Dead fish for fertilizer?

Best way to utilize meat or fish is to feed it to flies/scavengers. It won't stay where you want it, but it also won't poison your plant.

Burying carcasses is really booby trapping your garden with some really noxious shit.

While in construction, we built subdivisions on old dairy and poultry farms. When they had to slaughter a lot of critters(disease,etc.), they'd dig a big hole and bury them. Unearthing such a thing is an experience I never want to repeat. My entire crew lost their breakfast, there and then. Once exposed, the smell never completely left.
bury the dead fish in your spots in the fall and they will start to decompose and by next spring planting season the soil will be well prepared
mine is growing in a bucket, i put the fish on top of about 1 1/2 foot of soil then covered it with 6 in of soil, then placed plant i transplanted into bucket on and filled in with more soil.
Alaska has soemthing called fish fertilizer, so I think you are on to something.. :)

its brown and nasty -- like mud,, and you mix it with water for our girls.. smells horrible. Im using it this year.. so far. so good.

in theory, Im sure your idea is fine, but its going to take too long and way to much overheard -- better off just going to Lowes and spending $5.99.
here are my threads with pics about 2 weeks apart, my plants werent growing worth a crap at first and past 2 weeks they have had alot of growth, now im not saying its due to the fish (yellow perch about 8 inch long) but the one big white 5 gal bucket is the one with the fish in it.
here is the first post
here is a post i started today

they both have pics and the fish is not attracting insects or animals and it dosent smell whatsoever, it was a whole fish and only been in there 2 weeks so im sure it hasnt decomposed enough yet to really judge just putting this here for people to come to thier own conclusions.
lol thats good one...i never have any animals at my house...or around...if i do..i will do the same thing like yours :)
it works perfectly fine, its been dun for millenia. put it where your gunna plant, about a foot deep, the autumn before you plant. or your gunaa be growing in rotten fish and youll taste it. you want it completley decomposed,
the ol' hippies I know call this meat weed ;)

I've heard of pig carcus, a whole dead deer, lmfao... dnak stuff came from it tho.
i dig the idea, especially cause i remember pictures in school of native american's showing pilgrims how to plant corn with fish... i think the thing that would turn me off the most is the smell of rotting fish, because it has the tendency to make me want to gag... here is some organic commercial products i found that are made from fish, and things of that sort:

pretty interesting stuff... i think using a commercially produced product would probably be the best, mainly due to knowing exactly what nute values you are working with..
Fish emulsion smells just as bad as a small rotting fish in soil, jus'sayin
I always encourage your own home made ferts. I wouldn't use bagged ferts if they were free
When I started growing my dad told me if I wanted good stinky buds I should burry a fish or a steak under each plant. The rotting meat provides sulfur a well as nitrogen and other goodies.

I personally would rather make a very simple Lactobacillus serum and use that to make fermented fish hydroslate. It will be 10x better than the heat processed fish ferts you can find at most stores.
Great advice, pick that up on StormFront?
Planning on burying people with your pot plants next?
Want to nip this in the bud, get rid of life over property so we can shoot looters. If they think looting is the solution, we don't need them on this Earth. Such a primitive form of thinking. As for people throwing things at the police, lay a few of them dead in the streets instead of standing there with their cock in their hands.