decarb before making canna butter?

Cool Beans Skepler :) And Schuylaar is correct lol...lots of new decarb threads lately, but just as many ways to decarb I am sure.

I used to do the water method for my butter. I have followed BadKittySmiles recipes since I started, and found her newest one for butter/oils. I decarb in the pyrex, covered in foil first, then add my clarified butter and lecithin and mix it up with the weed. Cover tightly with the foil again and cook for 1 hour at 215 (supposed to be 212, but my oven has 210 or 215 so...then let cool completely and put in freezer for at least 2 hours or overnight. Then I bring to room temp and put back in oven at same temp for 2 hours. Strain and portion. I guess I am not too worried about removing the clorophyll, as I have never had anyone say anything about it being a problem. My butter is very weedy tasting though...extra spices help with that ;)

I think I am picturing what your decarb is though. You put into top of double boiler and bring water to boil (212f here I believe) and reduce to simmer? Watch the bubbles coming to the top of the butter until they taper off? Pics would be awesome though hun...thanks :)
No, my decarb is in a small pot on a cast iron plate over the lowest flame on the smallest burner. I let it get to 250°, cut the heat, let it cool to the low 240°s, turn the heat back on, and repeat this cycling for 25 minutes. I have a digital temperature probe in the canna butter to watch the temperature constantly. regular stirring will keep the temperature homogeneous and let you know when the bubbling stops when decarbing is mostly done. I was sorta lost with my original view of your decarb. Is a cast iron plate the same as a cast iron skillet? I don't have a gas stove, but I imagine I could get the same effect by just removing the pot from the burner when it gets to temp. I will be having some free time coming up after this week and plan on giving this a try. Not sure if I will incorporate it into my usual butter routine, but I am anxious to see the difference in the decarb and the effect it has on the final butter :)

@BobBitchen ...BKS is the ultimate!!! Love her :hug::hug::hug:
The cast iron piece I was referring to is a heat diffuser plate, or burner plate. Never knew what they were called, even after using one for over 50 years. It sits over the gas flame or electric coils to slow the heat transfer, give a lower temperature range, and heat the pan on it more evenly. Just to make it clear in case I didn't before, when decarbing I have a probe in the butter at all times. I let the temperature get up to 250°F and turn off the heat. It will continue to heat, near 260°, just let it cool to 245°ish, and turn the lowest heat back on. It will continue to cool, perhaps down to 240° before the heating overtakes the cooling and it reheats. This will make it average 250°, and since the decarb bubbling stops at or near 25 minutes, it agrees with this graph pretty closely for 252° for 27 minutes:
Mmk...ic ic. I've never seen a cast iron plate like ...very cool idea. Thanks for explaining everything. I will let you know how it turns out

That is what I thought for the last 30-40 years of making brownies. Then I made them with decarbed butter, using the same amount of plant material and found a world of difference. Later it occurred to me that since water turns to gas at 200° at my elevation, and my brownies do not dry out during cooking at 350° for 25 minutes, the brownies must never reach the boiling point of water or all the water would be gone. Therefore, never reaching 200°, they were not decarbing during baking. I don't decarb in the crockpot, it doesn't get hot enough with water in it, using the method I mention above.

You can not decarb by baking!
The "Goodie" doesn't get hot enough, long enough as the material baked does not get near the oven temp.
While it's bigger then anything baked, it does stay in the oven very much longer,,,,,,SO, think of a turkey in the oven. 325 deg and it's there for 4+ hrs....That's to only reach 165 -185 deg.....

250 for 30 min is the optimum......material must reach 220 before the Co2 begins to vaporize.


In your oil or not will work.
If you choose to decarb on a cookie sheet in the oven.....put down a sheet of parchment paper and COVER the cookie sheet with tin foil sealed to the sheet edge.

GRIND your bud and spread evenly over the parchment
for fumble
here is a decent video of someone decarbing bho using a double boiler
pretty long but it is a good example.. (this is what I do)
I think this is what Skepler is doing but with cannabutter

hope that helps
Damn...just when I am ready to do this, my computer wont let me see any videos. I made a test batch of butter. Now to decarb it this way. I will figure it out without the vid and let you know how it turns out.
Haha! But i can watch it on my phone...will do it when i get home. My oven fried so i am using my parents at the moment to make pizza lol