Dealing at School

1. do it after school
2. if someone asks if you deal, and they don't smoke weed, SAY NO, NO MATTER WHAT, SAY NO
3. get off of this website because you're not 18
im in high school too, 18 year olds can be in high school, so maybe you just havnt passed high school math? smart.

dude its not worth it, unless youre not good at school.. getting busted fucks your education up, seriously.
but... i had a buddy get expelled who had been using a coffee thermos. only reason he got caught was cos someone ratted. you need to find something easy that is taken aparty to stick weed in, have it allready bagged in dime and 20 bags (most profit) so you dont have to bag up at school.
ps: i dont sell .
im in high school too, 18 year olds can be in high school, so maybe you just havnt passed high school math? smart.

dude its not worth it, unless youre not good at school.. getting busted fucks your education up, seriously.
but... i had a buddy get expelled who had been using a coffee thermos. only reason he got caught was cos someone ratted. you need to find something easy that is taken aparty to stick weed in, have it allready bagged in dime and 20 bags (most profit) so you dont have to bag up at school.
ps: i dont sell .

Good idea thanks bro . Do you think schools are controlled territories
1. do it after school
2. if someone asks if you deal, and they don't smoke weed, SAY NO, NO MATTER WHAT, SAY NO
3. get off of this website because you're not 18

Yea man, yourmomno is right, cause they might not know what to expect when they get high and they might go apeshit and end up telling the parents cause they think they are dieing then the cops end up at your door. If you do anything do it after school and the school cant do anything.
Dont do it.. i know from experiance, i was kicked out half way through my SR year for being busted pushin bud... you cant trust anyone and i was snitched on by some bitch that I beat for DCT (work release program) stupid shit but it happens... sell on your own time if you want to sell.. not at school
my friend was selling pills and got snitched on. fortunately he knew he was about to be sent to the deputy so he threw em away. just remember to be cautious who you tell and NEVER EVER EVER bring it to school with you.
yeah that works, the only way you might maybe sell at school is if its arranged and meet them in the morning, and only have thier bud on you, so if you WERE to get caught its "yours".
have a cell phone? just get people to text you whenever they want bud, maybe keep some in the back of your car and meet them in the lot, or at a store near the school, or lot, ya know?
SOO maybe tell them i sell , and give my number ?

So i could like meet them after school ?

yeah that would be good. just, before you tell them that you deal, make absolutely sure they've done it before. ask people other than them, because obviously a narc would tell you they smoke
Sounds a bit dodgy to me...outside school though its up to you.

Personally I'd seed a few plants and flog them the seeds and tell them to grow their own goddamn stash (over here at least you can't get arrested for posession of seeds...AND they'd be a LOT easier to conceal/dispose of quickly than weed)
i aint gonna say dont do it cuz u will anyway, but just keep it on lock down, geeeting caught dealing can fuck your current and future life up, be with saying you can get it off a friend for them and front the money for it so thats why u got it on u, build a circle of trust sorta thing
Yooo man.

First off I'm going to say it's not worth it really. In most high schools nothing remains a secret. If your going to hook it up, word will get around that people got sacks off you. Especially if you sell right with good price and good product. People will ask their friends, 'Damn where did you get this shit?' and most of the time they will get an answer. Now this is okay sometimes as it gives you more customers but it's also a negative because then other people hear people talking about YOU. You'll probably meet a lot of contacts in class. Chat it up, start talking about buds, say you got some good shit, exchange numbers, hook it up after school and bam you got a regular. Because regular hookups are making you money, treat them nice, hook their sacks up a little fat and tell them, toss a free nug of your new shit to try. It's the little shit that counts, and keeps them from going to someone else. If your hooking it up good for the money, and you are reliable, and have good shit there is NO reason for your customers to go somewhere else. Not worth the risk of bad service/light sack/flakes/cops.

Now the way to do it in high school is keeping a SOLID customer base. Make a few friends, and hook them up, then go out and chill with cool experienced relaxed people and make good with them. Slowly slowly expand to sell to people. If someone from this customer base hits you up and says, "hey my friend needs a bag can you hook him up?" tell them, "You get the money fronted, and YOU pick it up from me. I'm not meeting anyone else." A lot of the times a dealer will go and hook up a 'friend of a friend' and end up getting jacked. Then you call the person who connected you to the person that jacked you, and they say, "That sucks dude I'm sorry, I don't know josh that well I met him at a party once."

Don't get in over your head, don't be making contact with a fuck tonne of people cause it's not worth it. Keep your contacts small, but if you meet the right people they should need bags pretty often.

If anyone ever hits you up and asks for a lot of buds, that's a large red flag. If they ask for some weight, and aren't ALL ABOUT THE PRICE NEGOTIATING, HUGE HUGE HUGE RED FLAG. Sometimes people will buy a few small bags to gain your trust, then ask for a large amount and say 'i just got paid' or something that's another HUGE RED FLAG, they want to jack you.

Also always do it outta school, don't get overheard talking about that shit. I never let anyone know where I lived, if I had to do it on foot I would go for a walk and walk outta my neighborhood into a different one. Also, don't arrange to bring bud to school to hook someone up with. They might be setting you up for a fall. Fuck them if that's the only time they can get it. I'm pretty sure drug charges in public/vs IN SCHOOL are way way way different. Like misdemeanor turned into felony EASY. So making contacts is fine at school, but everything else isn't.

Anything else?
Well, the principal at your school probably has a phd, which means he is most likely the highest paid person in the building. That means he has the most disposable income to spend on your product. So to make the big dolla dolla bills yo you need to hit up your principal.
im gonna tell you the BEST WAY to make money in school and not get aressted/expelled. i recently graduated from HS a few years back. i used to go to sams club/GFS food mart and buy a box of fundraiser candy. it cost $15 and i would make a profit of $70 a day off ONE box. i would sell a box a day. 70*5= $350 a week i would make off selling candy....... candy is like crack for kids in school..... if a teacher would say something i would tell them it was for my church. worked everytime..... IM TELLING YOU JUST TRY IT IT WILL WORK AND YOUR NOT GONNA BE ABLE TO GET OVER THE FACT THAT PEOPLE ARE ACTING LIKE THIS OVER CANDY!!!!!. tell me what you think!
ALSO. if u keep weed in your car be careful. at my HS they would randomly bring the drug dogs in and they would sniff every locker then they would move to the parking lot and sniff every car... do not bring weed with you to school b/c when someone gets caught with your bud they r gonna give your name up so fast you wont have a chance to blink before security comes down to search you... Also your teachers have noses too. im sure they no what bud smells like.