Debate #3

And UB is right back to attacking posters rather than having a discussion... So typical...

i believe i did both. i pointed out the difference between a question with a false/true presupposition, and then engaged him since he tends to make one line sentence replies that are lies and run away.
Obama won the debate, and while he's not the messiah, he's still better than Romney for the general populace. Anyone who complains that both candidates are the same and doesn't vote shouldn't be allowed to bitch when they disagree with the president's choices. You have your chance, and if you use it, then kudos. If not, you'll be shining my shoes.
enough with the debate. it's over.. i think almost all of us have selected our pick. So, go out there and cast your vote.
You guys have killed more children in Pakistan (an ally) than Al Queda killed in Sept 11th (and they fucking hate you guys).

Children killed by US (supposed "good guys") in an ALLIED COUNTRY by drones: 176
Children killed by Al Queda (self professed terrorists) in a declared enemy's country: 8

So...what gives?
I think this debate was fairly even, with Obama possibly taking a slight victory; neither candidate stood out imo.

In my opinion, these last 2 debates haven't been too spectacular for Romney, and the more I hear him talk, the worse I think he does. Obama just doesn't have what it takes to get shit done.
My vote won't go to Obama due to his performance during his first term, and my vote won't go to Romney because I think he just isn't what we need. Financially yes, socially no.
I think this debate was fairly even, with Obama possibly taking a slight victory; neither candidate stood out imo.

In my opinion, these last 2 debates haven't been too spectacular for Romney, and the more I hear him talk, the worse I think he does. Obama just doesn't have what it takes to get shit done.
My vote won't go to Obama due to his performance during his first term, and my vote won't go to Romney because I think he just isn't what we need. Financially yes, socially no.

Well pat your self on the fucking back!
Seriously good for you thinking for your self.
All these other douches love the left/right one party paradigm, they cant do anything outside it.
Yeah and you think nuclear bombs explode on impact.

You're a fucking retard, your opinion is retarded and you should just go fuck yourself (as if you have a dick, lol)... and then just go die.

Theres too many fucking people in the world, and every breath you take is a waste.

that was harsh, that crosses the trolling line i'd say.

i mean, i don't like the guy, but i thought that was a very impartial, well stated opinion.

also, can you point out where he says n-bombs explode on impact? that shit sounds hilarious.
that was harsh, that crosses the trolling line i'd say.

i mean, i don't like the guy, but i thought that was a very impartial, well stated opinion.

also, can you point out where he says n-bombs explode on impact? that shit sounds hilarious.

I cant believe im going to say this but i agree, things were staying civil then all of a sudden HELLO! :shock:
that was harsh, that crosses the trolling line i'd say.

i mean, i don't like the guy, but i thought that was a very impartial, well stated opinion.

also, can you point out where he says n-bombs explode on impact? that shit sounds hilarious.

I used it as a basic example to explain my point that the test rocket fired by North Korea didn't have a nuke in it, and wasn't their best attempt at getting a nuke to the USA...

My example was that if they were to have a nuclear warhead that failed as it did, it would have detonated over them... I clearly state in that thread that it takes a catalytic reaction to trigger the detonation.

Furthermore, Harrekin couldn't even explain the basic concept of why the bomb is detonated above the target... I mean, if you can't even comprehend the premise of a blast radius, you have no business discussing the operation of a nuke lol

Lastly, he is stuck on my example, even though the mechanism to trigger the catalytic reaction is semantics, and wasn't even the topic of debate...
And to be clear, my example is valid, because the first atomic bomb ever detonated was detonated at ground level as a test.