Debbie Wasserman Schultz gets ‘quarantined’ — and now won’t be speaking at Democratic convention

They're wrong. America is badly broken, especially at the local level.

I don't know. We are certainly in crisis mode. But we might be near a tipping point. I am almost as pleased with what I see in recent trends as I am horrified. The enthusiasm and commitment to society that some showed was outweighed by the nationalism and racism shown by others. Shit is in the wind in America to be sure but I believe we live in a robust system. Nothing here is new. A demagogue vs a corrupt career politician is an old scenario but life goes on.

Wife and I were watching a documentary on 1964. In the political realm, it was a very similar situation in regard to choices society is making today. We chose the Great Society over the selfishness and predatory nature of an unregulated free market.

I think we are figuring it out. Demographics says we are too. You are hearing the wheezing of the old guard as it slips into death.
I don't know. We are certainly in crisis mode. But we might be near a tipping point. I am almost as pleased with what I see in recent trends as I am horrified. The enthusiasm and commitment to society that some showed was outweighed by the nationalism and racism shown by others. Shit is in the wind in America to be sure but I believe we live in a robust system. Nothing here is new. A demagogue vs a corrupt career politician is an old scenario but life goes on.

Wife and I were watching a documentary on 1964. In the political realm, it was a very similar situation in regard to choices society is making today. We chose the Great Society over the selfishness and predatory nature of an unregulated free market.

I think we are figuring it out. Demographics says we are too. You are hearing the wheezing of the old guard as it slips into death.

We are in a crisis, all right. I'm not so confident America will be able to make the right choices.
You see it first in how people behave on the roads - at least in the cities. Country people have no traffic so their relationships get tested in other ways. It had been obvious forever.

I live out in the country...kinda.

You'd be amazed how many people like driving with their tires over the center line these days. Usually with Trump bumper stickers...

Just sayin'...
I live out in the country...kinda.

You'd be amazed how many people like driving with their tires over the center line these days. Usually with Trump bumper stickers...

Just sayin'...
Is it just me or do people now days often think that driving with your high-beams on is just fine on a divided highway?
that too...with those fucking blue lights
Oh could I tell you stories of traffic terror in the city. Since I have left, road rage shootings have become commonplace. It will get worse... but then we will have driverless cars and gain an immediate 40% more capacity on our roads.

But my point is that change may come quicker than you think in people's attitudes. They need inspiration. It could come from a person or from collective action via government or society. I do not feel that either candidate can provide that personally. I feel the TRUMP Offers fear as a currency and fraud as a value. On the other hand, I could conceive of some good appointments and legislation from a Hillary Presidency- if the other side is not able to block her every move. One one hand, she is twice as easy to hate as Obama. But on the other, she is white.
i wonder what we all will say; how we will excuse, when it's found that Hillary was 'in the know' with DWS.

Do we even doubt this will happen?

The FBI has a new EM investigation on its hands.
Ends justifying means. Eventually that path leads to destruction.

It's time Americans held their government and their elites accountable. If we don't, we're going to make of ourselves a nasty mess on the windshield of history, and soon.

The first sentence in your post made sense.

Then you went all cognitive dissonant...
The second sentence in your post contradicted it.

Can you name any government which does not initiate forcible means systemically?