definitely burned...what's the solution. ak48 hydro


Well-Known Member
how is your root system? I had a similar issue when i first started hydro. I eventually realized that because i was constantly messing with the ph that the root system had gotten dammaged. The roots became thick and lost the normal little fingers sticking off of them. As far as flushing hydro, I usually use clearex for sbout 45 min one time and that does it. You could have lock out from nut build up but it should only take one 3o min flush to straiten out. If your plant is still reacting poorly to fresh watter with 1/4 nutes then its prob root systme damage. good luck


Well-Known Member
To me my friend they look deficient, and need more nutes, especially when when the older leaves start to die like that, it usually means they are eating themselves. If your PH is right and you trust your meter (always calibrate it once a week) then you need cal mag. I use AN and add cal mag the every reservoir change. I feel it helps stabilize my PH. It's the first thing I add. I am also in S NV and only use RO water. The guy that says use tap water in hydro has never had a glass full of Lake mead in front of him, I won't even let my dogs drink that shit....

You can foliar feed with some cal mag and see if it helps right away. ...Let us know JR

Learning all the time

Active Member
hey, local love! glad to see it. my brother says the same thing, about using cal mag with advanced nutes, that's where i got it from. but what strength are you feeding everything else is the question! haha, i've heard of guys using full strength and never seeing a problem, other with the opposite outcome. i know what i did wrong this time around, thing is can i avoid it next time?


Well-Known Member
i never used AN and i know i told you you prob dont need it but the other day i was at a friends house that loves the stuff and he told me the a-b system is lacking in calmag and its almost a must?? why the fuck dont they just add it in there other products or start selling it as a 3 part?? sounds like bull to me and for that i will never use AN... way to much work it sounds like...
so whats the word on some update pics? of the plants and roots if you can...


Well-Known Member
I cut all AN in half at least. If it says add 90 ml I will usually put in 40-45 ml. I also find that most AN nutes make good sprays for foliar feeding. I love their B52 for helping to keep the stretch down to a minimum. You just can't put it on the roots for the first few weeks of flowering or it really slows things down. good luck and keep in touch..........JR


Active Member
on a side note- do you add Micro first?
Micro is 5% Calcium
ive read that your nutes can spoil quicker is you dont add the micro first
have fun


Well-Known Member
They don't mix well if you don't add micro first. AN tells you how to use their products on their website.

I am only using about 4 of their products now. I have always shown Fe and Cal deficient until I started to use full strength Cal Mag. It might be the water that I use now, who knows, but that is common on this board too. I would say most people who ask "what is my plant missing?" are iron calcium or magnessium deficient. I think this is mostly because it is pretty PH specific where it can be absorbed. So you have to really be sure your PH is right before you start adding to a companys program.

And just to be more confussing most strains will act way different to feedings. Good luck....JR

Learning all the time

Active Member
yeah, that's why I use calmag plus from botanicare, chelated iron alows me to keep a higher PH and still uptake the iron that's necessary. anything that says EDTA on the back of the bottle in the guaranteed analysis or list of ingredients is chelated. oh also DPTA

Learning all the time

Active Member
so my ******* grow this strain too...gave me a call and says, try this. pluck off all the bigger fan leaves, everything with deficiencys showing, cut your ppms back down, and work them up daily for a week back to 1k. all this from a guy who not even a year ago would not pluck a single leaf from a plant, unless it was dead, or trimming. haha no offense.... so, I'm trying it. here's some pics post plucking. drainIMG_1013.jpgIMG_1018.jpgIMG_1020.jpgIMG_1015.jpgIMG_1016.jpgIMG_1014.jpgIMG_1019.jpgIMG_1021.jpgIMG_1017.jpg


Probably not a good idea, most of that green you just plucked off was making food for the main cola, instead of plucking its safe to cut (sterile scissors) the parts of the leaf that are yellowing or dead and leave the green on it. What you've been missing, is that your plants are lacking in nitrogen - caused the bleaching from green to yellow (some potassium - caused the brown burnt looking edges) based soley on the first few pictures. Lack of nitrogen is caused by either not enough nutrients or the wrong pH. Plants use the most amount of nitrogen and potassium at 6.5 pH - 7.0 pH, if your pH isn't this then the plant will take up less of those nutrients (keep in mind they aren't the only nutrients that are most available at this level). If your ppm is at 1200-1600 then your pH might be to blame for the lack of nitrogen, if your ppm is 600 then bump your nutrient levels.


Learning all the time

Active Member
i have a feeling nitrogen is the last thing these plants need....thanks tho...weren't you around at the beginning of this thread?
btw i did use scissors, pluck is just a cool word. ;) sorry if my intentions were misunderstood.

Learning all the time

Active Member
can anybody tell me why some of these girls are still 6 inches tall and others are 18? should not the 6" ers be dead from all this stress by now? no bananas...any ideas?

Learning all the time

Active Member
so i've been monitoring, the last week, these plants in my hydro, still looking under fed. so i cut a few laggers down and put them all into a 2x4 under 1k hps. still on the same nute schedule and moving up today to about 1k ppm. the buds are growing, but the leaves are dying. i don't think it's a lockout problem, i believe it's underfed. so on with my experiment i go.IMG_1047.jpgIMG_1046.jpgIMG_1048.jpgIMG_1049.jpg

Learning all the time

Active Member
new pics under cfl's...moved into the small room a few days ago and they've been pretty happy I would say. seem to be eating healthy and trichome development is improving. got 15 deg on the dif too! yay!

a bunch of pics of random angles of buds and stuff. not looking too awesome because of this underfeeding but better than squat. two or three more weeks?


and here's a funny one. something that doesn't look like pot growing from next to the base of this AK 48 plant. I'm going to let it go for a few days and see what it is. anybody have a guess. +rep for anyone who guesses correctly before i pull it out and find out for sure.
