Defoliation Test

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Pics are always golden but i dont really care about that part, what im wondering is about the defol. Have you done side bys, and if so, what week of life did you do it. Ive done a couple in early stages in dwc and theyve come back to take the cake but theyre not done. I want to know now if its benny. :):):)
I'm not rolling side by but in the middle of my third with variations. I see a lot more prromise from a hybrid between keeping everything green and removing it. My veg was minimal in light and low temps for the first two still chopped 3x veg 1swich 2flower. I feel your growing roots when you defo that regrowth comes from somewhere. I like my branches established more than I've seen so far .The plant tells you when,not how. I didnt know I defo'd till I tried it and reflected not as extreme. Gimme 4k maybe things would change.
I'm not rolling side by but in the middle of my third with variations. I see a lot more prromise from a hybrid between keeping everything green and removing it. My veg was minimal in light and low temps for the first two still chopped 3x veg 1swich 2flower. I feel your growing roots when you defo that regrowth comes from somewhere. I like my branches established more than I've seen so far .The plant tells you when,not how. I didnt know I defo'd till I tried it and reflected not as extreme. Gimme 4k maybe things would change.
I have no idea what the fek your trying to say to me lol, you must be as fd up as me lol :):):)
They have no science they have theory based on a biased opinion ......

Fuckin' hilarious! This guy is basing his conclusions solely on theory while saying he's all about SCIENCE and I, who have posted real science based on botany am wrong! Gawd, I just spit coffee all over the keyboard!

Keep spinning BB. You may be making a few dizzy around here, but I still have a clear head. ;)

One thing I can count on as fact - there's gonna be a sucker bet going down in Troll-It-Up every time I click on a thread. :wall:


Great song, legendary band. Back in the late 60's, we used to trip on that album after consuming massive doses of freshly field picked peyote buttons (north of Rio Grande City), either whole or made into tea using Mom's pressure cooker. :)
welll. I had to defoliate mine cause of plant health probs along with mites. It seemed to grow back at the same rate as if I didnt. I had to get rid of a bunch of fans,,,,i was pissed, but, i aint disappointed. They are back strong.feb2_ 037.jpgit did seem to create a popcorn look going up each stalk. Im expecting long ass donkey dicks. So I will see how they turn out.
These last 2 pics are today. That first pic above is from feb2
Look, im following this thread to see how defol works or doesnt. Theres a couple plants and hopefully one or two dont get defoliated so i can see what the control group looks like.
The plant survives it and continues to thrive after being attacked by things like PM or mites when stripped and that to me is worth learning about and watching the yield outcome. Some claim larger, i dont give a fuck what anyone claims, i want to see proof with controls present.
Do me a favor assholes, go cornhole each other on a different thread cause im here to learn somthing on BBs thread. I might learn hes an idiot, i might see some great buds, who knows but you dumb fucks are pissing me off with your bull shit. Get the fuck outta here. You said your piece defoliated half a plant and proved fuck all while you were at it now you can fuck off.
Read Xub420s post a couple up from mine. That post and this defol technique could help people with problems with bugs or any number of plant problems and you closed minded retards are makin this thread so hard to follow that the usefull information is being dwarfed buy your own selfish interests. That makes you part of the problem and not the solution and thats starting to make me a cranky ninja.
Go start your own thread with tests and controls to disprove it if you want, if not just get the fuck out.:fire:
Horticulture and botany have already proven it wrong time and time again. Sorry your too stupid to realize it. If you do not like the truth and facts your the one that should get out. You may learn how to top a plant with your lights. Then start blowing how topped plants suffer most. Welcome to my ignore list Ninjablower.
Adious dude, did your book come with a section on what to do when all the leaves on your plant are infested and destroyed by mites? Abiding by your rules i should let it die right? And seriously, if your only here to ride the OP fuck off.
Look, im following this thread to see how defol works or doesnt. Theres a couple plants and hopefully one or two dont get defoliated so i can see what the control group looks like.

"Control group", eh? And just how much control does that group have? Don't forget the Liquid Light and Bud Candy. Can't grow big buds without 'em ya know. ;)
Adious dude, did your book come with a section on what to do when all the leaves on your plant are infested and destroyed by mites? Abiding by your rules i should let it die right? And seriously, if your only here to ride the OP fuck off.

Recommend you get some science and learn the life cycle of mites and how to control them. This is exactly what I mean, most of you guys lose leaves because of done fucked up the plant in the first place by allowing it to be attacked by pests. Don't get me wrong, I've been hit bad with mites but I immediately took care of the problem such that impending defoliation was not an issue.

"Control group", eh? And just how much control does that group have? Don't forget the Liquid Light and Bud Candy. Can't grow big buds without 'em ya know. ;)
Did you miss the invitation to use the door? Beat feet, go tug someone elses chain, im tryin to enjoy my tea and fucking crumpets.
Recommend you get some science and learn the life cycle of mites and how to control them. This is exactly what I mean, most of you guys lose leaves because of done fucked up the plant in the first place by allowing it to be attacked by pests. Don't get me wrong, I've been hit bad with mites but I immediately took care of the problem such that impending defoliation was not an issue.

Listen here smart ass. I went into a friends garden and his DWC was destroyed by mites. I defoled his plant and then got him started on a mite program. Your missing the point. This works when you need to do it. I know this is a fact. Now i want to see if it actually helps. If he can pull off the monster buds again ill be impressed but until then why dont you let me enjoy my crumpets?
HAHAHA mites destroying my leaves? I don't think so...YANK YANK> I win


LOL amateur. You have it all wrong. The better program is use mites to defoliate. I mean why bother yanking when mites will do the work for you? I buy other growers mites from craigslist to make my defoliation process less labor intensive. I honestly dont understand why people spend good money on killing these workhorses.
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