so what party platform do you side with ?wrong .....calling me a racist because I said that the KKK was a democratic militia
and that Clintons mentor was Senator Robert Byrd ..... a Klan Member???
I am not following this type of illogical enigmatic behavior
Fair nuff.You'll notice in all this time I've never once used the term 'Bernie Baby'. It's misleading and misses the bigger point, a bit like foolish, ego-driven infighting between members of the Justice League, but you're pushing it with the "nut riding" comment, dude.
Ffs, man, you're better than this....
I really dont.....I stick to local and state and pray that we have enough guts to fight anyone who tries to take our Sovrign state rightsso what party platform do you side with ?
That kind of thinking is part of the problem.Parties are data-driven organizations, and although the pockets are ridiculously deep, they're not bottomless. In other words, you spend where you think you need to spend. Sometimes the data is wrong or misleading. It's business, baby!
what it dosnt tell you is that he was arrested for physically fighting the Klan not with themYou know that the drumpf is the son of a klansman nazi slumlord and that he is a willing idol of the alt-right sickness, right?
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You've got eyes/ears/faculties that work, right?
But in the same breath you bring up Joe he'd be finishing up his terms as an 87 year old?
no thanks, we already have a dementia-ridden president.
our Sovrign state rights
But in the same breath you bring up Joe Biden.
standard of living IMO is very subjectiveThat kind of thinking is part of the problem.
America's standard of living is 19th in the world, behind a lot of 'socialist'' countries... And sinking fast.
I stick to local politics
has anyone thought about Rand Paul
dude seriously?????too bad the klan didn't teach you how to spell when they home schooled you.
what it dosnt tell you is that he was arrested for physically fighting the Klan not with them
LOLstandard of living IMO is very subjective
I have a lot of friends that are french that say they will never go back because you cant get ahead.....every foreigner I know
from socialist country to opressive countries like Iraq or Iran....all state there is no greater place than America
how do you even know what color I am
dude and you as wellLOL
At least look at the list.
If you can use Google.