damn plants are going yellow


Well-Known Member
i have about 5 plants in pot indoors i have been give 1/2 streath nutes on a water feed water rate ph is around 6.8 they are in soil i water once evry 3 -4 days and they are going yellow at the ends and its given me the shits lol can any pls help


Well-Known Member
there about 10 days in i use house and garden soil ill get some pic up might help bit better


Well-Known Member
yes we need a pic. and more info. what kind of soil, what kind on nutes, what kind of lights, how old are they? That being said. if you are HID lights the watering should be fine. taking a shot in the dark if they are seedlings and the soil is to hot and you shouldn't feed anything to them for the first 3wk.


Well-Known Member
ok so the stuff i use is house and garden soil A&B growth enhacer which contains mag cal and nit roots xl and rizo tonic atmi just give them base nutes at 1/2 streanth 3/4 days
seedlings that small don't need to be watered for like 2 weeks think about the size of the root base just mist to top soil and plant every once in awhile and dont baby them to much there seeds. u will be fine. just a not a seedling has enough food for the first 2 weeks form its shell


Well-Known Member
i started to feed them as they started to yellow be4 i started nutes and i raised the watering abit cause the guy from my hydro shop said that they need at least 200-300 mls of water at least 3-5 days what do u guys think ?


Well-Known Member
oki cool guys i have just set another 8 seeds off sprouted i have 100 watt hps ill shove em in there with them so should i have water with ph water at 6.5 and leave them for 3 weeks till i feed ? water of course with just water as they need it

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Just a note of caution.....H&G is UREA based and that makes it salty! To get out from under those nutes...When the plants get bigger and you are following the H&G feeding schedule,,,,,,be sure you follow the part that says to water to flow through.....otherwise, even if you use the "worthless" drip through......You will create a soil "brick" that will not take water well and be salty as hell screwing up your plants.....
I've tested H&G in soil for them,,,,,don't think they liked my review much.......Best used for hydro applications!

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
First time I've heard this! There main selling point is...no salts..?
Well I'll be damned.....They changed away from urea!

Ok,, my bad! I would still use with caution as many still tell me they have "bricking" troubles with this stuff.....in soil....The feeding charts do still list "drip clean" and to flow through......so something is still going on......I also don't like all the damn different feed amounts...to much work and to many expensive additives......

I must admit, I DO like the normal and aggressive charting and the warning about aggressive use....



Well-Known Member
Now ive seen some bad mediums but this is something else. What is it??????? It looks like you spewed in there and stuck a plant on top. Next grow get some decent medium.


Well-Known Member
Now ive seen some bad mediums but this is something else. What is it??????? It looks like you spewed in there and stuck a plant on top. Next grow get some decent medium. [/QUOits sand to controll gnats ;) and its only the top layer as they cant dig in propagation sand ;)