??

As you have mentioned, this is a Family area and families wouldn't want to be anywhere near this debaucle. We have taken our granddaughters to the skating rink a few times but we will not be going until this is shut down.

I have phoned City Hall to complain.....what else can we, as ordinary citizens, do? Is there a petition? Can we phone the police?

Thank you and CTV for keeping this topic on air.


To mcglaughlin, I think the piece you did on potential for youth to buy pot on Robson street was unfair. I have grown up in vancouver and the availability of drugs has always been easy. We are a port city. The fact that teens could purchase fentanyl opioids just down the street is more of a concern than the vendors on robson selling marajuana. This paranoid belief which you expressed through your news just perpetuates the ignorance of so many people. We have the highest death rate in Canada for fentanyl overdoses and you choose to hammer the best medicinal breakthrough of the 21st century-thc and cannabinoid treatment against cancer! You are a closed minded reporter with a conservative take on something that will be legal in July, so try reporting on drugs that kill! Prescribed opioids.


I had the unpleasant experience last Wednesday of having to walk through the weed tables on Robson street. I was disgusted and embarrassed that this was being done in my beloved city.

So, I contacted all the city councillors and only Kerry Jang replied.

I am really glad you are highlighting this mess. Either open up the street again for good or pull up a city dump truck and stick all those tables and contents in the back of it and drive off!

I had a discussion with my 18 yr old son and his friend on the weekend. They couldn't believe this market can exist! In their words, " those guys are just a bunch of skids".......my son and his buddies are not naive at all and they thought it was wrong.

I am sick and tired of talking about the whole marijuana issue. I wish no one would give it any air time until a final decision has been made, whenever that may be. I have so many concerns about legalizing this substance that I really think this is a mistep by the government. It is currently an illegal substance and should be treated as such....no gray area.

So thank you for keeping on this story.


Thank you for drawing attention to this matter. If find it incredibly disturbing that our law enforcement officials shirk their duty and allow this illegal activity to go on, claiming they are too busy to shut it down.

I would like to see to see how long it would take for them to react to an unpermitted group of food vendors if they were to set up shop along Granville street. They even have time to shut down charitable groups that provide food for the homeless if they lack the proper permit and food safe training.

Is there a way for citizens to effectively communicate our disapproval and disgust with such double standards in law enforcement to the authorities? Such unbalanced enforcement of laws just breeds contempt for law and order as well as the leaders themselves!

If marijuana is to be legalized, then it needs to be handled like other drugs, by medical professionals through an established system for providing medication through legitimate pharmacies staffed by actual pharmacists following medical procedures.

Thanks for a chance to speak my mind,


I wonder what Canada Revenue is doing to generate GST and income taxes from the Vancouver Pot street vendors? If they aren't doing anything I think they should. I pay these taxes and these vendor's must too.
it's crazy how many legit entrepreneurs the government could've created under a legal system. instead of casting them out for the monopoly given to LP's -cause no competition is the only way they can survive.

CTV is such BS on this though.. been reporting negatively about this all week, no surprise the simple-minded think it's herojauna.
can't believe some of the comments; the one guy walked by and was embarrassed of his city. -no harm or anything came to him, not even a derogatory comment.
then says his 18 year old even looks down on them.

..and the problem exactly is??

my choice is what i chose to do; if i'm causing no harm it shouldn't bother you
'burn one down' Ben Harper
Truthfully, I'm surprised it's gone on this long. Interesting they are cracking down now with 6 months to go before they start collecting taxes on it.
Just watch out for the tainted heroin needles, its like a fucking landmine field of nasty sharpies, like holy shit, watch the fuck out. It was disgusting, Vancouver has some major issues with hard drugs.
it's crazy how many legit entrepreneurs the government could've created under a legal system. instead of casting them out for the monopoly given to LP's -cause no competition is the only way they can survive.

CTV is such BS on this though.. been reporting negatively about this all week, no surprise the simple-minded think it's herojauna.
can't believe some of the comments; the one guy walked by and was embarrassed of his city. -no harm or anything came to him, not even a derogatory comment.
then says his 18 year old even looks down on them.

..and the problem exactly is??

my choice is what i chose to do; if i'm causing no harm it shouldn't bother you
'burn one down' Ben Harper
Yeah I hear you, but half the people out there and running it seem to be straight up junkies. Was there seen it with my own eyes.
It is easy to stop this open selling of Marijuana in Vancouver. As it is being sold in the open, in a public place and in plain view, one does not need a warrant. Acting under Section 5 (1) and (2) of the Controlled Drugs And Substances Act, they should be arrested and charged with possession and possession for the purpose of trafficking. Their money ,drugs and property seized. They could be released on a Promise to Appear for a future court date with conditions not to possess any illegal substance or to attend the area of Downtown Vancouver. They treat the By-Law tickets as a joke, when they are actually breaking the law. Facing a criminal charge would not seem as such a joke and when the rest see what real enforcement is like the open selling of Marijuana will disappear. It is because of people in authority doing nothing over the last 40 to 50 years is why we now have a drug problem and with the upcoming legalization it is bound to get worse.
Spoken like a true cop.....imagine if the people in authority actually did nothing over the last 40-50 years....be some empty fucking jails around wouldn't there....