d.c. beard's Hash Berry and Super Skunk F1 Grow 400w In Soil w/ PICS


Well-Known Member
nice set-up...
great idea to start your grow as you go into flower... it's like fast forwarding through all the bullsit at the beginning of a porn and just skipping right to the good stuff.

I don't need to see seed germination dammit :)


Well-Known Member
Beautiful leaves on your ladies. Have you ever considered hydroton in potters sitting in more hydroton? -netting?? your nutrients look like they are loading up quite well good grow-


Well-Known Member
Anytime man, just gimme the word. It's not that hard. And yeah, I'm through buying seeds too. What a ripoff. Plus I'd rather grow my own creation anyway. :hump:

What's pictured in the jar is actually a Kush cross that I grew a while back. I'll put some pics up of the HB buds as soon as I get the chance for ya DoIt. Just gimme a day or two, still at work here right now unfortunately.

I love the HB taste though...very fruity on the inhale, and lemon-lime diesel on the exhale and while growing. Very appealing if you ask me.
Yea, that would be great. I'm looking forward to growing it.

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
OK so as a brief diversion from the grow journal (since things don't just happen overnight) I figured I'd post a few pics of my bongs.

The first is a pic of my everyday bong. Very small, and very utilitarian. But also, very effective. I paid $23.95 for this 2 years ago, and it's been one of the best investments I've ever made really. I just replaced the rubber gasket that holds the downstem to the base and now it's like it's a new piece all over again. ^^

The second is a pic of 'The Crusher'. This is a $350.00 all glass Lux Scientifics beaker-bottom borasilicate glass dual-stage waterpipe that is by legend supposedly made by RooR in CA. Yeah. I got it two years ago brand new. The second stage of the water filtration is a 'percolator tree', and you can also throw a couple of ice cubes in the top portion above the pinch if ya want. This rocks but it uses more medicine per bowl than the little one, and I get really nervous passing it around a circle, so this one gets reserved for special occasions. The buzz it produces is co clean and pure, it's kinda hard to describe.


d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
And here's 2 pics of the last fruits of my labor and a tally of the weights.

Total weights as follows (in grams):

1) 92.3 g - Super Skunk (Lesser phenos, 5 plants).
2) 50.2 g - High yielding sativa pheno Super Skunk (1 plant).
3) 35.1 g - Super Skunk #5 "The Beast" (1 plant).
4) 34.0 g - HashBerry (1 plant).
5) 24.6 g - Island Sweet Skunk (1 plant).
236.2 Total grams / 8.44 ounces.

That's a g/w or gram per watt of .59. I definitely still have work to do. But I think the old ass bulb I'm using is holding me back quite a bit. It's the same one that I've used since I started, for 7 cycles and now I'm on my eigth with this same bulb. This is pathetic but I'd buy the damn thing if I could get to the hydro store. I've just been working so much that I can't get to the shop during business hours. I'm about to just have them mail the damn thing to me UPS.


d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
That's a great question! I'm really a 'variety is the spice of life' kinda guy, so really I like them all for different applications. I love having access to different strains simultaneously, and it keeps me from getting bored or tired of one. I switch up what I'm growing pretty often so things are always 'new'.

- Great lemon-lime diesel smell and taste, not much in the head, strong body buzz, long legs (3+ hrs), not very sedating for an indica, great work smoke, medium-high potency, medium-high yield, slightly leafy to trim.

Island Sweet Skunk - Very unique lemon-peppermint-sage-citrus smell and flavor, potent and long-lasting high, mostly sativa, mostly in the head buzz, motivational and non-sedating, great daytime smoke for days off work when you can soar, medium-high potency, medium-low yield, slightly leafy to trim.

Super Skunk - Slightly skunky lemon-grape smell and taste with strong hints of coffee and chocolate, balanced high (both mind and body), great all around smoke, medium potency, medium yield for most phenos and very high for some, high calyx-to-leaf ratio makes this one a breeze to trim.

This is what I've found to be true. As a side note, my girl and I blazed 2 bongloads of the Super Skunk back to back a few nights ago in the Crusher and we almost couldn't stop laughing. I call it the 'back in the day weed', because it reminded me of the first few times I smoked. How awesome is that 16 years and one HELL of a tolerance later?!


Well-Known Member
That's a great question! I'm really a 'variety is the spice of life' kinda guy, so really I like them all for different applications. I love having access to different strains simultaneously, and it keeps me from getting bored or tired of one. I switch up what I'm growing pretty often so things are always 'new'.

- Great lemon-lime diesel smell and taste, not much in the head, strong body buzz, long legs (3+ hrs), not very sedating for an indica, great work smoke, medium-high potency, medium-high yield, slightly leafy to trim.

Island Sweet Skunk - Very unique lemon-peppermint-sage-citrus smell and flavor, potent and long-lasting high, mostly sativa, mostly in the head buzz, motivational and non-sedating, great daytime smoke for days off work when you can soar, medium-high potency, medium-low yield, slightly leafy to trim.

Super Skunk - Slightly skunky lemon-grape smell and taste with strong hints of coffee and chocolate, balanced high (both mind and body), great all around smoke, medium potency, medium yield for most phenos and very high for some, high calyx-to-leaf ratio makes this one a breeze to trim.

This is what I've found to be true. As a side note, my girl and I blazed 2 bongloads of the Super Skunk back to back a few nights ago in the Crusher and we almost couldn't stop laughing. I call it the 'back in the day weed', because it reminded me of the first few times I smoked. How awesome is that 16 years and one HELL of a tolerance later?!
That's awesome DC! Back in the day weed! We know exactly what your talking about! 1/2P with an old light, you rock man!

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Thanks Drella! Yep, I should have my new bulb today. Just waiting on my buddy to get back from the grow shop with my new Hortilux EYE bulb. I tried to get one of the new SunPulse bulbs that are specifically made for electronic ballasts, but of course the shop was out of em. I could order it online, but something about a $100 bulb being shipped UPS just scares me. The store I use is really legit for this type of industry, so if anything goes wrong they'll back it up. They'll just swap it out for me no questions asked as long as I have the receipt, and then they'll handle the warranty for me. Wow huh? Most shops don't operate this way unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
Good lookin grow dc. I just had a chace to read it. Im glad i got in on it at the beginning. Scribed

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Well here's a few more pics of the girls to tide ya over. They're stretching of course since this is the 1st week of flowering. I should have taken measurements for this journal, but after several grows things like this tend to get overlooked. On my first couple of grows though I could have told ya every last detail! Not so much anymore.

The HashBerrys were about 10 - 11" tall and the Super Skunks were about 12 - 14" tall when I put em in the flowering tent. I'll measure them again in about 6 more days once the stretch is over.

Anyway, the first is a pic of the tent showing the light. The second is a pic of em all from a lower perspective. The last is a pic of the canopy. :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
dc, you are my hero, seriously, what's your bloom room dimensions? saw your pots in the hydro store today gonna use them for my next grow. from rooted clone, you wait till they are between 10-14"? do you top, or fim em early on, or is that just regular growth? What's your room dimensions? just asking because i just chopped my eight male clones! that's right, threw into flower expecting white hairs, and i got lobster clawwed seed pods! i know, but i chopped them and the root system was amazing and white, but it got all the way to the bottom of the pot. do you think a combination of you using perilite on the bottom of the pot, and throwing into flower when they're not too tall, helps with them not root bound or stunned growth. Sorry for the 100 questions, but i feel like you could help me a lot with this!


Well-Known Member
nice grow DC. I like your room setup too. :blsmoke: and are your containers 1.5 gallons? cuz that's what I'm currently using in my grow in my signature bongsmilie

high and scribed :eyesmoke:

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Thanks Notorious. I checked out your journal, I think we have a very similar setup!

Well, I have your containers but I use them to keep moms in. I use the next step down from those to flower clones in. I guess they're either .75 or 1 gallon containers. I've never had any problems with plants getting rootbound, because I constantly cycle all my plants. Meaning...when I take cuts I just flower out the existing moms about a week later and then keep one of the new clones as the new mom. This solves all your problems regarding them becoming rootbound, and it also helps to keep the genetics in better shape over the long run. I also find that it speeds up the whole process too, cause I never have to wait for clones to grow enough to put them into flower. I guess what I'm saying is that I can cycle my plants faster this way.

Drella - My flower tent is about 3.5 x 4.5 x 7.5'. As far as fimming or topping or letting them grow etc. etc., there's a lot of talk about what is best, yada yada but here's what I do. Just keep them all at the same height as the smallest one. The one thing I believe in is that you need an even canopy. Period. So, when faster growing ones start to get more than an inch or so above the slower growing ones top them. Or FIM em. Whatever. Just keep the canopy even at all times. Do this the whole way through veg and when you move them into flower the only difference in height will be from the stretch of different strains/phenos. Then you can always just LST a few taller branches and SHAZAAM you've still got a totally even canopy.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Notorious. I checked out your journal, I think we have a very similar setup!

Well, I have your containers but I use them to keep moms in. I use the next step down from those to flower clones in. I guess they're either .75 or 1 gallon containers. I've never had any problems with plants getting rootbound, because I constantly cycle all my plants. Meaning...when I take cuts I just flower out the existing moms about a week later and then keep one of the new clones as the new mom. This solves all your problems regarding them becoming rootbound, and it also helps to keep the genetics in better shape over the long run. I also find that it speeds up the whole process too, cause I never have to wait for clones to grow enough to put them into flower. I guess what I'm saying is that I can cycle my plants faster this way.

Drella - My flower tent is about 3.5 x 4.5 x 7.5'. As far as fimming or topping or letting them grow etc. etc., there's a lot of talk about what is best, yada yada but here's what I do. Just keep them all at the same height as the smallest one. The one thing I believe in is that you need an even canopy. Period. So, when faster growing ones start to get more than an inch or so above the slower growing ones top them. Or FIM em. Whatever. Just keep the canopy even at all times. Do this the whole way through veg and when you move them into flower the only difference in height will be from the stretch of different strains/phenos. Then you can always just LST a few taller branches and SHAZAAM you've still got a totally even canopy.
Thanks, dc, your advice means a lot, i share your opinions on cycling your plants. as far as your even canopy theory, it is spot on. I like the way you see it. Got my experience the first time around with eight male clones, (yeah i got skrewed, long story) and now i feel comfortable growing. But your advice is gonna take me to the next level. All of the luck to you, and can't wait to see the next updates! PS your albums should be in magazines!

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Thanks guys. I appreciate the positive feedback. It took me about 6 grows to really start to feel comfortable and to get a feel for growing. Now I worry less about exact measurements and specific details, and instead just listen to the plants closer and let them tell me what they need. It's not that complicated once you get the feel for it, it only gets hairy when you start having problems really. Then things can snowball quickly, so I just try to dot my "i"'s and cross my "t"'s ahead of time so I don't have to worry about it. I've finally started to develop a feel for growing, but fixing plant problems takes a whole 'nother level of experience that I just don't have yet!

So last night right before 'sunrise' he he he I cleaned the cooltube glass and the bulb off with Windex and screwed that sucker in. New bulb, happy plants, happy DC! I swear they shot up even faster since then, but it's probably just me getting all antsy in my pantsies to see how much of a difference it makes. The last crop looked great, but the density has been in slow steady decline since the first grow really because that's how old that bulb was! So now I'm real happy to have the new bulb in and we'll just have to wait to see what comes of it. Of course you all will be the first to know!