Current climatic conditions

It's going to be a hot one here today. AT 0900 it's sunny, 64F with 71% humidity. Forecast high low of 76/56F with the first chance of rain still coming around midnight tomorrow night.
Industrial farming is how we feed the world. It's hard to say whether their results are good, because it's the way the vast majority of food is produced. I need to do some research and see if any of the ag schools have done studies on the subject.

Farmers are slowly starting to do no till and other green farm operations because it saves them money by using less time and fuel. Planting by the moon signs might catch on with that subset of farmers.
No till it's good for the soil and really combats erosion problems too.

One I want to try in a hot, sunny garden someday is "lithic mulching", a practice where the gardener places large flat stones throughout their garden and grows plants in the spaces in between stones. Apparently it helps keep soil temperatures down and really helps reduce evaporation.
It was warmish today. At least when the wind wasn't blowing. At 2345 it's clear, 45F with 84% humidity. (although just now when I was coming in from my midnight ramble, there was frost on the wife's car already) Forecast low high of 37/70F.
30°F, sunny, and windy with gusts to 30mph. The wind makes it feel much colder than it is and it blows the cold into any crevice in your clothing. Looks like we have a few more days of this getting down into the 20's at night and then it warms back up this weekend. At least it's going to be sunny.
We are headed into the 80's again. I ran the fan for a while last night at the riverhouse. I put a lot of my transplanted tomato and pepper plants outside. We will see if I have to move or cover them in the weeks to come.

At 0930 it's mostly cloudy (was really foggy early) 64F with 92% humidity. Forecast high low of 81/58F with rain chances less than 20%.
Woke up to it lightly snowing and about an inch of snow. There was a 10% chance of precipitation and we got it. It's all melted already and the sun has been out. One more night of below freezing temps and then we're headed back into the 40's overnight with 50's during the day and off and on rain.
The low was forecast for 40F, but we got down to 36F and there was a frost on the car. I potted a new round of pepper and tomato plants and left them outside last night. They did not have frost on them, so maybe the cold won't slow them down too much.

At 0750 it's sunny, 42F with 86% humidity. Forecast high low of 77/42F with no chance of rain before Monday.
Here in northern Colorado about 10 days ago there was a stretch of several nights at or below zero and highs about 10.

Then March happened and highs are in the mid to upper 60s and kisses are above freezing.

The whiplash effect of climate change!
Here in northern Colorado about 10 days ago there was a stretch of several nights at or below zero and highs about 10.

Then March happened and highs are in the mid to upper 60s and kisses are above freezing.

The whiplash effect of climate change!
I heard a report on NPR about a study of first blooms. From 1853-1873 compared to twenty recent years, the first blooms are over a month earlier.
I heard a report on NPR about a study of first blooms. From 1853-1873 compared to twenty recent years, the first blooms are over a month earlier.
Oh wow. That's a lot.

What's interesting is that plants have the built in ability to adapt, which makes me think the genome has been through enough shit in the past that they've evolved that adaptability.

Climate change is going to fuck us fragile short sighted humans right up but I get the feeling that a lot of species are just waiting for us to get the fuck out of the way.
Oh wow. That's a lot.

What's interesting is that plants have the built in ability to adapt, which makes me think the genome has been through enough shit in the past that they've evolved that adaptability.

Climate change is going to fuck us fragile short sighted humans right up but I get the feeling that a lot of species are just waiting for us to get the fuck out of the way.
The bugs and the birds are not as quick to change. That is going to be the rub.
We have got really dry really quick. Three TV worthy fires in Bay county yesterday, and one school is being evacuated right now due to fire. All my weather pages have a special weather bulletin about it.

At 1600 it's sunny, 82F with 23% humidity. Forecast low of 52F tonight and a high of 83F (with 10-15 mph winds) tomorrow. There are four days of rain forecast starting Tuesday.
We have got really dry really quick. Three TV worthy fires in Bay county yesterday, and one school is being evacuated right now due to fire. All my weather pages have a special weather bulletin about it.

At 1600 it's sunny, 82F with 23% humidity. Forecast low of 52F tonight and a high of 83F (with 10-15 mph winds) tomorrow. There are four days of rain forecast starting Tuesday.
Wow, that's crazy!
Current conditions in northern Colorado; after a week of upper 60s for highs, we're back to the below freezing high temps of low 20s and lows around 10F with snow in the forecast.
Wow, that's crazy!
Now there is a fire that has crossed over into the southern part of our county. The brother in law's farm is down there. His folks' next door neighbor is one of our friends, and we called them this morning to offer a couch if they needed to evacuate. She said the wind had shifted, so the fire is moving south now.