Defoliation - removing fan leaves for higher yield

so, you're to cheap to buy and run a dehu and control your environment, so your answer is to pull all the leaves,lol
Not cheap at all. I have a hell of an A/C running thru here. I pay for value. And I don't see value in a dehumidifier when it's a problem I can mitigate for free.
Wait, is this a growing forum or Xbox live forum. NOOB, really?

Defoliates penises... that's a new one.
18 and up in here buddy... you're already grounded...don't make mommy and daddy take away your internet privileges too.

Considering your photo and zooming in .....

You butchered branches ...
AND you STILL got new shoots trying to grow ... Makes sense to chop up your plant in flower and have plant " concentrate " on growing new shoots. .... Lol

PLUS .... You try to SCROG but didnt fill in shit ... at least you got more light landing on the string ( thats gotta make big buds ) ....
. :bigjoint:
Considering your photo and zooming in .....

You butchered branches ...
AND you STILL got new shoots trying to grow ... Makes sense to chop up your plant in flower and have plant " concentrate " on growing new shoots. .... Lol

PLUS .... You try to SCROG but didnt fill in shit ... at least you got more light landing on the string ( thats gotta make big buds ) ....
. :bigjoint:
Totally got me. I was going to keep it a secret until it was ready but...
I've been genetically crossing trellis strings with cannabis.
Thai sticks? Nope... Thai strings !
And telling people not to do it while never having tried it is what exactly?
Chill out, smoke a bowl, and get off my D
Unless you've tried it , I don't want to hear it.
The end
I have done it, it's your first grow not mine remember?
There is an art to growing in small spaces. For outdoor growers or people with no space issues, who love paying for humidifiers, by all means. But when this pulls a g per watt or more ( which it will) ill be sure to come back and post it, scale numbers and all.

Krypto i appreciate the response, and your experience with growing. thats great! though this is my first grow, I've had the pleasure of seeing commercial grows first hand, and worked on a few myself. Though i lack experience, doesnt negate the fact that ive taken part in a massive defoliation for a crop worth a considerable amount of money.
So is defoliation an art for small spaces or for your large commercial grow$$$.
Who loves paying for humidifiers OUTDOOR$? Must be a SoCal thing?
Here's a tip: when you're going to bash someone on the English language... spell A LOT properly
Now in terms of what you think defoliate means...find me any definition that says defoliate is when you strip ALL leaves off?

Here you go first post on the 7 year old thread you bumped.

Begin by removing any and ALL fan leaves that are shading any other leaf. Basically, remove any big leaves blocking light or bud sites.

Keep doing this until there is nothing being shaded. Your plant will look naked, with bud sites and small leaves and stems, no fan leaves.

Place the plants back under 12/12. Your first defoliation will result in removing A LOT of fan leaves!

Check up on the plants every week, removing any new leaves that are shading areas of the plant.

jmoneygrows all you have to do to shut people up is explain HOW IT WORKS please. You're the one who resurrected the dead to preach how well your method works to increase yield. I have yet to see anyone post any facts backing the theory that cutting all the leaves off increases bud development. If I cut the leaves off on day 17 will it work? I need some yield could you help me please.
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I have done it, it's your first grow not mine remember?

So is defoliation an art for small spaces or for your large commercial grow$$$.
Who loves paying for humidifiers OUTDOOR$? Must be a SoCal thing?

Here you go first post on the 7 year old thread you bumped.

Begin by removing any and ALL fan leaves that are shading any other leaf. Basically, remove any big leaves blocking light or bud sites.

Keep doing this until there is nothing being shaded. Your plant will look naked, with bud sites and small leaves and stems, no fan leaves.

Place the plants back under 12/12. Your first defoliation will result in removing A LOT of fan leaves!

Check up on the plants every week, removing any new leaves that are shading areas of the plant.

jmoneygrows all you have to do to shut people up is explain HOW IT WORKS please. You're the one who resurrected the dead to preach how well your method works to increase yield. I have yet to see anyone post any facts backing the theory that cutting all the leaves off increases bud development. If I cut the leaves off on day 17 will it work? I need some yield could you help me please.

Why do I think you're full of shit when you say you've done it... if you had, you probably wouldn't be shitting on it.

What I find funny... those who have done it, don't sit here and try to bash those who haven't because they haven't. They're too busy defending themselves from people who'd Like you who'd rather spend their time bashing.
You know by now that the answer you seek doesn't exist. I know that as well. But that doesn't negate the results people see from doing it...

To answer your question,
I've seen it both commercially and done it in my grow as well. My space is ideal for it with limited room. Feel free to quote this in your response. You're quite good at that, you little fact checker you ;)
Speaking of facts...
The proof is in the pudding... the FACT that many others swear by it without showing a science to back it up should say something in itself. Again, 600 watts, 4x4 grow space. What would you think would be a good yield? What number would shut you the F up?
But for your amusement, check out a few YouTube videos of other crazy people who don't let science hinder them from experimentation/ success.

Then of course there's this...

All of which I assume you've already seen.

Until your next amusing response.
What's the butthurt about it's a simple question? Youtube and grow weed easy have people saying the same shit you'll find here and every other weed related site. If you look back far enough you'll find people that suggest watering plants with grape juice to turn them purple and taste like grape, drying upside down so the thc runs into the bud. There's plenty of myths and "I heard" growers that spread different techniques with no backing. That's all I'm asking for. Take something like topping, it's easily explained threw science. If you don't know why it works that's cool all you needed to say. I'm not trying to argue or troll, I've asked others for the answers but so far.............crickets.
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What's the butthurt about it's a simple question? Youtube and grow weed easy have people saying the same shit you'll find here and every other weed related site. If it works there's a reason for it, like t
Maybe once sessions drops weed as a federal crime, more studies will be done.
But for now... it's heresay
Maybe once sessions drops weed as a federal crime, more studies will be done.
But for now... it's heresay

Well im sure there will be more but,
Its one of the most studied species of plant in the history of mankind.

The work done by just Jerusalem in the last decade is extraordinary and thats not taking other countries into account.
I saw mention of indoor vs outdoors. Indoors there may be reason to defoliate lower parts of the plant depending on your light source.
Many of the lower power light sources do not have very good penetration to the bottom of the plants, with the goldilocks zone being a foot or two from the top of the plant.
In cases like that removing some of the crap at the bottom creates better airflow (important as it brings fresh CO2 to the leaves), prevents damp spots above the container, and more importantly stops the plant from developing in areas not covered by enough light.

if you stretch the fingers on your one hand straight and then cup them upwards while keeping them straight, you will see a bowl shape, If you have the space to train your plants in the shape your fingers are in, I.e. like a funnel with the centre open. Light can get through to the bottom, and defoliating becomes absolutely redundant.

There are no universal rules to this shit though, a grow in a small tent needs to be treated differently from a larger tent or room and even more so when grown outdoors, where you have all the light, and airflow you could want.

Just another thought, people say the plant bounces back after pruning, but wouldn't it be bigger if it grew the new foliage in addition to what you had, rather than just regrowing what was already there?
Anything you cut off a plant, is wasted energy, wasted nutes, and wasted time. There had better be a damn good reason before you take the scissors out.

Well im sure there will be more but,
Its one of the most studied species of plant in the history of mankind.

The work done by just Jerusalem in the last decade is extraordinary and thats not taking other countries into account.
Yup they are one of the most advanced when it comes to studying it. I lived there for 6 months. Both Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. However, their studies are mainly regarding the medicinal usages more specifically with siezures and other ailments relating to disease. I haven't seen much literature out there regarding horticulture. They've found traces of hemp in the oldest temple on the planet, on top of Masada. But again, I'm referring to growing methods in general.
One such factor I think we can all agree on is the environment. When plants are in less than ideal conditions where light quality is not as great as the sun, then it can't be as textbook as studies of plants grown outdoors. With regards to outdoors tho...Often times plants lose leaves to insects and as a defense mechanism will have a hormonal response to help preserve itself including the increase of terpene production.
Here's an interesting read from an unbiased source that goes into more detail

So while I can't argue against not defoliating in ideal conditions, I'm still arguing it can improve a yield that doesn't get adequate lighting/is overly crowded like in my 4x4 tent under 600 watts. And hey, even better... in around 40 days, I'll see first hand
Not cheap at all. I have a hell of an A/C running thru here. I pay for value. And I don't see value in a dehumidifier when it's a problem I can mitigate for free.
Just an a/c? You get away with just an a/c? You don't have veg/flower rh swings? Day/night swings? Late flower swings? Your a/c can independently manage rh & temp separately? Have you ever heard of vapor pressure?
Just an a/c? You get away with just an a/c? You don't have veg/flower rh swings? Day/night swings? Late flower swings? Your a/c can independently manage rh & temp separately? Have you ever heard of vapor pressure?

thanks for your concern... but, that does the trick. has built in everything.
I also have temp readers hooked up to power sources that turn the ac on and off when it falls or raises outside of 68-74 degrees.

my humidity was 68 in veg, and now at 45-50 in flower.

Naturally this unit is huge and doesnt fit in the tent, so i had to build a line to have the ac feed into the tent, and the other to exhaust.

anything else?
But your not defoliating now.
I defoliate once after the stretch,( 21 of flower) that's all I need. It clears space. Otherwise its a jungle in there.
After that, I let it grow uninhibited unless it gets out of control again. The pic I posted at day 30 is a good amount of foliage where nothing is covered, bud sites aren't rubbing against each other, and good airflow. I like to be able to see light throughout the entire plant if I'm looking THRU it. it is just enough now where no light hits the coco. Fans have grown back, yes. but all of them are attached to the colas and have shorter petioles and do not block anything underneath.

thanks for your concern... but, that does the trick. has built in everything.
I also have temp readers hooked up to power sources that turn the ac on and off when it falls or raises outside of 68-74 degrees.

my humidity was 68 in veg, and now at 45-50 in flower.

Naturally this unit is huge and doesnt fit in the tent, so i had to build a line to have the ac feed into the tent, and the other to exhaust.

anything else?
No, that is enough for me. I didn't know you were a tent grower. You'll need to drop that logic if you ever decide to optimally grow out of a climate controlled room.
I defoliate once after the stretch,( 21 of flower) that's all I need. It clears space. Otherwise its a jungle in there.
After that, I let it grow uninhibited unless it gets out of control again. The pic I posted at day 30 is a good amount of foliage where nothing is covered, bud sites aren't rubbing against each other, and good airflow. I like to be able to see light throughout the entire plant if I'm looking THRU it. it is just enough now where no light hits the coco. Fans have grown back, yes. but all of them are attached to the colas and have shorter petioles and do not block anything underneath.
U didnt defoliate..u trimmed or pruned.

here is a vid posted by @vostok. May help you in ur growing. Here are the ways the studies in the plant have come up with for the max return. All work inside and outside. But you really need to get back to basics and fill a scrog net next time. You have allot of wasted space.
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U didnt defoliate..u trimmed or pruned.

here is a vid posted by @vostok. May help you in ur growing. Here are the ways the studies in the plant have come up with for the max return. All work inside and outside. But you really need to get back to basics and fill a scrog net next time. You have allot of wasted space.
Thanks for the video I'll check it out. As for the scrog. 2 points.

The light hangs 16-18 inches upward.
The front row of scrog is an optical illusion. It is draped down and is just extra netting that Hangs perpendicular to the rest of the net. When this tent is closed, the ac and sir cooler sick air out at a rate that causes the sides of the tent to implode.
Every time I open this tent . The sides of every putter bud have been squeezed against the sides. The netting is tied to each of the frames of the tent. It would be impossible to use that extra netting if I tried. I should mention I double scrogged. And the bottom one is pretty much useless at this point.
But then I went a step further. Bc I'm crazy I went out and bought a lux lumen reader. From where the light is. The parts past the scrog were at 102-110 PAR.
This is suboptimal and probably wouldn't be worth the time anyway. Not to mention getting to the nute res right below which has to be filled daily thru a 4x6 inch square.

My next grow I'm going to ditch the nute res entirely. The frame alone stole about a foot of height. The next grow with the plants way lower, the light span will increase dramatically For more even lighting to all sides . I'll also build a proper scrog to use up the remaining inches and stop the walls from imploding onto the plants. Seriously some of the bud sides look somewhat flattened out as a result.
i have tried it and i think its good i dont like the feedback i get from the nonbelievers so i just keep it to myself

there is like four main fans near top of each bud sight dont remove them

good luck

What if theyre starting ton crisp turn purple? Then would you remove the up fan leaves?
never remove fan leaves in good condition. end of story. IF they are dieing or dead sure remove them. Ive even had a plant that one side fan leaf was torn off moving the plant. The resulting bud was very much less. fan leaves are the engine of the plant. plants do grow without them but not anywhere close to results. moving a fan leaf under a bud so the bud gets some direct light is recommended though.
never remove fan leaves in good condition. end of story. IF they are dieing or dead sure remove them. Ive even had a plant that one side fan leaf was torn off moving the plant. The resulting bud was very much less. fan leaves are the engine of the plant. plants do grow without them but not anywhere close to results. moving a fan leaf under a bud so the bud gets some direct light is recommended though.
My experience about this is what kind of a bud you end up with is what matters. Now if you are impatient and need a blunt, well just get selective and keep it minimal. Note that during the last three weeks of flower that fan leaves just dry up on their own because the bud is using the juice from them. The plant certainly has a plan built in to get what it wants. Buds with more density make bigger joints which really helps in a micro grow.:joint: