Days On Dagobah

Nice indoor setup, will also soon try the PK x GDP BX1 indoors come December.

You could reveg that Chem pheno, a bit freaky I did notice, would for sure yield more indoors under lights, cant wait to hear your opinion on the smoke and the others when properly cured...
Hindsight and all that. Never like to reveg past 2-3 weeks or I would. Went out drinking 2 nights ago and came home to these fellas.
There was a much bigger one off to the right. Now I have to reinforce my fence before we move out the vegetables.

OG (Kushco Cut), Lemon Alien Dawg (Alien Genetics), (Crockett Cut) Banana Kush, Modified Banana (Shango Cut), Project 4516 (Grandi Cut), Hazelnut Cream (Dab Logic Cut), (Aloha Cut) White Widow, & Miami Haze.
Vegetables went outdoors. Have a space heater out there just in case it gets too cold.9620AC10-3C52-46E9-8335-D890DB93A016.jpeg
Bubble cloner full, 35 total, 3 clones each strain (except Trop Cherry #8 is only 2). Going to take more in rockwool.E23DFB74-CADA-434C-B430-70EBFD7277AF.jpeg
Waiting till I have a rooted clone of each pheno. Can focus on my pheno hunt. Going to give a 1/2 strength feeding. Cleaning room tamaro and taking care of foliar schedule. Will try to have the Scrog and CO2 hooked up before next update.
Mushroom life in the indoor soil.
Very nice Peanut Butter, how are the other girls doing mate?
I won’t be back in town till Wednesday. A bunch of the plants got pulled yesterday if my buddy is staying on our schedule, which I’m sure he is. Everything was ending up very impressive. Btw your skunk smells like straight up RKS with like garbage in the sun undertones (The Skunktosis start labeled cross). It’s my favorite one. The Chem has a more pungent rotten fruit smell like it’s starting to ferment a can of fruit cocktail but is also probably gonna flower another 2-3 weeks so an 11-12 week flower but it is my largest yielder. I got a 50% true Purp pheno display and ended up with 8 more females of those to hunt out. I’ll do a full punch up soon but very nice to the both of y’all.
Well I got Covid, so time to get my indoor under control.
Only missing clones off Midtown Madness #2 & Banana Burger Mousse #2. Got the SCROG starting to go up and sealing the walls with white duct tape. Left my LED in the middle on after I sprayed with Spinosad and burnt a few plants, might have mixed it too strong. Getting Neem out of my IPM. Got some of the bud from the outdoor getting dropped off for trim so I’ll have pics of some nugs. Been hitting RKS phenos all over the place this year with the outdoor. Thinking it’s not that all that hard to find.
Transferring my 12 mother plants to the outdoor.

Prepping 250 gallons of soil for the transfer.
Had it cooking for about 4 weeks. Just cheap potting soil, 15% Manure, and FF Soil conditioner.
Added a compost activator of yeast, molasses, & water.
Got the first wave of plants being trimmed. Strains include: My mello testers, Xox tester, Shoreline BX, Tropicanna Banana, Peyote WiFi, Banana OG, & Banana Kush.
Gonna finish trimming and start taking photos, here are a couple:
Xox testers
Got some darker stuff too I’ll get too, this stuff is just going back out so I got to it first.
Shoreline BX
My most skunked pheno from the pack.
Going to add 60 gallons of soil conditioner to 180 gallons of cooked mix. After it has cooked with the molasses activator. I’m going to mix a large amount of heisenberg tea to add microbes. 1 week after that I will transplant my 12 mothers outdoor into 25 gallon pots with this soil.
My one male Acapulco Gold turned out to be female so screwed on that. Though about making fems but like I said, We have a lot of skunk phenos at The LZ. Kind of lost interest. I’m going to finish up this pheno hunt chapter soon then I’ll pheno hunt out my Stardawg IX, Sour Diesel BX4, & Jesus OG Kush.

Not in love with the Fox Farm Dirty dozen system. Have to add calcium. Doesn’t carry you too long and you need a lot. Thinking of switching to Coco and peat, back to my old Jacks 321 adjusted. I need to get a humidifier. The rooms fully sealed and at a negative pressure and can run where I want it temp wise. Got a bunch of the GH Pro line I need to figure out how to run in a NFT for vegetables.
Down to a tent basically. Need the grow room for my baby. Gonna just do small stuff and make rosin from outdoor stuff. Been doing soil. Haven’t quite figured it out how to do it with just soil. Here some outdoor pics of the leafs. Got jam on it, banna burger, midtown madness, and Trop Cherry #8 out there.
Figure it out soon.
Gonna reset soon
Current lineup*
Skunkhouse Banana Burger Mousse, Beleaf Jam On It, Top Dawg Midtown Madness, Relentless Trop Cherry#8, Xoxo GDP, Shoreline Shoreline BX & Bubblegum, MOS Chem 91 Hybrid, Cheese, Columbian Gold, Acapulco Gold, Seedsman Peyote WiFi & Barney’s Runtz Muffin

Top Dawg Stardawg IX & Sour D BX4, Subcool Jesus OG Kush Regs, Ethos OG D LUX BX3, Exotic Genetix Rainbow Chip F2 & Solfire Mega Mind.

About to start more but want to do it sectionally so I can hunt. Probably do the Ethos pack and just do the entire pack removing males at preflowers. Want a really nice OG in the lineup. Will have keepers selected in the next month or so from last whole room run and outdoors.
Gonna start the next log somewhere I can get good responses from experienced soil growers. Try to find a recipe I can build from inexpensive local components.
Yeah man. The plan is 5x5 tent with 1000w LED w/UV. Thinking drop system with coco & peat, Athena nutes, AC, fans, exhaust, & CO2. Probably gonna run the Ethos OG D LUX BX3. (OGKB x Triangle Kush x Josh D OG) and hunt the 17 Reg pack for a keeper. Really trying to learn soil though.
id save learning soil for outdoors, with peat or coco less chance of bringing in any pests into an indoor environment thats one of the reasons i use peat indoors that and i can buy the large compressed bales without paying for weight where i live.