day 48 flowering Kush and haze 400w HPS


Active Member
my room is 6 by 4 and i have a 400 w hps with a cool tube and a 600w hps w a cool tube. i hung them side by side with the 400 w a little lower to catch the bottom branches a bit more as the 600 w concentrates on the bigger tops


Active Member
it seems the haze is getting to heavy for the branches, they are all flopping over to the side, leaves are still healthy and perky so its not over/under watering.
it was foxtailing quite a but, but new growth is filling everything in.
so my question is, is it ok that it is bending the branches?


Active Member
do you think you could put more than 14? im thinking 12 or 16 under each one, looking like its going to be 12.


Active Member
so yesterday the haze had a bunch of branches that were to heavy for the plant and were bent down to the dirt lol so ran out and got some bamboo to help brace it for the final week or so of flowering here is what it looks like as of yesterday


Well-Known Member
so yesterday the haze had a bunch of branches that were to heavy for the plant and were bent down to the dirt lol so ran out and got some bamboo to help brace it for the final week or so of flowering here is what it looks like as of yesterday

im likin that sike. looks good. did u see my alaskan haze its startin to look pretty nice. hopefully like urs lol


Active Member
i dont know which one is the haze lol they all look so nice, bushy and green.

the biggest thing im going to change is im trying to keep my leaves green till harvest

ive fed it twice with veg nutes mixed with my monster booster, and my plants seem to love it the bud is growing quite a bit.

im really hoping for 2oz dry.