you can't quite understand how defoliation created this
What is it here that you are crediting to defoliation?
Is that a skunk of some sort? I love the productive branching of some skunk, Sometimes I can't even tell which branch is the top when I have a room full of skunks.
What is your general defoliation theory? I've got 12 skunk (green crack s1s i collected) plants under 1800 watts right now. flipping 12/12 in the next few days. They are about 11 inches tall now. I haven't defoled but they are already branching nice like a skunk does.
I've defoled in the past but I'll try it out again. I never make it through a grow without doing a side by side of some sort.
Full disclosure, I am just another grower who thinks defoliation is mostly a waste of time, to a slightly lesser extent harmful to the plant.
But, I don't get set in my ways. If you can show me improved yields I'de be thrilled and def give deserved credit to you and the method.
Your plants up there look pretty good. So, you're doing something right. You have some good genetics at the very least.
If you want to add some plants to this test I have a very uniform grow to pitch in.
If you care to share, I'de love to hear a general theory you work from with this defol thing..