The big line of thunderstorms on Saturday night/Sunday morning just barely tail dragged us. We got lots and lots of wind, half an inch of rain, but not really any thunder at all. Well, none while I was awake anyway. The wife said she got a STSW warning on her phone about 0300.
It was cold today. Florida cold, that is. It did get up to 70F but with the wind was never very warm. Sister is in Colorado so I'm feeding her animals, and that was the only time I got outside today. There was a slight frost on the car this morning. 39F at the riverhouse, and 37F once I got to the sandhill, according to the car thermometer. Tomorrow it's going to be warmer. High low of 75/40F is forecast. It's 58F now. Cool enough that if I wear my puffer pants I will need cuddl duds underneath.