defoliation question..... anyone familiar with it?

Not again!!!!!!!!!!

Minus 5 for being so stupid and another minus five for repeating the same god damn topic and not doing a frickin' search first!!!!!

I've always loved the phrase that starts off " when you assume... im sure you know the rest... thanks for the soiid advice, becase im sure you got every technique down pat, so i guess that would make me stupid, for lack of experience.......OH i guess thats why im doing an EXPERIMENT, and also asking questions, to cure my stupidity. I wonder what it's called when you attack someone who has no ill will for you...oh yeah a cyberbully. and im sure you are intelligent.. i mean you got over 4000 posts, can you tell the difference between this post and that last?... i'll help you, the last post was announcing what i was doing, and this one was for asking for help from anyone who defoliates, I apologize, if in my stupidity i didnt make that abundantly clear for all walks of life to understand.. and once again merry christmas.
Your topic does not belong in advanced in belongs in the newb section.[/QUOTE
apologies, I honestly thought it was the advanced technique forum, that's what i get for trusting my lying eyes...merry Christmas to you as well and i hope you got everything you asked for!!:lol:
If you don't want to help or share your stories with this guy then why post, it's Christmas and seems like someone didn't get the present they wanted lol. Merry Christmas everyone peace and good will to all
The new shoots do have fan leaves, maybe it triggers the plant plant to grow theses new shoots hence new fan leaves
I've always loved the phrase that starts off " when you assume... im sure you know the rest... thanks for the soiid advice, becase im sure you got every technique down pat, so i guess that would make me stupid, for lack of experience.......OH i guess thats why im doing an EXPERIMENT, and also asking questions, to cure my stupidity. I wonder what it's called when you attack someone who has no ill will for you...oh yeah a cyberbully. and im sure you are intelligent.. i mean you got over 4000 posts, can you tell the difference between this post and that last?... i'll help you, the last post was announcing what i was doing, and this one was for asking for help from anyone who defoliates, I apologize, if in my stupidity i didnt make that abundantly clear for all walks of life to understand.. and once again merry christmas.

Don't take it personally. Uncle Ben is just kind of a douche.
If the plant dosent need so many fan leaves why do they grow them in the first place? Nature is not in the habit of wasting energy.......

listen guys i promise you if this was your expertize i would be sitting indian-style with a notepad jotting down everything you great and seemingly knowledgeable gentleman type, however judging on your posts this is something you have NEVER done to your plants,cool i get it, i've never done it to mine as well, so before you or anyone else pulls out their soap box and starts spewing great yet wildly irrelevant tirades on the evils of defoliation, understand this I, Like you, are uneducated on this technique,(and i dont like being uneducated on anything) so the ONLY way not to be uneducated on a subject is to TRY it, or stumble upon it.. like FIMing. so this is not a discussion on whether or not to try it, this is me TRYING IT, sit back and enjoy the show of me falling on my ass, and hey ill even buy your next opinionated sandwich for you to munch on as im falling, but please if you dont agree with what im doing that is fine, some people do, or are at least interested in the results, as you should be since this is apparently just a new to you as me, just no more posts please not just to alexander the great any nay sayer saying nay.......they told christoper columbus the world was flat and called him an idiot and i imagine stupid..... now they call him the man that discovered the new world... allow me to make my mistakes i promise im not going to sneak in your grow room and cut all your fan leaves, so it really shouldnt be of any concern to you one way or the other.... unless you just afraid of truth one way or the other....oh yeah and merry christmas!!!:clap:
I only cut leaves when the buds are shaded, I wait till the second month before I cut most leaves and expose the majority of my buds to light.
I only cut leaves when the buds are shaded, I wait till the second month before I cut most leaves and expose the majority of my buds to light.
PAR light, which is what a plant uses, casts no shadows our human eyes can see. As it passes through the leaf, said leaf uses a percentage of the light for photosynthesis and the rest passes on to the next leaf and the process continues. Penetration depth depends on light strength. Clearing leaves so light can get deeper into the plant sounds good. But you also have to factor in the inverse square law when it comes to the light our bulbs produce.

Pluck away Keebo. With your vast experience to fall back on I am sure you will be providing a definitive answer to this conundrum that plagues so many...
Pluck away Keebo. With your vast experience to fall back on I am sure you will be providing a definitive answer to this conundrum that plagues so many...

bored huh? the reason for this experiment is a lack of knowledge and experience.....have a great day, hope you feel better. this will be the last time i respond to you have a great rest of your life!!!:hug:
christmas 012.jpgchristmas 013.jpgchristmas 014.jpg the fan leaves are back in full force in one week from last cut///// wont be cutting them again until after stretch
what i've noticed are the girls are extremely happy(reaching) but the most incredible thing is how EXTREMELY tight the nodes are, by far the tightest of my four grows.... so far so good guys!!