Defoliation Test

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Good article I've read before but who was talking about fertilizer and stretch.

I'm actually doing something to understand and show RIU members to see and do defoliation for themselves not believing some trolls that have never done it so can't begin to understand.

My plants speak for themselves.

Bullshit. You're on a newbie campaign based on hype.
Yes a newbie to this site but not to growing that is out producing you and you can't quite understand how defoliation created this

Buddy hates your guts hahaha. WHY????? :bigjoint:

Because I won't except his old unproven theory that a lost leaf is lost forever.

Despite the fact that they grow more because of it being removed, and I prove him wrong on a regular basis in theory and reality.

The pic in his avatar is just an average large plant the small size of the avatar and him hiding behind it give you the impression of size it does not have the only pic he ever produced that even hinted at real size was one sativa he topped that was outside for all year in the sun now that might be close to what I have done In half the time Indoors.
What was your schedule for defo? I tried at roots then every 2 weeks or so. Kinda lame you outgrew your room. Are the clones gonna make it.
Geez Uncle Ben, is it that important to you to be viewed as correct, that you would find a "newbie" in a thread to go pick on and be rude to? I had lots of respect for you and kinda looked up to you (considering I use your techniques), but you are defeating your purpose brother! If you wanna catch honey, don't kick over the bee hive! Before you say something like "this noob has no honey to offer me", just remember, alot of folks watch your behavior and look up to you. You could have handled this so much more gracefully. Kinda like how the "noob" handled it when you cam into his thread insulting and clkaiming he is wrong. If you think he is wrong, then say it and provide sources but insulting will get you no where when it comes to persuading your target.

Anyway, I have been growing outdoor for 12 years and indoor for two years. I am able to grow A+ quality organic buds and achieve excellent yields. I have tried and seen the results of defoliation (just like I have TRIED and SEEN the benefits of LST, super-cropping, FIM, topping, mainlining etc). I support defoliation in many circumstances. It's a great technique. Am I a noob because I see the value in something that you don't? I fail to see the relevance of that article you linked. The research in the article was in regards to the potential correlations between stretching and nitrogen which has NOTHING to do with defol. Are you just upset because he thinks hes being scientific and you see that he is not being scientific enough according to your standards, or are you upset because he is promoting defoliation when you think it's a foolish thing? What is your point any way?
What was your schedule for defo? I tried at roots then every 2 weeks or so. Kinda lame you outgrew your room. Are the clones gonna make it.
ONLY take off leaves that are large and covering other growth tips. If you have no fan leaves that are 5-6 inches in length, your plants are not ready for defoliation. You shouldn't be going on a time schedule but rather whenever you see new huge fan leaves covering tips. I have found it tends to take around 7-10 days for newly lit branches to develop large enough leaves to pluck.

Defol seems kind of pointless to me if you aren't using some form of training to keep a wide even canopy. When a plant grows straight up with no training, it doesn't really block much lower light with it's fan leaves. Maybe a leaf or two per plant could be plucked but thats it.
My newbie grow was outdoors in 1984
Damn! I was born in 84! I started growing outdoors in 98' (14 years old) after spending almost a year lurking for 10 hours a day @ overgrow (on my webtv via 56K dialup ahhaha) to try to get my game up to par with the legends! I think back to rules 1&2 of being a grower in the era before the legal medical green rush and now here I am finally growing legally :) Back then I wouldn't have even told God I grow let alone strangers in a forum lol Man, times sure have changed. And my generation is about to take the reigns from the previous generation, and with us having instant access to free exchange of uncensored information on the internet, we are no longer blind to the truth! I am very optimistic for the future of the cannabis industry :)

Sorry lol Im finished rambling now, I'm baked and going off on A.D.D. fueled tangent after A.D.D. fueled tangent haha
What was your schedule for defo? I tried at roots then every 2 weeks or so. Kinda lame you outgrew your room. Are the clones gonna make it.

You mean completely filling my room, I can think of everything else that could possibly go wrong this is the best problem to have who knew having to much bud is lame.
you can't quite understand how defoliation created this

What is it here that you are crediting to defoliation?
Is that a skunk of some sort? I love the productive branching of some skunk, Sometimes I can't even tell which branch is the top when I have a room full of skunks.

What is your general defoliation theory? I've got 12 skunk (green crack s1s i collected) plants under 1800 watts right now. flipping 12/12 in the next few days. They are about 11 inches tall now. I haven't defoled but they are already branching nice like a skunk does.
I've defoled in the past but I'll try it out again. I never make it through a grow without doing a side by side of some sort.

Full disclosure, I am just another grower who thinks defoliation is mostly a waste of time, to a slightly lesser extent harmful to the plant.
But, I don't get set in my ways. If you can show me improved yields I'de be thrilled and def give deserved credit to you and the method.
Your plants up there look pretty good. So, you're doing something right. You have some good genetics at the very least.
If you want to add some plants to this test I have a very uniform grow to pitch in.

If you care to share, I'de love to hear a general theory you work from with this defol thing..
Do you think they might be growing them back because they need them?

Yes you are absolutely right that is the point removing the main fan leaves it forces the tiny leaves on the stalk to become branches with plenty of fan leaves if done a few times you have many more bud sites and density then if you just let those small branches grow in the shadow of the fan leaf literally and figuratively.

I updated my other thread Outdoor came Indoor at the bottom showing the beginning of the defoliation of the two monsters from sticks with almost no branching.
I agree with bud brewer. From his pictures you can tell alone how defoliation is a good thing. I believe in defoliation myself and I can say for those looking to grow bigger plants and get the most out of them then its the way to go.

Everyone's situation is different is what the problem is. SOG people I don't think defoliate all that much due to the plant taking a bit more time to recover here and there. With time just being the issue and not the plant's ability to grow back.

I think of sun leaves as a back up reserve for those shady and shitty day's outside when there is not ample light that day. Where as indoors they get all the light they need as well as food. Sun leaves suck up nute's to grow hence why they get so big. Once you start cutting them off you will notice how much more the plant grow's instead of the sun leaves.

Defoliating makes for a better yield and better mom's for cutting's. Just some time and experience to see what to cut and not to cut. I don't cut everything off at once but I let them grow out a week or two at a time and then go back in and start cutting.
I laugh because people are so scared to cut up one plant. Just cut a clone for that purpose and grow it out as a experiment. Its not the end of the world to huck a plant even though it's hard and I highly doubt you would not like the outcome of defoliating.
Despite the fact that they grow more because of it being removed, and I prove him wrong on a regular basis in theory and reality.

We already hashed that issue out in one of the other threads...... with me asking a question regarding setting the plant back and you dodging you the question.

Shit, how many times are we gonna beat this dead horse and how many times are you going to post those pix as if posting them a hundred fuckin' times makes your point valid? I get it, OK? You're into gimmicks and trickery and if I had to guess you're another fool for cannabis specific snake oils and products.
We already hashed that issue out in one of the other threads...... with me asking a question regarding setting the plant back and you dodging you the question.

Shit, how many times are we gonna beat this dead horse and how many times are you going to post those pix as if posting them a hundred fuckin' times makes your point valid? I get it, OK? You're into gimmicks and trickery and if I had to guess you're another fool for cannabis specific snake oils and products.

You drunk man? Damn I wish you were more helpful given all your experience and what you think you know mannn! C'mon Bennnnn
We already hashed that issue out in one of the other threads...... with me asking a question regarding setting the plant back and you dodging you the question.

Shit, how many times are we gonna beat this dead horse and how many times are you going to post those pix as if posting them a hundred fuckin' times makes your point valid? I get it, OK? You're into gimmicks and trickery and if I had to guess you're another fool for cannabis specific snake oils and products.

Your the one beating a dead horse I have posted many studies showing it can work with many kinds of plants. I have posted Pictures of plants with little branching become so dense after defoliation that it will block out a 1000 watt light so much the interior has no bud despite your other theory that bud grows in the dark it doesn't

In this last pic you can see no bud right in the middle surrounded by lower bud that gets light.

I haven't dodged anything I have repeatedly stated in the other threads that it takes about three days to get the leaf mass back from the small branches becoming bigger and taking a more dominant role challenging the top.

Faster recovery than topping.
The back and forth on this subject is just bullshit and trolling. Do you two fight when you get in bed with each other for the night too? I bet you do... haha.

The thread has potential. Let go of UB's weiner and make it happen.
Lol @ this man bringing ppl holding weiners into the thread hahahaha. A good high laugh.


PS. I'm pretty sure it's already "happening" lol. I believe in what I see :joint:
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