Debbie Wasserman Schultz gets ‘quarantined’ — and now won’t be speaking at Democratic convention

Debbie's face is no longer welcome at the DNC.... She wont even be gaveling in the convention.

I think this means that further e-mail leaks are going to be pretty bad.
Apparently, HRC hires the woman behind the scheme to short Bernie and now Bernie is asking his followers to vote for her...
It seems he doesnt understand the people who were following him. They are sick of the big money politics and thought he was different. Really shows how much HRC thinks of the American public (democrat voters) to think she could hire the woman responsible and then ask for Bernie voters to support her.
if voting mattered, they wouldn't let us do it. bottom line is the goobermint is run by businessmen shilling for the bigger businessmen. neither give a fuck about you.

bernie is now sucking hillary's dick instead of breaking it off in her ass. what a disappointment.

fucking disgusting
All's fair in love, war and politics.

And it's been that way since before anyone here was born.

And that isn't going to change... just look at the disapproval of congress rating at 85% while those same people who disapprove keep voting the same local congressmen and senators right back in...

In other words, they think the system overall is broke (and it is)...but not at their own personal local level where the roads and bridges need fixed and where they need that new factory built.
All's fair in love, war and politics.

And it's been that way since before anyone here was born.

And that isn't going to change... just look at the disapproval of congress rating at 85% while those same people who disapprove keep voting the same local congressmen and senators right back in...

In other words, they think the system overall is broke (and it is)...but not at their own personal local level where the roads and bridges need fixed and where they need that new factory built.

They're wrong. America is badly broken, especially at the local level.
Of course they are...but only they can fix it and they won't.

They (and everyone else for that matter) votes for their own personal interests. That's my point. That's why it's broke.

If everyone is out for themselves we don't have a country, we have anarchy. That's not a bad description of what's going on, come to think of it.