Current climatic conditions

Sunny and in the 40's here. It's been dropping below freezing at night. The damn Hummingbirds were pissed this morning when I went out. The feeder was frozen solid so I warmed it up in hot water and they were swarming when I went back out with it ready for them to feed.

Looks like dry until Saturday night then a couple days of showers and then more dry days. The snowpack accumulation in the cascades has slowed down. If we don't get some significant precipitation falling as snow in the next month we're looking at another year of dry conditions and low snow melt due to lack of snow.
Today has been our warmest day in a while. It got up to 62F before it started cooling off. At 1440 it's mostly cloudy, 53F with 51% humidity. Forecast low of 28F tonight and 24F tomorrow night. I'm glad I got the trees finished.
Today was our nicest day in a long time. The wife and I went down to the riverhouse and walked to the creek. The guys brought a dozer down last weekend and have done some road work. It looks good.

At 1430 it's sunny, 68F with 38% humidity. Forecast high low of 68/49F with no chance of rain until Friday.
Careful what you wish for...

This morning's low in northern Colorado was -9 with a dew point of -6, which meant beautiful tiny ice crystals glinting in the sunlight as I went outside to get the front door unstuck where it had FROZEN SHUT! The sliding glass back door has also frozen but I was able to get it loose with a hair dryer and patience.

It's currently a balmy zero with a forecast high of 17 today. That combined with the 10" of snow we got yesterday makes it a winter wonderland- if you're a penguin!
Very warm here this morning, but windy as hell. The wife and I walked the firebreak around the pines this morning, and it was howling. The front has been about 50 miles to the west since yesterday. At 1100 it's cloudy/windy, 70F with 74% humidity. (wind 11mph with gust of 18) Forecast high low of 75/64F with a 15% chance of rain today, 90% tonight and tomorrow.
I'm not complaining.

We had rain yesterday afternoon through early evening. Been more sun than not today. At 1400 it's fair, 54F with 44% humidity. Forecast high low of 56/30F with no chance of rain until Thursday of next week.
Nothing so dramatic as that to report here. Just mostly sunny skies and temperatures into the upper 50s. It was a nice day to sit outside!
It was a nice day here. Cold start, 28F at 0630, but 65F at 1600. I worked on the deck at the riverhouse today. My helper left last March, so I had let it sit almost a year before getting back to it. There was ripping and getting ripped involved.
