Current climatic conditions

Hot and windy today. At 1200 it's partly cloudy, 81F with 50% humidity. Forecast high low of 83/58F with no chance of rain before Tuesday. The wind (8mph with gusts up to 13) has turned back from the south again.

The other day when the fires all kicked up, we had humidity levels in the teens. I can't remember it ever being that low here.
Now there is a fire that has crossed over into the southern part of our county. The brother in law's farm is down there. His folks' next door neighbor is one of our friends, and we called them this morning to offer a couch if they needed to evacuate. She said the wind had shifted, so the fire is moving south now.
Goddammit! Wildfire season is starting early!
Temperatures plunged to teens and single digits over the weekend with a bit of snow. More of the same all week in northern Colorado. No wildfires yet... But give us a few months, I'm sure we'll manage.
Goddammit! Wildfire season is starting early!
We were well above the pace needed for record rainfall last year through August and the first half of September. Then when it stopped raining, it stopped. We fell short of the record and have gotten really dry.

Most of the last 5-6 years, springs have been wet enough the creek is too high to put in the wire for sucker fishing. This year the guys put the wire in and are sucker fishing.
Earlier today the wife and I were bitching that the google maps for the fires didn't show the size of the fires. Tonight they did show the size of the big one (bertha swamp fire). I think it's 16000 acres so far, but since it's in a swamp, has effected the least number of folks. The wind changed late morning, now it's moving in our direction a little bit. But we've had really bad smoke since the wind shifted.

After a couple of beautiful sunny days that had me outside in a t-shirt working in the garden we're back to a day of rain then a couple more days of sunshine mid-week and then the return of rain for awhile. We're still in drought conditions throughout most of the state with central Oregon still in extreme drought conditions and a lack of snowpack across the state.

“This year we’re doing quite a bit worse than we were at this point last year,” O’Neil said during a Thursday press briefing. “We’re going into some rough times heading into the summer.”

"What that means for Oregonians east of the Cascade crest: Wildfires are likely to arrive earlier and burn more ferociously; "

The rain moved in before daylight this morning. But we have only got .58 inches so far. Really need it to dump on the fires.

At 1600 there is light rain, 61F with 94% humidity. Forecast low of 57F with 80% chance of rain tonight, and a forecast high of 73F with 80% chance of rain tomorrow.

This is the best site we've found so far to monitor the fires. (big bertha is 38K acres now)

At 2020 it's clear, 37F with 51% humidity. Forecast low of 26 with no real chance of rain until Tuesday. High of 58F tomorrow, low of 35F Monday morning. I had to chase down a lot of pots because of the wind, but I got all the citrus covered. I had to trim a few of the trees to make them fit. Lots of fresh growth, so I'm sure that even covered, the cold will leave a mark.

On Friday March 11 here in North East Ky it was almost 75 degrees. By 12am Saturday, it was 31 degrees, and snowing. Overnight it got down to 24 degrees, and we got 4-5 inches of snow.
Sunday March 13, the low is going down to 12f, and the high on Sunday will reach 49f. Then will slowly creep into the 60s in the coming week.
Foggy morning here. The rain moved out before I went walking at 2200 last night. Just one small patch of sprinkles sprinkled on me. At 900 it's foggy, 62F with 96% humidity. Forecast high low of 74/49 with no more rain until Friday. The wildfires are all contained, or mostly contained. All the out of town fire crews were sent back home. It got within a couple three miles of the BIL's farm and our friend's house.
Today in NoCo it's beautiful, sunny, light breeze, 50s. Went for a nice long walk and got reacquainted with the local squirrels and dogs lol
It rained much more today than I thought it was going to. (Just a hair over an inch, but we got about six inches last night) There was a good sounding thunderstorm tonight where we were in the restaurant. But for now it's moved on. (I'll be heading out on my walk in an hour or two)

At 2020 it's partly cloudy, 61F with 79% humidity. Forecast low of 44F with 40% chance of rain tonight. Next rain is due before daylight Wednesday morning.
It rained much more today than I thought it was going to. (Just a hair over an inch, but we got about six inches last night) There was a good sounding thunderstorm tonight where we were in the restaurant. But for now it's moved on. (I'll be heading out on my walk in an hour or two)

At 2020 it's partly cloudy, 61F with 79% humidity. Forecast low of 44F with 40% chance of rain tonight. Next rain is due before daylight Wednesday morning.
We actually got about 10 inches according to the five gallon bucket in the garden. I have to carry some dirt to top off Mamma's gravesite. It was sunk at least 6 inches.
The line of thunderstorms are over by Pensacola now. The bad stuff isn't supposed to reach here until about daylight in the morning. At 2115 it's mostly cloudy, 72F with 75% humidity. Forecast low of 67F with 85% chance of rain tonight. 95% chance of rain tomorrow. But the predictions are for just over an inch. But then they only said a couple three the other night. . . . . . .
Today started out cloudy but turned into a beautiful sunny day. I think we got up to 67°F. I was out in a tshirt doing yard work and mowing the lawn. I also took off all the plastic and opened the windows. Spring is here.
The heat is hanging around tonight. At 2000 it's clear, 71F with 58% humidity. Forecast low of 58F with no rain until early Thursday morning. Then it will be really rough for a while. Wind gusts up to 65mph is forecast when the cells come though. The good news is the river has fell out to 15 foot.
The storms came through about five this morning. We lost power, but we had got breakfast in first. We got 1.5 inches of rain, and the river has stopped falling and is rising, but only 9 inches in 7 hours. They only do a prediction when there is a chance of flooding, and no prediction yet.

At 1315 it's partly cloudy, 78F with 60% humidity. Forecast high low of 78/52F with a slight chance of rain Saturday night, but the next real good chance is Tuesday night into Wednesday.
The amount of rain this morning surpassed expectations. So far we have got a hair over a tenth of an inch. Didn't really expect any.

At 1030 it's mostly cloudy, 54F with 85% humidity. Forecast high low of 74/52F with 80% chance of rain. (rain chance was 100% a few minutes ago, so it should keep going down)