Dear Trump fans,

I agree with you. Kyle shouldn't have been there and the rioters shouldn't have either but unfortunately they were.

I dont think Kyle is a hero at all but this was a clear case of self defense.
^^ joined at 5:00am today.

I didn't join the site to argue about politics though so i probably won't post here too often.

I prefer to talk about lights and everything else growing related.
I didn't join the site to argue about politics though so i probably won't post here too often.
It’s probably for the best.

Check out the search option. If you did that you would know there’s already a Kyle Rittenhouse thread and you wouldn’t have to hijack a thread that has nothing to do with him.

It’s funny that the title of this thread drew you like a flame does a moth.
It’s probably for the best.

Check out the search option. If you did that you would know there’s already a Kyle Rittenhouse thread and you wouldn’t have to hijack a thread that has nothing to do with him.

It’s funny that the title of this thread drew you like a flame does a moth.

You seem to post quite a bit so I guess the title drew you in as well.

I also didn't vote for Trump if that is what you're insinuating.
I suspect these are sock accounts for existing members that are uncomfortable expressing their true feelings.

When shit like this is an example of their true feelings, I can understand why they would want to hide it.
I always imagine some poor guy setting up account after account on every website with a comment section.

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And a updated data base of unburnt socks that are emailed to the trolls on a daily basis. And as they burn out their socks it notifies the handlers who tell the next shift what sock to log in with their daily troll talking points. That way every website is under attack at almost all times.

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Kyle was also legally allowed to have the rifle which is why the gun charge was dropped.

Wisconsin Statutes §948.60(3)(c), which pertains to possession of firearms by someone under 18, says that “this section” - §948.60 - “only applies” to someone under 18 “if the person is “in violation of” any of three specific sections of law. Those three sections are:

1. §941.28, “possession of a short barrel shotgun or a short-barrel rifle.”

The rifle he was carrying was not short-barrel, so he was not in violation of this section.

2. §29.304, “restrictions on hunting by persons under 16 years of age.”

That’s not a typo, it’s “16.” Kyle was 17.

The prohibition on possession of firearms for hunting except under adult supervision is found in §29.304(3)(b), “No person 14 years of age or older but under 16 years of age may have in his or her possession or control any firearm” unless there’s a hunting certificate and adult supervision.

Since Kyle was 17, not “under 16,” this does not apply to him, and thus he was not in violation of this section.

3. §29.593, “requirement for certificate of accomplishment to obtain hunting approval.”

He was not engaged in hunting, so regardless of whether or not he had a certificate and a hunting approval, he was not in violation of this section.

Kyle was not in violation of any of those three sections, and since §948.60(3)(c) says that §948.60 only applies to a 16- or 17-year-old if they are in violation of any of those three sections, the whole of §948.60 does not apply to him.

He was legally permitted to openly carry that rifle under Wisconsin law.
you're seriously going back to that lame ass fucking technicality defense? he's a fucking murderer, and you're an apologist for a other fucking way around it...he got aquitted on a technicality, and because his judge was a shameless fucking racist fossil who should be removed from the bench, and ALL of his cases retried by a judge that deserves to wear the robes, not a racist fucking white supremacist sympathizer who shouldn't be allowed to decide anything besides which maga hat goes with which "let's go brandon" shirt...
so really what it comes down to is that you're a fucking white supremacist sympathizer as well, if not one in fact, KNOW the little cocksucker wasn't there to be a medic, he was there to kill people...he fucking said as much in a video released before the riot...
the police were told to ignore people wearing those rubber gloves by their own members, who were also members of the militias that they would know who was there representing the proud boys...and they could avoid shooting the murderers on their own team...
I agree with you. Kyle shouldn't have been there and the rioters shouldn't have either but unfortunately they were.

I dont think Kyle is a hero at all but this was a clear case of self defense.
no, it was a clear case of he shouldn't have been there to begin with, so he deserves what happens to him for being a fucking murdering moron....unfortunately, what happened to him was the scum protected their own, and are now trying to make him some kind of saint...but he's not a saint, he's a fucking murderer, no matter what a geriatric kkk judge says