debate this...


Illegal Smile

OK I have one. Many of my conservative friends will be upset by this but here goes:

Roe v. Wade needs to be vacated so we can get a national "personhood" legislation that both allows for unwanted pregnancies to be terminated in the first trimester and recognizes that personhood and protection begins long before birth.


Well-Known Member
OK I have one. Many of my conservative friends will be upset by this but here goes:

Roe v. Wade needs to be vacated so we can get a national "personhood" legislation that both allows for unwanted pregnancies to be terminated in the first trimester and recognizes that personhood and protection begins long before birth.
you want pro abortion argument? is that the counter point? im not sure about term personhood? are you arguing human rights of unborn?


I dont agree with the first trimester part. It should be up to the 30th trimester. That way women wont feel rushed. I know my old lady hates being rushed.