Walmart's Now Ex-CEO To Pocket $113 Million Pension

I used to be a soldier but I abhor violence and oppose war. So now I just travel and seek attractive 20 something Latinas with whom to engage in coitus.

translation: Where's all the heinas? I salute you, brother. I'm game. Let's round up a group of fly honey's, and get killer game of Crisco twister going.
What was this thread about again?

Neh... fuck it.

I want a latina on my face

Latin girls are in fact quite awesome.

Exhibit A:


but i believe you are referring to Chicano Girls, which are NOT found in the Provence of Latium, or within the sacred boundaries of Roma.

Chicano Girls are also delightful.
Exhibit B:


but clearly of a duskier, more full bodied flavour.

i enjoy them both, as well as some of the more exotic vintages from around the world.

but my soundproofed dungeon is only big enough to hold a few.
They'd all have a seat so long as I have a face (wore my hoody up as I typed that for extra creep effect)
My point is, the executives of Wal-Mart and it's corporate mantra is to make as much money as possible, even if that means doing it off the back of laborers. You find no fault in that, and I do. And this is what is wrong with our country today.
Would you rather the laborers were unemployed?