About the flying cars: my opinion.
1) Energy cost. Flying something at low altitude requires much more energy/fuel than rolling something along. This becomes acutely more so if you have to shoehorn the wing's aspect ratio into a carlike footprint. The "flying car" prototypes i have seen have essentially done away with lifting shapes and rely on ducted thrust to rise and move. Horrific energy hogs.
2) Ever notice a flying-car prototype that washalfway decent at being a car? The design is heavily biased toward airplane. The wheels have been pretty much reduced to casters. One such on a mountain road would not please me at all.
3) Safety/management. As long as piloting is left to the nut behind the wheel/yoke, the potential for accidents, with each other and with terrain (including other people) is serious.
With an adequate-to-good roadway infrastructure in place, even a de luxe ordinary car outperforms an even a marginal flying car at rather less cost to own and operate. So as far as I can tell, the flying car embodies a stubborn unwillingness to abandon the Raygun Gothic "lifestyle of the future" promised us in the immediate postwar Golden Age of Consumerism and most completely popularized in The Jetsons. cn