Defoliation Test

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I'm missing the point?

Curious, exactly what is your mite program, Mr. Consultant?

Yank off all the leaves, no mites! Problem solved. Makes sense to me.

Well i got him a gallon of mighty wash and a bottle of sns spray. Hes been alternating them back and forth, one every two days and the mites are pretty much gone as far as i can tell. I gave him my humidifier to bring humidity up to 65% and we got a couple over priced ocelating fans to move more leaves. Got any better ideas? The leaves were toast, totally crap in early veg, covered in webs and bugs so they got ripped off. Now they grew back bigger than before and theres no damage to them. Arent you a fan of having lots of leaves? Now theres lots of leaves, and theyre healthy, how hard is this to understand :wall: <<< Im really starting to feel like this man.
Now they grew back bigger than before and theres no damage to them.

Honest question here dude: Why would you think anything different? You said that before they had a infestation and the plant was less mature as well. So why wouldn't the leaves grow back bigger then before when the plant was under stress and immature?

I havent seen anybody ever claim that cannabis is not a extremely resilient plant. So abusing it does not always cause it to take a downturn into death. And when it does recover, it will try and return to the point it should be at the very moment in its life cycle. That does not necessarily mean that it was in anyway beneficial overall. What would you say if I told you that I didn't strip any leaves off the plant and over the next few weeks, the plant grew bigger and stronger then it was. Would that surprise you any?
Honest question here dude: Why would you think anything different? You said that before they had a infestation and the plant was less mature as well. So why wouldn't the leaves grow back bigger then before when the plant was under stress and immature?

I havent seen anybody ever claim that cannabis is not a extremely resilient plant. So abusing it does not always cause it to take a downturn into death. And when it does recover, it will try and return to the point it should be at the very moment in its life cycle. That does not necessarily mean that it was in anyway beneficial overall. What would you say if I told you that I didn't strip any leaves off the plant and over the next few weeks, the plant grew bigger and stronger then it was. Would that surprise you any?
Nope, not at all, wouldnt surprise me one bit. What surprises me is anyone trying to say defoliating is always the wrong choice. Mite damaged dying leaves = perfect candidate for defoliating. Theres no reason to argue this cause im right but there still seems to be some non believers :wall:
Nope, not at all, wouldnt surprise me one bit. What surprises me is anyone trying to say defoliating is always the wrong choice. Mite damaged dying leaves = perfect candidate for defoliating. Theres no reason to argue this cause im right but there still seems to be some non believers :wall:

I'm not arguing with that, never had. Of course it makes sense to remove pest infested leaves UNLESS they are still in a healthy state and productive. Give you an example....I once noticed my leaves didn't look right on an indoor garden. Turned over the leaves and there were literally millions of aphids on all plants. The entire bottom surface was covered. This was just before the lifeblood had been sucked out of the plants. I took them outside, blasted them with malathion, they died within minutes and I ended up with a fine harvest.

No amount of scientific logic is gonna convince to leave the plant alone and let nature take its course. Defoliating is yet another forum myth no different than "flushing" before harvest. Some folks, primarily noobs, just HAVE to believe it "works". Well, if eating a rock clears up a migraine headache, then eat a rock.

Nope, not at all, wouldnt surprise me one bit. What surprises me is anyone trying to say defoliating is always the wrong choice. Mite damaged dying leaves = perfect candidate for defoliating. Theres no reason to argue this cause im right but there still seems to be some non believers :wall:

No amount of scientific logic is gonna convince to leave the plant alone and let nature take its course.


How bout the scientific logic that says when I defoliate I have better air flow and it solves my PM issues? I live three blocks from the beach and it's often very foggy and humid. You wouldn't know anything about that most likely however, being from Texas. That's what I mean by one dimensional science.

Partial leaf removal has made my crops better, not worse. I don't really care what your version of science says.
How bout the scientific logic that says when I defoliate I have better air flow and it solves my PM issues? I live three blocks from the beach and it's often very foggy and humid. You wouldn't know anything about that most likely however, being from Texas. That's what I mean by one dimensional science.

Partial leaf removal has made my crops better, not worse. I don't really care what your version of science says.

Moving the goalposts is the practice of arbitrarily changing the criteria for "proof" or acceptance of a claim out of the range of whatever evidence currently exists in the argument.

Moving the goalposts (or shifting the goalposts) is a metaphor meaning to change the criterion (goal) of a process or competition while still in progress, in such a way that the new goal offers one side an intentional advantage or disadvantage.

Moving the goalposts, also known as raising the bar, is an informal logically fallacious argument in which evidence presented in response to a specific claim is dismissed and some other (often greater) evidence is demanded. In other words, after an attempt has been made to score a goal, the goalposts are moved to exclude the attempt.The problem with changing the rules of the game is that the meaning of the end result is changed too.
No changing of goal posts here. Leaf removal to help with PM while not affecting yield has been my goal from the start.
No changing of goal posts here. Leaf removal to help with PM while not affecting yield has been my goal from the start.

Come on man. Just because your particular situation creates an unsatisfactory environment, does not suddenly mean that defoliation is generally useful. Just like defoliating because you are infested in mites is not a good argument. In fact these arguments are actually just silly.
Man, im not on any bandwagon. I want to see how this turns out. I like tests, i like looking past the norm and into the experimental as long as theres a reason. This guy posted some huge buds on my tricks for a huge yield thread. I want to see if it works out again. Sorry for being an asshole because i totally know i am being an asshole, but i dont like all the damn argueing on this thread. Its annoying to look at and im just gettin wild about it. I like bens style, i think your great, im just getting fed up with having to wade through argueing to find out whats going on...seriously, im lost as to whats going on.
Man, im not on any bandwagon. I want to see how this turns out. I like tests, i like looking past the norm and into the experimental as long as theres a reason. This guy posted some huge buds on my tricks for a huge yield thread. I want to see if it works out again. Sorry for being an asshole because i totally know i am being an asshole, but i dont like all the damn argueing on this thread. Its annoying to look at and im just gettin wild about it. I like bens style, i think your great, im just getting fed up with having to wade through argueing to find out whats going on...seriously, im lost as to whats going on.

heh no problem. I know we all get caught up in it at times. I certainly do. :-P
It's because we are some passionate-ass motherfuckers. You think my paralegal buddy has a forum where they debate legal shit?
I think it's great.
O and also, just to be clear, I don't know a single gardener who defoliates roses (page 3 or 4 reference lol) Or anything else really... except for the bonsai guys who want their leaves to be smaller for shows. And some people who grow weed.
Warped or an educated, highly skilled chef, heres the pics of head cheese, hand made, and some panko crusted brain that i made from scratch. You can fuck off anytime asshole.View attachment 2547711View attachment 2547714
Awesome, spent the first half of my life in restaurants. Pj I use defol and organic potassium bicarbonate spray for pm as well. I believe plants intake pot. and are more susceptible to outbreaks when pot. deficient. I can't find info as to why not to use only some saying don't. I did mold abatement and clean air systems for 7 yrs until I realized it was a sham. Yes environment control is an issue but if it is introduced eradication is laughable short of extreme measures. Seal sanitize and remove everything, install hvac uv lighting in fresh air intake and a preventive treatment plan. A mold swarm is massive I've seen neighborhoods under construction consumed. Shot of current sour defo 3x under low light,70* day -52 night 8 wks agoIMAG0282.jpg
JorgeCervantes said: yank all these leaves off this plant, the bud will look cool, you'll be happy that you did, you'll think you did something but what you're really doing is retarding the bud. That's weird......KEEP THE LEAVES ON UNTIL HARVEST, pulling them off a day before for convenience.


That's my buddy! He perfectly articulates the difference between feelings and hearsay and real science. Using a little non-verbal communication like pointing to his head, intimating, "think people, learn some botany!" The man is anal like me too. Notice about a minute into the thread where he uses a half yellow leaf as an example of what to pull but then stopping himself and saying "I might leave this one on for another day or two." ....and that leaf happens to be a shaded leaf at the bottom lf the plant. He's a bonafide horticulturist.

He gets very aggressive when it comes to making his point insinuating that those who yank leaves are a bunch of dumbasses needing some tough schooling, which he provides LOL. Notice the non-verbs, the pointing of the finger, the nodding into the camera.

Having said that, there will be more than one ignorant spinmeister trying to make some lame point that he's outdoors. He might have done this indoors, don't know the circumstances at the time. Maybe, maybe not. Doesn't matter how you want to spin it, noobs, this clip is all about condemning forum hearsay.

On the fence with this topic, just watching from the sidelines :)
..About those genetics you mentioned, which strains did you defol with that responded with better yields? if you dont mind me asking :)
Ben, your stance on the topics been noted, now can i please read some conversation about defoliation without it being broken up or are you trying to piss me off again?
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