dabz all day. what do you dab and dab with?

I have no patience I literally cant wait to be either dissapointed or satisfied. I really like my watermelon ultra strain but damn. My flowers drying ultra slow for some reason otherwise nornally itd be done by tomorrow but now its like 2 or 3 days more. Reminds me of my first tests with WU.

You bet like hell Im gonna review it I already cant stop talking about it!
I have 3 tests going on, this and a gnat/bug free trap method and PM. The trap is great but the next few weeks is gonna be crazy. Its either gonna work or I am just screwed for a while and this the last thing I may have to be excited about.
Thats wherw slow dry is great I wont miss the window to cure. Its smelling greeny as hell no sognature smells it had when alive. Idk but I want something that doesnt need to cure like my WU. Its one less thing to worry about.
Wow youre awesome for that, I never heard of this before but its the only reason the pro sounds nice. Ive cut back naturally just not going so hard like a youngen so I get plenty high off the regular one. Every time I contimplate dabbing crazy it dont take much to tap me out lol.

Interesting I didnt know diamonds were made that simply. I looked it up long ago like real long time ago remember just reading its a agitation process thats it. Just this 4000rpm centrifuge or whatever its called. Need live resin though Im pretty sure but still thats cool. You can create diamonds with the cheapest live resin. Just spins real fast through a filter in a tube.
Wow shes the most delicious dab I ever made. A keeper in flavor alone but yield is shit I need to find out why. Just looking at her shes frostier than I ever grown and pressed but have bad memory. I got watermelon ultra real frosty and gg4 by auto seeds but this might be caked a little more.


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8.2% high temp ugh either you cant listen to all breeder details or Im screwing something up as the asvertized yield isnt there still. Low temp was so bad I didnt calculate it only got like .15gs from it.


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Gosh damn tastey banana candy sugar krushing og kush gas like they say sure but meh I must of really gotten lucky with the watermelon ultra. People said keep looking they wouldnt settle so fast but look at how its done me so well. Flavor is actually pretty damn good its just not that complex just og kush lemon gas and floral eucilyptus.

But it yields great I mean come on, 8%? My first two strains that seemingly found me did 15 and 20%. Between those two I got a lot in each strain to keep. The one strain I got of 2 is also great for cured weed smelly tasty.

The watermelon ultra just takes care of me. I always get 20% when I hand trim only if I knew that sooner Id have 200 more grams. Looks like the next potential keeper is porto leche not because of marketing hype but because one basically did a virtual test for me on riu. Thats the best kind of shopping which people actually do but with smoking and etc.

Riu isnt very populated with hash heads like me.
Im high as FUCK though first dab of day so its got potency too but I told yall I need yield for basic reasons but I prefer yield first potency second flavor last and WU does it just like that. Potency goesafter yield because its essencially the same thing just dab more to get high or fix your tolerance etc. Flavor last its just a luxury.

If you can jump into this with all 3 great but I had to start somewhere and its not fun testing weed you worked hard for to be dissapointed with. Flower rosin can be raunchy though so its good I got some dank tasting stuff.
So yea I think thats it, its why these last minute tests are so heart racey. One low one high temp if hand trimmed and no yield its just not there or not meant for rosins or at least flower rosin. IMO if not good for this not good for anything else dabs wise. Middle temp is only good for changing flavor to my liking if that works which it did once.

Thing is that could also be it needs to cure first but if its super tastey right off the bat I doubt a cure will make it any better. Thus being fine with out cure I think at the moment. So basically pressing the rest but doubt its a keeper for me. Must be at least 15% and VERY tastey and/or 20% minimum since I found that already.

So that or its just not tasty at all but sometime doing middle temp will lose some yield for better taste. Once it was like dryer sheets but turned out to be a missed flavor. Damn autos. That was one time though take what you will from that. Some times like porto leche it will yield better the lower the temp so theres that, a opposite.
Ok so scraping up everything after cool the left behind I got 10.75% of the 175f press and 11.5% 220f press so now trying cooler and longer. I just now read could go 5 mins I only did 1.5 min so lets see. 165f press 5 mins now.
Idk I think the warmer temps did more but worth a shot. Needs to cool before collect or Il get fustrated and only collect a portion of it. If you need to struggle to get that little bit off its also jot a good thing. Should be able to leave that behind becaude you collected 5gs and have a bunch more to collect. I did 2 ibs before. Quite the work out.


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You know what doing the math on larger amounts like 4-8oz this wouldnt be the most horrible thing to keep around. The flavor and potency is there very very good good gooooood potency and taste. Like a cream banana smoothie with some krushing kush power lol. 20gs of this would be cool.
The kongs krush is very berrylicious banana cream floral though more than sweet but this BCK its like sugar on your tongue. Very very sweet I cant. stop dabbing it I just WISH it yielded more.
That one was 9.85% of 3.56gs. Super low temps though never done that low before. Super hard to collect but thats maybe due to hand trimming it has more oils terps. At least I think so as when I machine trim my WU it turns out rough but collects but when hand trimming its like water which this is like.
2.67gs I think, I just weighed the paper 3.57gs then pressed and weighed the paper with the rosin on it. 13.56% I guess? 19.7gs flower. I let what had to be .2gs drop as its so damn runny. Which woud make it 15%… Hmm idk I am thinking the trick I just now tried is off but I carefully weighed the paper first so hmm. That messes me up a bit.

Should of pressed by them selves to verify the yield but its a pain to collect. So I just weighed it this way but damn. If its 15% its more than fricken welcome aboard if I get passed the pm issue.


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10% official collect much left behind but it happens with water like rosin. Taste phenominal, potency too but not so much yield.


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