clearly the major polluters are against it, but, beyond the probability that they will pay for science, so will those with a deeper agenda. Keep in mind Rham Emanuel "Let no good crisis go to waste", also parroted by Hillary
Every sensible person since the 1500’s has known this to be true.
Also, your quotation is inaccurate.
“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.” - Rham Emanuel
I am sure you see some sinister plot behind those words, perhaps implying that he would like to create these crises. The Hegelian Dialectic is a real thing, but I don’t see any indication of it in the given context. Rham Emanuel is just a dude with opinions that upset you. He is not some monster from another world. Neither is Hillary, as much as it pains me to say it. I don’t like the Clintons at all, but at least she has the first idea about how to be a public official.
DJ Drumpf has no skills or experience in public service. Any person who thinks Trump is a good choice for president, I mean this sincerely, has very little understanding of what government is and how it operates.
I will continue to encourage everyone to learn how to think, and learn how to learn, and learn how to present a cogent argument. I didn’t leave high school knowing anything about logic, epistemology, or formal debate. I have made an effort to learn those things on my own, because I came to believe those skills to be important. I now believe it is important for everyone to learn these things.
The idea that scientists are corrupt as a class is plain dumb. Any entity, public or private, can fund science research, they can lie about the results, but it is rare to find a scientist willing to betray their professional discipline. Similar to spies for foreign powers who betray their country: They exist, but are very rare. Scientific research funded by tax dollars is one of the best investments we can make as a society. Here is one rigorous example.
Folks who do not know very much about the world have strong opinions, too. They care as much or more than anyone else. The only positive thing we can do is attempt to find common ground and educate one another, but there are rules to that. Rules based in logic and epistemology. Without those basic rules for cogent argumentation we will not get very far. Rationality, cogency, and even civility are essential to having a constructive dialog.