Dank here ;) Gardening with Dank 101

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there is a story behind " shorline " it was a bag seed from the 80's found in texas during a greatful dead concert or one of them old hippy rock bands lol ;)
I'll be damned.. that's one of those bag seeds you don't want to miss! I had a bag seed turn out dank as fuck before. I mean you could straight up smell her 50 feet away. Loaded with trichs too. That was one of the three that got plucked nearly clean I had a couple years back. Pissed me off so bad..lol
ya im not really picky
tomatoes that havent been sauced are a no go
sweet potatoes are slim to none im jjust not a big fan
spaghetti squash and weird shit like that are not happening
strong dislike for chicken that hasnt been cooked to the jerky point or bbq'd
ill eat brussell sprouts greens and the like though
peas beans purple basil and hell i dunno we pretty much took a hand full of seeds and distributed them through out the bed there
ya the pea's or snow peas up front caught my eye

you know peas / beans are a nitrogen fixing plant
so if its rich in N in your system the plant wont be happy
they are not a really accurate test
you may know this already just saying
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ya im not really picky
tomatoes that havent been sauced are a no go
sweet potatoes are slim to none im jjust not a big fan
spaghetti squash and weird shit like that are not happening
strong dislike for chicken that hasnt been cooked to the jerky point or bbq'd
ill eat brussell sprouts greens and the like though
I love me some brussel sprouts..and I'm with you on the spaghetti squash, they are weird as fuck! never had any though..lol
Tomatoes are great, had some roma's sliced up tonight. Between the maters, tater and liver, I'm feeling much better :mrgreen:
last couple days i been working the garden pretty hard
put a bunch of stuff out i know its late and way early for fall crops but im sure the plants will still put out
emerald okra
purple hull peas , kandy korn , cantalope , desert king watermelons , crimson sweets , zucchini , straight neck squash , acorn squash
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