Current will ALWAYS be regulated by varying the output voltage

Why argue about science?

“Arguing About Science” is an outstanding, engaging introduction to the essential topics in philosophy of science, edited by two leading experts in the field. This exciting and innovative anthology contains a selection of classic and contemporary readings that examine a broad range of issues, from classic problems such as scientific reasoning; causation; and scientific realism, to more recent topics such as science and race; forensic science; and the scientific status of medicine.
There is no argument about science here. Just one old guy who doesn't understand the specific fields of science involved, yet who feels the need to post scientifically incorrect stuff all the time. And on the other side a whole forum shaking their heads in disbelief with a few dozen of the members trying to get this pest to realize how completely ignorant he really is.

It's more a soap series really. The guy even changes identity now and then.
Everything in this post applies to an isotropic light source like a light bulb. An LED is nothing like a light bulb. An LED is more complex. An LED is not isotropic where the light radiates in all directions at the same intensity. An LED radiates at various intensities as shown in their datasheet's Spacial Radiation Distribution. Also called
Bridgelux: Radiation Pattern
Cree: Spacial Distribution
Citizen: Radiation Characteristic
Luminus: Radiation Plot
Lumiled: Radiation Pattern Characteristics

No, you can't. Only a complete noob thinks that is feasible.

It's simple Inverse Square Law being used the way it is supposed to be used.

Doesn't work huh? OK, lets have the deluge of excuses why you are still "right"
Inverse square certainly did work, those numbers were generated using Inverse Square Law. Just go back and look at the code. Just becasue you do cannot grasp what I did there. Your ignorance is astounding.

This is simple shit. Why do you not understand????

Doesn't work huh? OK, lets have the deluge of excuses why you are still "right"

Here, your own list of measurements. Just calculate all of these back to the "standardized 1 meter distance PPFD":

See below, Step 1 of instruction on how to convert lm to lx. That "standardized 1 meter" is exactly how it is done!!!!!!!!!

Below is from an 8/18/2016 email where that data came from.
This line of code IS the Inverse Square Law:
$lux = pow($ref/$distance,2) * $intensity[$angle];


You are wrong because you understand none of what you are saying. It's not as bad anymore as when you couldn't keep track of what was "moles" and lumen (while you were doing spot PPFD measurements and inverse square correcting them to 1 meter distance).

Notice in the example below how step one normalizes irradiance at 1 meter!!!!

Yes of course that's true. Although I said: "average PPFD = PPF minus wall losses / surface area".

What's your "surface area"? Grow Area?

That would work if you had the distance to your "surface area"

The following example is lm to lux but it will work the same for PPFD to PPF.

Just reverse the process to get PPF to PPFD. Although there is an easier way if you can understand how the example does the conversion. Yu can use

The following lx to lm conversion is from a free download:


Does the above example look like your "average PPFD = PPF minus wall losses / surface area"?

Actually it almost does depending on what you call "surface area". Where the 30° would be the equivalent of your "wall loses". r is the distance.

In my next post I will show you an easy way to estimate PPF to PPFD but without "wall losses". You first need to learn a few things.

If you want to see where LED datasheets get flux, here is a link to how Lumiled suggests to measure LED flux in this White Paper: Optical Measurement Guidelines

I have also attached a PDF, chapter 24 "Optical Measurements, Radiometry and Photometry" from the book "Handbook of Optics". It has all the information necessary to calculate an energy transfer (i.e. conversion).

In the PDF I highlighted, in yellow, the areas where I believe you are confused about distance and surface area.

PPF (flux) to PPFD (irradiance) is explained in radiometric terms in Section 24.4 RADIANT TRANSFER APPROXIMATIONS.

A = 4πr²


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Gaat dit over ego’s of wat. Tering hé, tyfus hé. Waarom willen jullie elkaar zo graag overtuigen? Iedereen die niet naar school is gegaan moet maar vertrouwen op zijn eigen bevindingen. Eigen schuld dikke bult als er iets fout gaat.

Google translate version.

Is this about egos or what. Tering hey, typhoid hey. Why do you want to convince each other so badly? Anyone who has not attended school must rely on his own findings. Own blame thick bump if something goes wrong.
Dude. Stop. At this point you're just fluffing yourself, because absolutely NO ONE here has backed your claims. Multiple forum members - all of whom are better known and more respected than you - have called you out, and have done so succinctly, with well-measured and sensible arguments. If you think you're dropping the true knowledge on the poor, misguided members of this forum, you're wrong. No one here takes you seriously, and you're making yourself look worse with every dig of that shovel. Take a few breaths, step back, do some thinking, and come back when you're able to be honest with yourself. Because you've been backtracking and (rather clumsily) redirecting to cover your errors since the debate began.
Current will ALWAYS be regulated by varying the output voltage is not true because varying the resistance (load) regulates the current too.

Leds are variable resistors. They heat up and/or cool down and that changes their resistance.
Ja maar het driver monitor het volts en pas daarby aan

Again look up the difference between impedance and resistance. Remember our drivers self-monitors and adjust their outputs.
If you powered your LED with a transformer and rectifier or a string of DC batteries, then you would see the effect of the reducing resistance as it gets hotter.
Dude. Stop. At this point you're just fluffing yourself, because absolutely NO ONE here has backed your claims. Multiple forum members - all of whom are better known and more respected than you - have called you out, and have done so succinctly, with well-measured and sensible arguments. If you think you're dropping the true knowledge on the poor, misguided members of this forum, you're wrong. No one here takes you seriously, and you're making yourself look worse with every dig of that shovel. Take a few breaths, step back, do some thinking, and come back when you're able to be honest with yourself. Because you've been backtracking and (rather clumsily) redirecting to cover your errors since the debate began.
He's a GIN-U-WINE HERO, dontcha know? Savin' all the poor ignernt shmucks from the like of myself and Weitfras, those wascally varmints!

He's a legend in his own mind.
Ja maar het driver monitor het volts en pas daarby aan

Again look up the difference between impedance and resistance. Remember our drivers self-monitors and adjust their outputs.
If you powered your LED with a transformer and rectifier or a string of DC batteries, then you would see the effect of the reducing resistance as it gets hotter.
Are you South African, or are you just Dutch?
Well deserved response to your fuckin' post!

You need to earn it first cunt.

Put up your $1,000 then state your case. I have an attorney that will work out the details of the escrow.

Not that fuckin'; impressive. What happen? You fall and crack your head in 4th grade. You act like you're in grade school. Apparently you have a reading comprehension problem too.

Fuck that, and you think you are smart? Why the fuck would I give a shit what you have to day?

Collegiate level English? Dream on. dumbass!

What did I get wrong?
Nice diatribe, crybaby.
