Dapio's 400w Mh/Hps LST Round 3!


Well-Known Member
veg day 2 looks like 3 of my clones have took to their new home if bottom right doesn't look any better in the morning I will just toss a healthier clone in there soon LST will begin in full effect!


Well-Known Member
A couple fan leaves showing signs of boron or iron deficiency but it seems to be correcting itself I assume its my PH method atm my meter shitted out on me and I am tired of tossing the hydro bastards all my money so I went with the test tube for 7 bucks instead, regardless this is looking like my best crop yet!



Well-Known Member
need help someone my plant is only a month old in veg its under a 400 watt mh temps are 78-80 lights on 72 lights of humidity% 56- 60 during lights on lights of humidity% 70 its in fox farm soil dont know whats wrong ph is 6.2-6.5 i havnt feed it any nutes yet could that be the problem please help​
Attached Thumbnails


Well-Known Member
that looks like magnesium deficiency bro keep your ph 6.5-6.8 and I think that will heal up only thing you cannot recover is death perhaps buy some cal-mag from your local hydro store if the problem persists? some strains are more sensitive to deficiencies then others


Well-Known Member
My next watering should I start giving them nutes they just been feeding of the nutes in the fox farm soil its been a month there In 5 gallon pots


Well-Known Member
generally fox farm can provide enough nutes for about 2 months but I would toss in maybe 10ML of molasses and 5 ML of some humic acids, 5 ML of some sea weed, and 5ML of some processed fish and I say you got yourself some healthy suckers just after a feeding when adding new nutrients check the growth the following day and check for any burns at the tips if it looks like its thriving your O.K but if you see some burning at the tips back off on the ML's


Well-Known Member
I'm using technafloras recipe for success starter kit the chart for veg stage says B.C Boost 15ml I'm going 7.5ml ,B.C Grow 7.5ml, I'm going 3.5ml ,Thrive Alive B-1 Red 2.5ml ,I'm going 1.5 ,Magical 2.5 , I'm going 1.5 ,and Sugar Daddy 10ml ,I'm going 5ml will this be ok


Well-Known Member
yeah bro I am not sure if you have a PPM (parts per million) formula on any of your nutrient bottles but generally its 10ML=350 PPM/Per Gallon so I have added your PPM up from what measurements you gave and its about 650-670 not a math wiz hence the estimation it seems like your doing just fine with that I would step up your BC Boost to 10 ML and thrive to 5 ML once you are on your last 4 weeks of flowering but it all comes down to the healthy growth of your leaves science is one thing but you would be amazed on what the human eye alone can do in detecting an unhappy plant vs a happy one :D let me know if you need any other help perhaps post some pictures if you are capable I love to help!


Well-Known Member
So my measurements are cool and u said when about four weeks into flower go up to 10ml on the boost and thrive 5ml and thanks man on the tips I'll keep u updated


Well-Known Member
One more thing its been about 4 days since I watered. soil is still a lil moist but not real moist so should I wait a couple more days to water with nutes don't want the deficiency to get any worse
looks like maybe they are wanting a little more nitrogen, but I am still working on spotting my own Problems with my lady's. more than likely they just want some food so when you feed look and see if any new growth is still showing that diffishancy and just keep an eye out. even with that yellow they still look pretty happy!


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks bro I really appreciate u helping me out I'll wait a day or two before I feed nutes thanks man I won't bother u any more I'll keep u updated