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@nfhiggs has a history of ruining good threads by spewing his ignorance and ranting. Rather than allow him to continue screwing up yet another thread I am moving his ignorance to this new thread.
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You are one spewing idiotic bullshit, and fucking up threads.
Voltage produces current. Its that simple. Stop conflating terms like Vf with applied voltage across a load. I don't give a rat's ass WHAT you've designed or how many degrees you have. Design whatever the fuck you want, you STILL have it backwards. Current through a device is determined by the voltage applied across it, and its resistance. Current will ALWAYS be regulated by varying the output voltage. And output voltage is regulated by allowing the load current to vary. Very simple concepts.
37.8 volts is simply not enough voltage to produce enough current in a Citi 048-1212 COB to even hit it's max rating of 2650 mA, much less "smoke it in a millisecond". If you allow it to heat up to 100C you STILL only get it to slightly above its max current rating.
And to exceed that current you have apply more voltage or allow it to overheat. Just having the current capacity does not mean it will be used.
It's not a CC driver they are talking about. The HLG-320-36 is a CV 36 volt driver. Its output voltage does not change until load current increases into the CV region. Under all current conditions its output will not exceed 36 volts
LOL... whatever. There is no current flow without voltage. Current flow in a load results from the voltage potential not the other way around. You most certainly DO control current (through the load)with voltage. Where did you go to school?
Not with a CC driver! PLEASE just stop! You obviously do not have the background to argue this.
Why is it if the CC current were to be a function of the load voltage, if you change only the load from an LED with a Vf of 24v to an LED with a Vf of 34v the current remains the same? But yet the voltage changes. Why is that?
E = I x R
Voltage (E) is a function of the LED's dynamic resistance (R) based on the LED's IV characteristics and the constant current flow (I).
It is because the forward voltage is a function of constant current (CC) flowing through the LED's dynamic resistance!
You are simply ridiculous in your inability to grasp this very simple and BASIC concept. The CC driver controls the load's current by varying it's voltage output as needed. If the loads temp increases and resistance drops, the driver adjusts the VOLTAGE downward to maintain the current at the same level. Do you not understand the fact that current in a load is the direct result of applied voltage? This is really VERY basic stuff.
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