dabz all day. what do you dab and dab with?

Don't use the original atomizers, they kinda suck IMO. Order 3grams atomizer for the OG Peak and problem is solved! They also have replacement coils and is easier to maintain than the Pro version that you can't fully de-assemble.

My OG rips the same as the Pro with original 3D Chamber and I load about 0.1-0.2g dabs everytime. One tip is to use a paper towel to remove the atomizer while hot to better clean between rips. It makes it way less tedious to clean and maintaining the unit.

You always want some tiny amounts of leftovers left in the bowl to better clean with q-tips after taking a rip. This waste is already heated and used and without any potency left.

It's crucial to keep the unit clean to help keep the rips potent. Otherwise you'll loose 30-40% being stuck in the unit and not the lungs. I get more effect from the OG Peak than using a torch and a glass beaker.


Yea I worry though throwing a hot atomizor will boil the alcohol unless Im missing something. True indeed with puddling it a bit to keep ceramic bowl nice and white/clean. But if you read the last few comments before this I cut back so much Im dabbing .02g dabs each time.

Its ruining the bowl but those are super replaceable cheap. Atomizor stays fine just cleaning every 75 dabs, a lot I know but I suspect disassembling them causes them to break from the wiring disconnecting. Then no power to the atomizor.

Damn I was upset about the news I am a habbit forming guy I dont want to invest time learning a different companies product. Its ups and downs. I guess I have to as these days products just change over time.

Im saving so much cutting back Im getting high enough that the 3gram atomizor is suddenly too much. Il get it for when my tolerance raises but ya. When I increase tolerance Il try those soon. I know I was just complaining about it but they suddenly started working again good enough.

If they keep making after markets or just have atomizors for the next 2.5 yrs Il be good. Then try whatever is as easy to use and maintain as a og peak as you say their new ones arent as easy to clean. I just do tiny dabs in one breath my T is so low right now.
Trippy, Im basically at a gram of weed a day but I dab it instead. It can be affordable more than you may think. Not that obnoxious. With a T this low though I wonder what vaping weed is like but weed itsnt as easy to micro dose as carts and dabs. Or edibles. I was zonked off a piece of chocolate the other day.

I highly recommend a T fix every now and then, the first few times were so hard I didnt keep up. Its like a skill that gets better and suddenly you just have more freedom. Its almost like I wasnt even high it would last 15 mins now its 1-2 hrs.
So not only do I probably use less than you I still do dabs all day every day lmao. If you smoke more than a gram a day. Its a bit more since my pheno is 20% hash yield but considering if I had a 25% which is easy to find “in theory” but luck is something else.

Amhurst sour d HSC should be 23-26% kanucks grow some of his best which he didnt look hard to find.
Start off with weighing .28gs the .02gs is an emergancy dab if middle of night cant sleep due to withdraw. I havent needed it even from the beginning. First dab or two is literally a pindot. Start a timer for an hour. Repeat. Start taking dabs like the thumbnail about now to 5pm.

Start eating getting ready for the evening to stay in and sleep. Now I have like .15gs left which is too much to even finish. I take two dabs much larger than I did all day so it either zonks me or is good enough. I have moments through out each day where Im way higher than I should be.

Ive been adding like .05 or slightly more daily to the next daily limit because I just dont need it.

This saves me from buying from store and starting a new plan to have this at a bare minimal. Could lose a whole run to PM or budrot or both as is or during a power outage. Bugs. Whatever that may even cause me to lose moms and veg plants ready to flower to bounce back. Could start from seed.

If all goes well the second harvest I can bump it up to .6gs a day. Maybe even 1g a day rosin if I keep improving. In sake of growing with mold around growing smaller plants.


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What do you dab, home made or store bought? Rosins, bho? Im a nug smasher.
I smash also. I don't live in a medical or recreational state, so everything I use is homegrown. I haven't bought anything blackmarket since I was a kid, so ...... about 25 yrs now.
I prefer live rosin and bubble. But recently I've become obsessed with making piatella.
Indont know shit about breeding but if these two herms make a successful cross.. Can it even cross being two herms lol.. If I just grow it out and clone it its something I can keep for a while if I like it or just out of curiousity?

I know you dont breed like this or even pollen chuck this way but being hash only and seeing they can out grow those traits.. I even read once the seedling can be bred out by doing this but that convo was about the same plant seeding itself.

Idk but hollar at me what yall think I suddenly have interest. The fact that it could express something totaly different from expected lol thats exotic genetix’s moto.
Dont get me wrong sometimes I just dont feel too lit with the new limit. I get times I just need more and that tells me something about how cutting back usually goes. Its so easy to raise tolerance. Im talking about the mini dabs but even the end of day session Im just not all that lit.

So I really get how hard it can be. I just havent been “too” stoned like I was at first holy shit. Just good days and bad days. Then I realize I could get zonked Im just using disipline. Savin lots of dough vs before.

I could buy from store if I had to and it wouldnt be too bad infact coincidently about the same as I spend now. Difference is my grow can gift me double the daily limit or more.
I gotta tell ya though… Games.. Easy distraction for long periods of time Im just not really a gamer. Im a sit around and do freakin nothing kind a guy. Get high listen to tunes or videos.
Yea I may of mispoke and glorified flower rosin more than it really was. I got some live resin store bought its 10 months old so I gots to dab it. It packs a punch, its very flavorful. Its 50%thc which was my favorite. Any higher it tends to be one strong high and quickly becomes tolerant and does nothing.

I had really almost no change in difference dabbing live resin to flower rosin only. I know its not as strong and it isnt, it can take a few days to really feel it. Terps upset my athsma idk why. So I dont need live level terps. I eventually have no complaints with flower rosin and even dabbed back and forth flower rosin and live resin.

Its not that bad and eventually didnt care what it was at any time. I did have a tolerance though and wasnt nearly as high as I been. Its a bit more clear difference now. Dry sift rosin can still compare. Idk what makes chrystally slush bho and why rosins just dont no that as often. What Im saying is live resin consistancy is of course dank.

Well I really am just simple and quickly found myself enjoying my flower rosin and dry sift just as good. The dry sift can be hit or miss maybe static tech to remove whatevers making it raunch a bit. Im actually already feeling less high by the end of typing this. Its already losing its punch.

It does produce more vapor at smaller amounts it even still clouds up. It just gets me to use more. So I stay at 60% thc live resins. Im just fine with my flower rosin the simplicity and lifestyle its part of what makes it so good. I had to say this after almost what.. 6 months of dabbing my own rosin?

So dabbing the store live resin was quite something to blog about real quick. I been glorifying flower rosin but have to remember its just flower rosin. Idk what I love about it so much. Watching a guy make carts with them they removed the fats lipids and showed how much there is. Its a cut product. Why doesnt bho and live bho have it? Does it?

It takes some getting used to, flower rosin wasnt super great it was just fun. Like a easy bake oven for adults and weed.
Its weird with new tolerance cutting back I dont dab the same. I tried to do a big blob of my flower rosin and was… tooooo high lol. So flower rosin can get me there too. I didnt realize I unlocked those higher levels of high. I was high as I possibly could it was like shrooms.
Yea I just dabbed again, no punch. Flower rosin for life lol. It was just first dab of day it was fatter than usual and just handling it it smells stronger and looks danker. Well I dont notice a difference in performance at this point. My flower rosin was able to do the same. Crude oil team!

Then I found hand trimming it perserves just gold mines of hash that make the impurities irrelevant. It vapes less clouds but thats about it. Its still enough vapor. Machine trimmed its missing substantial amounts of pure hash so it gunks and raunches a bit but the hand trim really is similar to saucy bho.

Its not as terpy as live bho or rosin of course but I find those irritating. Just enough is ok. Live usually has double the terps. My hand trim came out watery due to so much terps and hash. It buttered a tiny bit but stayed mostly a soft goop idk how to say. Not quite sauce but close.

I cant wait to just show what Im talkin about lol. Im about to apply it to a whole harvest like 5 oz. 25gs and some change of rosin. It will prove I went from 12% to 20% but any loss is now known to be lost hash from agitation. Because if so Ill still have 18-19% which still proves it. If every strictly monitored sample does 20% thats all I need just a few of those then I do the rest and calculate it all.
So Id say eat the trim and dab the bud but Im getting backed up in cannabutter. Anyone know how long they last? Id say just any thc product, about a year in terms of potency. Unless the hashinene terps can be made still and we just dont know how that effect edibles idk. Im buzzin.

When I have enough butter which will be in no time Il be dry sifting again.
Holy shit I dont get it. I was dabbing a g a day like 1.2gs harvesting 100gs a harvest did 2 rounds. Dabbing almost all of it by end of flower wk 10. Saved about 30gs I add to next harvest. Got pm and botritys pretty much 2 months in so lost 200gs because over packed and learned hand trimming gets me 20%..

I just didnt get to have that so had my 30gs. Didnt start applying budgeting until I had like 20gs left. 3 wks later I have 40 days worth dabs due to budgeting and now used to it. Just harvested 6-8oz about to harvest 11 more oz in a week. Going to get about 108gs flower rosin and the calculator broke.

I put away 71gs rainy day fund could do 2 runs from seed if I had to meaning I could fail twice back to back. Starting over because something happened in the very end which tends to happen.. Just planning for that now which everyone should do if you want to stay self sustained.

But even without trying I somehow bounced the hell back. 71gs savings and 37gs to go to .6gs a day already and this next run I will be at 1.1gs a day worth without even trying… Do I need to even grow anymore?!? Woah. Im gonna give my family some large gifts lol free weed. Idk what to even do anymore.

Weird because it seemed like I was so screwed.