Cool Beans Skepler

And Schuylaar is correct lol...lots of new decarb threads lately, but just as many ways to decarb I am sure.
I used to do the water method for my butter. I have followed BadKittySmiles recipes since I started, and found her newest one for butter/oils. I decarb in the pyrex, covered in foil first, then add my clarified butter and lecithin and mix it up with the weed. Cover tightly with the foil again and cook for 1 hour at 215 (supposed to be 212, but my oven has 210 or 215 so...then let cool completely and put in freezer for at least 2 hours or overnight. Then I bring to room temp and put back in oven at same temp for 2 hours. Strain and portion. I guess I am not too worried about removing the clorophyll, as I have never had anyone say anything about it being a problem. My butter is very weedy tasting though...extra spices help with that
I think I am picturing what your decarb is though. You put into top of double boiler and bring water to boil (212f here I believe) and reduce to simmer? Watch the bubbles coming to the top of the butter until they taper off? Pics would be awesome though hun...thanks