CUTTER Strip build wiring questions

This is the best i could come up with. i dont see much in regards to data sheets

What is the voltage of these strips? Where can we find the specs for these strips, where's the datasheet?? I can't find shit on the Cutter site.


  • Screenshot_2019-05-28 SSK-1560-3090CR Now with Solderless Connectivity Cutter Electronics.png
    Screenshot_2019-05-28 SSK-1560-3090CR Now with Solderless Connectivity Cutter Electronics.png
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which specific product are you referring to?

we are talking about the ssk 3000k 90cri and the 3000k 80 cri strips.

I shared the downloaded data sheet above since then tho.

@welight I sent you a message a few days ago about verifying that my order was shipped/ if there was tracking info, could you hit me back when you get a chance please.
View attachment 4341079

You can get terminal blocks for a bit cheaper than bus bar's on Amazon it looks like.

Amazon terminal block (6) - $14...
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Thanks for taking the time to link all that for me man, appreciate it. Had a question if you dont mind. The blocks from amazon, they say 12 positions, so does that mean i can have 14awg wire from driver to port 1 and fill the remaining ports on -/+ sides? IF im thinking about this right, i would only need 2 of these blocks per fixture to take care of the wiring. IF lol

1212 is putting 2 wires in a port any more unsafe than each wire having its own?

I assume not or you wouldn't have suggested it, had to ask.

I already ordered those off eBay that you linked. Along with a few wago 2s and wago5s just in case.

I guess that will be good enough if doubling them up isn't an issue.
Ya I think I'm hearing you correctly lol and I think you're right.

I'd use 1 block per polarity, so a "+" terminal block and "-" terminal block. So like you said 2 per fixture. I'd run my driver wire to 1 position on the terminal block and then use the jumpers they come with to distribute the juice over the entire block, then I'd just use the opposite side of the terminal block, ie the side without the jumper bar, to plug my strip leads into.
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Ya I think I'm hearing you correctly lol and I think you're right.

I'd use 1 block per polarity, so a "+" terminal block and "-" terminal block. So like you said 2 per fixture. I'd run my driver wire to 1 position on the terminal block and then use the jumpers they come with to distribute the juice over the entire block, then I'd just use the opposite side of the terminal block, ie the side without the jumper bar, to plug my strip leads into.

LOL thanks man, i wasnt even sure myself after reading it back

Ok this seems like it would be easy to do as well. The jumpers, do i use red on the + side and black on - side? or is it opposite?

Each port on one side is connected to the corresponding port on the other side.

Ok that makes sense to me lol. Thanks. i ordered the wago 8s already that you linked ( thanks), so i may also just grab the 6 pack of blocks that cheif linked, see which i like best.

I think im finally getting it. Probably not, but you just never know lol
LOL thanks man, i wasnt even sure myself after reading it back

Ok this seems like it would be easy to do as well. The jumpers, do i use red on the + side and black on - side? or is it opposite?

Ok that makes sense to me lol. Thanks. i ordered the wago 8s already that you linked ( thanks), so i may also just grab the 6 pack of blocks that cheif linked, see which i like best.

I think im finally getting it. Probably not, but you just never know lol
Jumpers are just conductors so the color is only for you to distinguish between pos & negative. It could be tricky trying to tell which was positive and which was negative if both jumpers were the same color. :)
we are talking about the ssk 3000k 90cri and the 3000k 80 cri strips.

I shared the downloaded data sheet above since then tho.

@welight I sent you a message a few days ago about verifying that my order was shipped/ if there was tracking info, could you hit me back when you get a chance please.
I PM'd you the tracking number
There is no need to keep the cable lengths the same, It will make no difference at all. Just make sure the cable is sized for the current draw.

Ok thats good to know, if i can cut wire whatever length i want/need it will help me place the wago 8/ bus block/terminal in a good spots for trying to keep the wiring somewhat clean lol

Thanks bud
Sry @diggs99 had a little bit of family problems. But I'm back now.

glad to have you back bro, hopefully everyone is doing well.

My heatsinks just arrived from heatsinkusa
Frame parts/hardware are out for delivery sometime today.
Drivers should be here Monday or Tuesday
Strips delivery date is June 6th

Getting close now. Still trying to learn how im gonna wire everything cleanly, but with some good help from RIU, im slowly figuring it out lol
I like the idea of those terminal blocks. I have a bunch of them from old IO cabinets from an auto factory we tore down. I helped demo a Chevy factory. And got 2 of the robotic arms that did bolts. With pneumatic actuators. I thought I'd do something with them one day lol. But they are just setting in my building. But I got vfd drives and all kinds of stuff. Panduit out the ass. But the terminal blocks arent water proof. That's the only thing I dont like about them. They have zero IP rating I believe.
I like the idea of those terminal blocks. I have a bunch of them from old IO cabinets from an auto factory we tore down. I helped demo a Chevy factory. And got 2 of the robotic arms that did bolts. With pneumatic actuators. I thought I'd do something with them one day lol. But they are just setting in my building. But I got vfd drives and all kinds of stuff. Panduit out the ass. But the terminal blocks arent water proof. That's the only thing I dont like about them. They have zero IP rating I believe.

I didn't realize they weren't waterproof at all. I do plan to place terminals/wagos inside junction boxes.

Do you still need a wiring diagram?

Yes please. That would be great. I'll use the blocks or wagos. Whatever is best
I didn't realize they weren't waterproof at all. I do plan to place terminals/wagos inside junction boxes.

Yes please. That would be great. I'll use the blocks or wagos. Whatever is best

Ok my son has a his baseball game today at 11am. They are playing for state championship in little league. This is his first year playing. After the game I'll draw it out for you.