I'm gonna take a wild shot in the dark and say-- FIRE!Can't wait to hear the smoke report.
Hey man When I use my alcohl extraction it is super runny and hard to manage how did you get yours so nice and manageable? Did you add like a quarter of kief or what heh?Yeah the smoke is going to be probably the best I've grown yet, so that's a great thing! And the yield isn't going to be bad or anything, just not what I was hoping for I think. But we'll see soon enough.
The last 5 SS's yielded a bit more since they went longer, and that AK is going to yield out great for sure. I can't wait for that one!
I'm about to start whittling away on the GRILFs here tonight probably, and there's actually a decent amount of little top nugs on em so that's good. I'll probably just toss everything that's not solid little nugs, cause I don't even feel like messing with it!
But the best part is I have the next crop just waiting to go into flower, and these girls are all 3" tall with a near perfectly-even canopy. Well except for the Super Silver Haze which is like 2' now, but I know it'll stretch up to the height of the others anyway so that's actually good. So I don't really give a shit about what the yield was this time honestly. I've got plenty of primo smoke to last me 3 months until next chop, plus the hash too actually, and next harvest is going to be epic I'm sure! Gonna be 8 four-footers going bananas plus a table of smaller clones doing their thing as well. The clone table will be like 3-4 each of SS and HB.
Oh and here's a pic of a 20 gram hash bar I made out of the remaining hash by rolling it. Altogether I got 25 grams of this alcohol-extracted hash out of all my trim from last harvest. Not too shabby.
OK so basically once you soak your trim and strain it, take the resulting alcohol/hash liquid and put it into wide and shallow pans (I use baking dishes) with a fan blowing across them on medium. It took me a little over 24 hours straight to burn off the 1.75 litres of vodka that I used, so it's a long process but since there's only a fan blowing the electrical consumption is minimal as compared to using something like say a stove or hotplate to achieve the same effect. You just need to evaporate the liquid off fully. If you used grain alcohol as opposed to 100 proof vodka (which is what I used) the process should go a lot quicker.Hey man When I use my alcohl extraction it is super runny and hard to manage how did you get yours so nice and manageable? Did you add like a quarter of kief or what heh?
Great actually, I just think one needs to invest in the right amount of veg time before flipping using this method. But if you veg a little longer it really makes the buds bigger overall with way less popcorn.how do u think the lollipop method worked overall DC?
Yeah it kinda has a honey or almost a molasses smell to it. Very sweet and deep. Definitely a little strange...it's certainly not what I thought it would end up smelling like, but not bad either. Just.....different. Come to think of it maybe it has something to do with the fact that I use molasses in the last 2 weeks before harvest?Hey bro, just wanted to say congrats on all that work! I am very impressed, and doesnt that alcohol hash taste funny? I know mine did lol. What kind of taste does your has have?
How are those buds coming along and IM eager to get a final weight!
Best of luck in your upcomming journey and keep em green brotha!
Haha yeah this batch is fucking potent! Like you say, they were frosty as shit this time and that really made a big difference in potency. Hell, I'll take quality over quantity anyday! (Well, as long as I still have enough to never run out!)Gonna be a miracle if DC comes down long enough to post some nice nug shots, prolly high out of his mind.
Just pullin' your leg.Those last shots... your plants were so damn frosty! It's no wonder your clippings produced so much hash. Good work!
Hehehe don't worry man it's coming faster than you know! Hope you got your trimming arm in shape! You've got a pretty good bit to knock out too, but like they say there are worse problems. Like having to call somebody for weed. Haha damn we're spoiled!excited to see some of the finished product man
makin me so antsy for my birds to come down but Im only on week 6 today ughhhlol