Dank here ;) Gardening with Dank 101

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That is so cool you have turtles!! :D You gotta post a pic of them sometime!! what do you mean she jacked you up? beat you up or ran into with her car?? :lol:

I just toked up myself..trying to relax a little while so this water can do its magic..went and got myself dehydrated as hell..

Most of the time they hide! They do like to lay in the sun when it is hot. This is the bigger one. The small one hides all of the time.

LOL!! She didn't like hit me... I have degenerative disc disease in my lower back. Picking up more than 40 lbs kills me for about 5 days.


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Most of the time they hide! They do like to lay in the sun when it is hot. This is the bigger one. The small one hides all of the time.

LOL!! She didn't like hit me... I have degenerative disc disease in my lower back. Picking up more than 40 lbs kills me for about 5 days.
awww he's so cute! I love turtles..we went to the turtle preservation at Grand Cayman Island. Some of those turtles were over 100 pounds, easy! I got to hold a baby sea turtle. You have to cradle them like babies..lol SUPER COOL!! I'm trying to regain access to my old myspace acct. I have a pic or two of them on there.
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