Bud Brewer
Well-Known Member
I'm all about low maintenance while maintaining efficiency. If I wanted more bud, (which I don't), I'd plant more plants.
Easy peasy.......
Some of us would rather make the most of the area indoor or out not by increasing plant numbers you understand you get more time for more plants and if under a certain level just a fine for non med people.
Watering everyday is not low maintenance while losing efficiency instead of putting the work in and doing something right make it low maintenance fertile and get the most out of your effort.
The time it takes to do it right the first time makes up for it in much less water maintenance hours less a week and a bigger better fed root system meaning more bud (which you don't want) LMAO
A little extra work by defoliating a few times comes back big time want to see the pics?
If you actually drilled a ton of large 1/2" holes or cut the bottom out of your bucket instead of just using the four or six holes that if you have grown big plants they would clog quick.
They could be useful only to legal med growers unable to dig and amend soil but able to water every day in the blazing sun 5 gallons won't go a day with out water if big, but if you use the factory holes you may not get it big with limited rooting area.
If you had clay right near the surface then it is a good raised bed for helicopters to find only good for a few people.
Now most non med outdoor grows do it out of town in the wild no daily watering a 5 gallon, so the way to get the biggest plant and best water retention is to veg a plant indoors in a five gallon with dozens of 1/2" holes to a nice big size transplant out near the summer solace to avoid early flowering.
Then if you want the most out of a dry area dig as big a hole as you can and amend well but not to hot and keep at least half the native soil now bury the whole bucket to a bit below the surface.
Then make a funnel around the top so all water from the surrounding area goes down your bucket hogging all the water for your plant containing it inside the bucket going out the bottom were your roots are with well draining amended soil encase of heavy rain.
If it is super dry a piece of carpet over the whole area colored to match the area and covered in mulch extra bonus so it won't be noticed from the sky.
What I'm going to do is amend my coco, DE, compost mix at three times the strength to bring a bag of mix with me and two foot plants dig as big a hole as you can amend with as much as your willing to carry but keep at least half native soil transplant funnel the water to the plant from far as possible then I'll cover with carpet top dressing and mulch from the area it really keeps the water from evaporating I'm not in a dry area so I won't bury the bucket for better root movement.
With endless roots and sun you could grow something worth the trouble Instead of half assing it or growing more average plants to bring your numbers up instead of your skill and defoliation a few times for maximum yield.