Defoliation Test

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You're blaming ME for your lack of self control? Put me on ignore.

Looks like I own another one hehe. :lol:
No, your pedantic banter disrupts the flow of the thread and is useless to the information gathering that the participants of this thread are here for. You are making the hair on the back of my head stand up. You must be one sad old man to enjoy life this way :):):)
You are making the hair on the back of my head stand up.

Good! Now that I've your attention, it only takes less than 2 minutes of your precious pig brain eating mind to know the truth. And you know what they say...."the truth will set you free."

Ive watched that exact clip before, even forced someone to watch it because they were pulling off all their fan leaves in flower. I agree with what he says. Bud Brewer doesnt. Id like to see the outcome and we will soon. If his method works ben id like to be able to re read this thread and not have to wade through all the anti defoliation posts by you. Are you scared to watch this thread unfold or somthing? Are you worried that it might prove your theories wrong? Im pretty sure you just puffed out your chest and readied your fingers to type, no way am i worried, letthis clown do his thing so i can laugh at him and do an endzone dance when its do it, when its done, till then go find somone elses morning to shit on.
And im pretty sure Jorge meant that the leaves shouldnt be removed in the last few weeks of flower.

He said nothing of veg being a bad time to remove leaves.

Someone should ask him that. And even after that realize he is a human who can make mistakes and may be passing down information he was given years ago that he himself has never tested against the opposition.

Id like to see Uncle Ben do a defoliation grow and see what the results were.

I bet hes never tested it himself. And if he has it probably hasnt been on more than a single strain and more than a single grow.

The way real growers do things is by testing.

I go to the store, convince my shop owner to let me get a tester bottle of "snake oil x" and then test it myself on a few runs.

Take notes and do my own "scientific" studies.

Thats how i came to the conclusion that Snowstorm Ultra works.

If only Uncle Ben tested half the things he disputed. Hes just as stuck in his way as the "flusher vs non flusher" and the "organics vs synthetic"
And im pretty sure Jorge meant that the leaves shouldnt be removed in the last few weeks of flower.

He said nothing of veg being a bad time to remove leaves.

Someone should ask him that. And even after that realize he is a human who can make mistakes and may be passing down information he was given years ago that he himself has never tested against the opposition.

Id like to see Uncle Ben do a defoliation grow and see what the results were.

I bet hes never tested it himself. And if he has it probably hasnt been on more than a single strain and more than a single grow.

The way real growers do things is by testing.

I go to the store, convince my shop owner to let me get a tester bottle of "snake oil x" and then test it myself on a few runs.

Take notes and do my own "scientific" studies.

Thats how i came to the conclusion that Snowstorm Ultra works.

If only Uncle Ben tested half the things he disputed. Hes just as stuck in his way as the "flusher vs non flusher" and the "organics vs synthetic"
I'm not going to say it's a fact, but from my personal experience, pruning during veg just makes my ladies bushier.
I think the logic behind this is that when your plants are vegging, they're constantly growing new nodes and fan leaves so the plant won't be in any real harm getting pruned. But while they're flowering, they only grow so many new leaves, so their ability to store/take in energy using fan leaves is limited only to how many leaves that the plant had prior to the flip to 12/12(or about 2-3 weeks into it, when the buds are forming and new growth slows down/halts to a stop).
But hey, I'm just taking a guess at it.. We'll never truly know the truth about this until someone conducts a test..
Uncle ben did do a test on defoliation....he defoliated half a plant once and it didnt help, thats what he says....sorry ben i couldnt resist. Half a plant though, what were you thinking lol, i can only imagine how silly it looked. That test makes no sence at all but yet you claim to know it all, everybody has a little to learn in life ben :):):)
Ive watched that exact clip before, even forced someone to watch it because they were pulling off all their fan leaves in flower. I agree with what he says. Bud Brewer doesnt. Id like to see the outcome and we will soon.

You'll believe his biased "outcome" even though it's about as far from scientific as the planet Pluto. Like Jorge said, it's all 'hearsay'....conjecture.

Again, you guys are about the safest sucker bets as Advanced Shysters Liquid Light. Hilarious!

This is what a real series of scientific experiments looks like, by are real professionals. Look at the bibliography, the references. They are all professionally schooled doctors of science. Not some stoner that can't even put together a coherent post.

The bottom line is your type gets a bur in their saddle if confronted with a different train of thought. So what do you resort to? Spin and a mandate to censor those with opposing views.

Nice try......
You'll believe his biased "outcome" even though it's about as far from scientific as the planet Pluto. Like Jorge said, it's all 'hearsay'....conjecture.

Again, you guys are about the safest sucker bets as Advanced Shysters Liquid Light. Hilarious!

This is what a real series of scientific experiments looks like, by are real professionals. Look at the bibliography, the references. They are all professionally schooled doctors of science. Not some stoner that can't even put together a coherent post.

The bottom line is your type gets a bur in their saddle if confronted with a different train of thought. So what do you resort to? Spin and a mandate to censor those with opposing views.

Nice try......
ben your assuming that his test will work by the sound of things. Do you really think that hed tamper with the results, i doubt it lol You dont need a lab coat to do a test by the way. I did a defoliation test at week five of flower because my buddy that plucks his fan leaves off didnt believe me that its a bad idea, 4 plants, two different "varietals" as hor-hay puts it, and one of each varietal was defoliated of the fan leaves. Damn that was a bad idea. Lost weight and more than just the fan leaves and thats for sure. Thats when i made him watch that video, when i took off the leaves, i pretty much knew what would happen but i did it to prove a point to my friend. Now he doesnt do it anymore since he saw proof. You know i bet you have more posts on Brewers thread than he does, and every one of them are insulting his theories. I have my doubts as well but im not voicing them because this isnt my thread. i know defol has a place and so do you, whether the extreme approch works or not will be tested. Can you just let me enjoy my fucking crumpets please?
Subbed to see this thread unfold because i trim all the suckers off my plants. Would love to see the outcome
Lol. I think what we have here is... A failure to communicate.
I can clearly see the defoliation, as used by the fine people on this thread, is a cultural method that helps to direct a plants energy towards filling a space fully. No?
i can also clearly see the fact that removing a leaf retards the photosynthate production of a plant. If you dispute this, you do NOT know how plants work. The leaves are there to make compounds that feed growth. No?
So what we have here..... Is a failure to communicate.

also. Removing leaves around a bud will not enhance the bud development in any way, shape, or form. If you dispute this, you do not know how plants work. It is not opinion, it is fact. It's so entirely not disputed that asking a question like this in a university level class would get you laughed at. If you think a bud is like... an apple, you are mistaken. See, in apples, the fruit responds to sunlight is various ways like enhanced color or even sugar development. Peaches blush on the sunny side. So do plums and ... you get the point. Think about it. It makes sense, if a plant wants the fruit to be noticed and consequently eaten, its gotta be bright. Makes sense.
Buds are flowers- wind pollinated flowers. There is no reason whatsoever for this plant to develop these pathways. So it doesn't make any sense for light to affect flower development. It would be a waste of resources. These pathways don't exist in MJ or plants with the reproduction methods it employs. Period.

See? Everyone is right, in a way.
Is that it then? Is it over? Who won? You decide! Eeeeeeeppppppppiiiiiiiiccccccccccccccccrapbattlesofhistoraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!
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