Deal is a Deal....

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the appeals a court-

has made at least one a month(concerning you) for a minute now. catch up.

changes to the law. if you ar ea caregiver, you have all the rights you always had. just not so many choices.
You know what? never mind you all really are lame this site is really just full of greedy basterds that can go to hell! FUCK YOU ALL!!
Really dude! All of us? Wow I thought you said you weren't going to post any more because bay medical got busted. I'm not trolling I just have a good memory. The rumors about cannabis affecting short term memory are bs btw.
talk about crying,your pussy ass was the one to get on here and cry about how dumb you are.waaaa waaaa i don't get nothing for free.loser.let me leave your simple ass some advice,a fool and his gold will soon be we will see how long before your on here crying again about how dumb you are.

If you don't get nothing for free, exactly how much do you give your patients for their 12 plants ?
That door got slammed shut because of all the collectives popping up. People coming from cali and other legal states to make profit on the sick in michigan. It never said in the law we could have dispensaries in the first place. its the dispensaries that caused the patient to patient transfer to be illegal.

Never said we couldn't either.

i didn't grow up in a country where you only get to do what the law says you CAN do.. it is very much the opposite.
That door got slammed shut because of all the collectives popping up. People coming from cali and other legal states to make profit on the sick in michigan. It never said in the law we could have dispensaries in the first place. its the dispensaries that caused the patient to patient transfer to be illegal.

And they may have tolerated dispensaries, if so many hadn't been "Coffee house" atmosphere.
I haven't laughed and agreed so much in a long time. That's some funny shit, I don't care who you are.
I'd rather be a cry baby then a cock sucker, priceless man priceless.
For Petes sake guys just shut up and go smoke a fatty. You're like a bunch of flippin women in a hair salon gossiping and ranting. WHO CARES! Now move along and enjoy the rest of your day!
Wow when I posted I at least thought about our moderator. I can understand your point but is not an excuse for calling me a troll. I am not. And yes you sound like a whiner and I don't think you will be happy with anyone as a caregiver no matter how hard they try.
If you don't get nothing for free, exactly how much do you give your patients for their 12 plants ?

Wow it's just amazing how your type twist things around.

The law gives the right to not be criminally prosecuted for growing 12 plants or under, not rights to have things given to you at someone else's expense.

When a patient assigns a caregiver they transfer their protections to grow to that caregiver. They do not just have someone growing "their" plants. The caregiver is growing his/her own plants to provide meds for the patient... usually good genetics that took a bit of time and money to acquire.
I don't think most caregivers on here think that the way this guy in Honor backed out on your deal was a good thing. If someone makes a deal they should keep it.

What you should really do is just grow it for yourself... but that takes money and work.........
Wow it's just amazing how your type twist things around.

The law gives the right to not be criminally prosecuted for growing 12 plants or under, not rights to have things given to you at someone else's expense.

When a patient assigns a caregiver they transfer their protections to grow to that caregiver. They do not just have someone growing "their" plants. The caregiver is growing his/her own plants to provide meds for the patient... usually good genetics that took a bit of time and money to acquire.

I don't think buddyganga was twisting things. He's simply saying that if a caregiver has assumed your right to grow, they have also assumed your right to profit from the overages..and should be able to supply the patient with low cost/no cost god, they can make some money on the overages, which there will be.

I think the point he was making is that to charge the patient who allowed you to grow those plants in the first place, is kinda like getting the rights to the overage, and still wanting 200 an oz prices from the patient, is pretty clearly a one way deal. nothing to do with caregiving..just profit.

Good genetics are readily available these days, getting those good genetics to produce quality meds is another story. "hand of the grower" has a lot to do with it.
So say I'm your caregiver and I'm growing 12 plants for you. I grow outdoors so they are big plants but you'll have to wait.

Caregivers need to make money, it's a profession not some joke invented for the pot industry. As a non-pot related caregiver I make ~$55,000 annually - if you are asking me to provide you marijuana the rate goes up drastically considering it is a risky undertaking, even when state legal. As I caregiver dispensing medical marijuana I want an additional $25,000 annually, this is not being greedy it's simply taking into consideration future legal expenses, security, the chances that I'll be locked up, the fact that my family thinks I now do a despicable thing ...and a small bit for the extra stress.

To make this additional $25,000 I need to charge $2,100/lb. Now I'm growing your 12 plants - at the end of the season they are all yours, for $2,100/lb (just the rate I have to charge to offset expenses and for a shit ton of stress - care giving is a profession remember). So if you fork over $25,000 then your plants are all yours. Now if at the end of the season you can't afford the medicine you preordered...well then it's going to get sold to cover expenses.

Having a caregiver is kind of like having a personal dispensary that you can rely on to always be able to buy good meds at a decent price - not to take advantage of them by demanding free meds.
Yes a deal is a deal. One thing I don't understand is ware do you guys come up with these numbers? do you expect your caregiver to use up all their space for your twelve plants? What about other patients? Does he flower all twelve of yours at once? Do you know anything about propagation? I'll try to open some eyes. This is my guess as to what may have happened and its just a guess. Say a caregiver has 4 patients and offers 2 ozs a month to each patient. lets say the caregiver does a perpetual grow and harvest a plant a week thats 10ozs take away 8ozs for the 4 patients that leaves 2 ozs for the caregiver every month. so now your caregiver makes $400 to $500 a month off his 2 ozs to pay for power nutrients soil ect.. Ive been doing this for 6 months now and im not making shit for money so imo i think you guys are wrong again. Btw ive never met anyone that gets pounds off a couple plants so you can stop thinking about it.
Look I quoted myself. I said yes a deal is a deal and agreed the caregiver should do what he said.
So say I'm your caregiver and I'm growing 12 plants for you. I grow outdoors so they are big plants but you'll have to wait.

Caregivers need to make money, it's a profession not some joke invented for the pot industry. As a non-pot related caregiver I make ~$55,000 annually - if you are asking me to provide you marijuana the rate goes up drastically considering it is a risky undertaking, even when state legal. As I caregiver dispensing medical marijuana I want an additional $25,000 annually, this is not being greedy it's simply taking into consideration future legal expenses, security, the chances that I'll be locked up, the fact that my family thinks I now do a despicable thing ...and a small bit for the extra stress.

To make this additional $25,000 I need to charge $2,100/lb. Now I'm growing your 12 plants - at the end of the season they are all yours, for $2,100/lb (just the rate I have to charge to offset expenses and for a shit ton of stress - care giving is a profession remember). So if you fork over $25,000 then your plants are all yours. Now if at the end of the season you can't afford the medicine you preordered...well then it's going to get sold to cover expenses.

Having a caregiver is kind of like having a personal dispensary that you can rely on to always be able to buy good meds at a decent price - not to take advantage of them by demanding free meds.

2100 per offset cost and stress? 25k per patients..just for the growing part? That's some pricey stress. Without pot 55k? for that money you better be doing a lot, including changing diapers on the old ones. 110k a year is even good in Cali for taking car of 2 people.
Does that include room and board?

No offense, but can I move out there and expect 150k a year for taking care of 2 people and growing them weed? You an RN?

In Michigan terms that's some mighty fine wages...I can put someone in Porter hills for less than 55k per year, and there is 24 hour care, on staff MD's, 3 square meals a day and snacks, a swimming pool and fuckin pool table...not to mention a free shuttle anywhere they wish to go, and they get a nice apartment. I know this because my aunt, 91 with Alzheimer's is there.

May I ask what you do for 55k per person, no weed?
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