Deal is a Deal....

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Keep in mind guys, you only need to buy the lights and that kinda of shit one time replace bulbs yes but you have it now you dont need to buy it all over so the next crop will be worth more and take your own clones so yea it not that hard. People that grow 200 plants I feel sorry for you that would be hard work! BUT!! you know what you would make with 200 plants? HERE I will let you know bout what you would make. You just made 125,000 Now I dont know anyone that makes 100k every 4 months there is 4 quarters in a year so you just made 400k in one year...... Suck my ass if you cant give out a free oz lol

200 plants is an illegal grow ANYWHERE. If A guy is growing 200 plants, he's a cash cropper..not a caregiver.
200 plants is an illegal grow ANYWHERE. If A guy is growing 200 plants, he's a cash cropper..not a caregiver.

abudtokr can't do math or has no idea of the industry. 200 plants with each averaging 2.5 oz. Lets say you yield 1lb per light. That's 6.5 plants per light and 31 lights.

31*12*30*$1.40 = $15,624 per month in just power.

Lets add up 1 grow:
$46,872 for electricity for flowering (we'll assume you can hit 2.5oz/plant with zero veg)
200 clones @ $12 each = $2,400
Soil @ 3gal/plant is 80 cubic feet which is 40 bags of soil @ $12 each = $480
Warehouse @ $3000/month = $9000
Nutrients ~ $300
C02 ?
Containers, ducting, lights, bulbs, fans, tape, hose, pumps... ?
Transportation ?
Legal consultation ?
Withoutadding anything for veg cycle and half the list this is ~ $60,000

200*2.5oz = 500oz = 31.25lbs. Clubs pay $2,200 - $3,600/lb. Averaged at $2,900 that's $90,625.

So for three months he would earn $30,000 if nothing goes wrong, he doesn't need to hire any help (trimming 30+lbs by yourself is a pain), doesn't pay for transportation or distribution, doesn't need legal counsel, gets free water...

$90,000/ year if everything goes perfect doing something very risky is WAAAYYYYY far away from earning $400,000/year with no cares in the world and extra pot to throw around to everyone you know.
In Michigan, the whole concept of caregiver has been reduced to growing ONLY for your registered patients. Selling of 'overages' has been deemed illegal.

The former status quo of giving patients their meds free in exchange for the rights to their 12 plants isn't a profitable venture. A care giver should really only NEED 12 or so total plant count to supply 5 patients an oz per month. He can legally charge his patient anything he wants for the meds,
But as it stands today, if the care giver is growing more than his patients actually use....he breaks the law when he sells that overage to anyone, be it a dispensary, a non registered patient or some one on the street.

The change in the law was made to prevent profiteering from signing up 5 patients, using the entire 60 plant count, and intentionally over producing for profit. Rightfully so, as that was exactly what was being done by the majority of care givers.

The individual grower, and true caregiver (growing for people who can't..not signing up patients for plant count) that were just trying to break even or make a modest profit are the one's punished by the change in the law.

The law originally provided for care giver compensation. Still does. but the selling of overages door has been slammed shut.

All thanks to our wonderful 60 plant count caregivers...
really cause i thought out in cali they were allowed to have co op's as long they were non profit?

The feds have stepped in and called "BULLSHIT" on co ops. Basically, they looked at the grow potential..and laughed their ass off at the thought of a co op having "no profit"....Then they went back and pulled out the old 99 plant Federal limit on any grow anywhere.

The bottom line is that all the tightening of rules is the result of people profiteering and abusing the limited rights given them under the medical laws passed.
i think it was so funny,we flooded the market and when these "moddest" grower's started having trouble unloading their overage's then they all started to get pissy.they want to be able sell their's but they do not want any one else to do it.
not really,they leave the truly non profit's alone. it's the one's that give out 200,000 salaries to themselves and then claim their non profit.
i think it was so funny,we flooded the market and when these "moddest" grower's started having trouble unloading their overage's then they all started to get pissy.they want to be able sell their's but they do not want any one else to do it.

Modest growers have no difficulty selling their many cases they get more per oz than bigger growers.

The bitch is that now the modest grower is just as illegal as the cash cropper. I used to be able to LEGALLY take my modest overages to a dispensary and sell it. Now I'm supposed to destroy it? Because with the change in the law,I can't sell it to anyone legally.

So I am now FORCED to break the law (due to the actions of others) or destroy my overages.

Can ya see the difference?

I think the long term solution for me may be to simply get patients and apply for caregiver status. Stick to my 12 plants..maybe a couple more for mom's and such..but no need for anywhere near the number I'd be allowed..and grow out a modest 2.5 oz per patient grow every couple of months.

That would make me legal and allow that modest profit legally. Thing is, growing for only myself, I didn't have to register as a caregiver. In my area that would mean going downtown, getting a small biz license, telling the cops where I live, and agreeing to the mandatory electrical and code compliance inspections my town has passed an ordinance for.

Wait..I don't want to do that...even though I'd be legit, I just don't like the idea of allowing inspections...yup I'm screwed..guess i'll flush my overages down the toilet...Thanks all you "big" growers!
i think it was so funny,we flooded the market and when these "moddest" grower's started having trouble unloading their overage's then they all started to get pissy.they want to be able sell their's but they do not want any one else to do it.

The market was never flooded...heck, dispensary prices (WHAT THEY PAID) were rising so that they could keep up with demand.
As a note of interest..the current mode of operation by the police around here, is to visit the registered care givers every now and then (unannounced of course) and audit plant count, verify patients info, and monitor dry product. If the care giver is over on either, they confiscate the extra plants or extra dry weight.

As they leave, they inform the lucky fellow that they will report the "non compliance" to the DA's Office. No guns, no swat team, no arrest, no hassle by the cops...just the friendly news from a couple nice men in uniform that they are filing with the DA, and he'll decide if he wants to file charges....pleasant dreams...
changes to the law-

p2p bill...

Prior to the patient to patient transfer bill, transfers could be made legally from patient to patient. The bill restricted transfer to only registered care giver to registered patient.

So now, a caregiver can sell ONLY to his registered patients. A a patient, with no care giver, must grow his own. It's now technically illegal for that patient (with no care giver) to buy meds.

That's why many dispensaries have closed. A dispensary has no caregiver relationship to the patient walking in...therefor an illegal sale of marijuana occurs.

The bitch is that now the modest grower is just as illegal as the cash cropper. I used to be able to LEGALLY take my modest overages to a dispensary and sell it. Now I'm supposed to destroy it? Because with the change in the law,I can't sell it to anyone legally. !
the appeals court made a ruling-
concerning p2p.
and there is a bill in legislature, seeking to change the law.

there also was no change to the law as far as care giver being able to transfer obtain cultivate travel, etc., meds.
i think most caregivers are using that part of the law to transfer. i believe it spells it out. nothing for te appeals court to rule on.
the appeals court made a ruling-
concerning p2p.
and there is a bill in legislature, seeking to change the law.

there also was no change to the law as far as care giver being able to transfer obtain cultivate travel, etc., meds.
i think most caregivers are using that part of the law to transfer. i believe it spells it out. nothing for te appeals court to rule on.

The appeals court ruled? Knew it was being appealed...haven;t heard about a ruling...giot a link?
Bob would/have you ever consider working in oils? You can't just throw out your work and money, break up your cycle a little maybe or space it out a little.

Modest growers have no difficulty selling their many cases they get more per oz than bigger growers.

The bitch is that now the modest grower is just as illegal as the cash cropper. I used to be able to LEGALLY take my modest overages to a dispensary and sell it. Now I'm supposed to destroy it? Because with the change in the law,I can't sell it to anyone legally.

So I am now FORCED to break the law (due to the actions of others) or destroy my overages.

Can ya see the difference?

I think the long term solution for me may be to simply get patients and apply for caregiver status. Stick to my 12 plants..maybe a couple more for mom's and such..but no need for anywhere near the number I'd be allowed..and grow out a modest 2.5 oz per patient grow every couple of months.

That would make me legal and allow that modest profit legally. Thing is, growing for only myself, I didn't have to register as a caregiver. In my area that would mean going downtown, getting a small biz license, telling the cops where I live, and agreeing to the mandatory electrical and code compliance inspections my town has passed an ordinance for.

Wait..I don't want to do that...even though I'd be legit, I just don't like the idea of allowing inspections...yup I'm screwed..guess i'll flush my overages down the toilet...Thanks all you "big" growers!
Yeah I totally agree with you, if you had an agreement and they failed to keep it that's their bad. Sorry that you've got a raw deal more than once, but congrats for going on your own. Now you'll have no failed promises to deal with. Get some good genes and get going.:clap:

Ok guys lets stop talking about free meds, if you dont give them away thats you. We made a deal and that was what HE!! told me the man never offered me a gram to even sell me or let me know when it was done...... and yes I will start doing it for myself and myself only. I guess you guys are saying its ok to keep all the patients meds and do what you want with it. Thats really all I was saying, not just about free meds. If I was growning 200 plants I would give free meds away. I think growing is fun, I never had the money to start. And the caregiver I had was what I changed to after the first one screwed me over. My first post was about a caregiver in honor michigan and to say away from caregivers there. You guys started talking about free meds and how all you guys are against it. I hear all you guys shits not for free. but when you make a deal telling them this is what is going to happen thats what is to be expected right?
In Michigan, the whole concept of caregiver has been reduced to growing ONLY for your registered patients. Selling of 'overages' has been deemed illegal.

The former status quo of giving patients their meds free in exchange for the rights to their 12 plants isn't a profitable venture. A care giver should really only NEED 12 or so total plant count to supply 5 patients an oz per month. He can legally charge his patient anything he wants for the meds,
But as it stands today, if the care giver is growing more than his patients actually use....he breaks the law when he sells that overage to anyone, be it a dispensary, a non registered patient or some one on the street.

The change in the law was made to prevent profiteering from signing up 5 patients, using the entire 60 plant count, and intentionally over producing for profit. Rightfully so, as that was exactly what was being done by the majority of care givers.

The individual grower, and true caregiver (growing for people who can't..not signing up patients for plant count) that were just trying to break even or make a modest profit are the one's punished by the change in the law.

The law originally provided for care giver compensation. Still does. but the selling of overages door has been slammed shut.

All thanks to our wonderful 60 plant count caregivers...
That door got slammed shut because of all the collectives popping up. People coming from cali and other legal states to make profit on the sick in michigan. It never said in the law we could have dispensaries in the first place. its the dispensaries that caused the patient to patient transfer to be illegal.
Bob would/have you ever consider working in oils? You can't just throw out your work and money, break up your cycle a little maybe or space it out a little.
Hes got a point Bob oils are far more potent than bud. Concentrate that stuff down and hide it. A hash ball should last years in a vacuum sealed bag.
Bob would/have you ever consider working in oils? You can't just throw out your work and money, break up your cycle a little maybe or space it out a little.

I don't really like oils..too concentrated for me..and I won't throw anything out. i know enough personal friends with cards, that although not legal to take donations from, it would be pretty safe.

My rant is more at how tightly they closed the law transfers..if you have a med law..they should leave some ease of do patients get meds?
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