defoliation? yes/no and techniques

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
seems like all the guys who like to pull leaves have an angry side. They pop up out of the woodwork to tell everyone there style and to fuck off. I laugh so hard at you girls.


Well-Known Member
seems like all the guys who like to pull leaves have an angry side. They pop up out of the woodwork to tell everyone there style and to fuck off. I laugh so hard at you girls.
for some reason there a lot of growers that take the piss when you talk about deflation, don't know why

I have done a side my side and it has increased my yield about 30%

you have seen the results and can't make any coment about it

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
for some reason there a lot of growers that take the piss when you talk about deflation, don't know why

I have done a side my side and it has increased my yield about 30%

you have seen the results and can't make any coment about it
You have been very rational, that is why I haven't taken the piss with you. Most of the pics I have seen of people trying to justify defoliating have been big fluffy buds. Pics don't prove shit. I would like to see 1 plant, unmolested. 1 plant molested in the same room with the same grower.
show me where the molested one yields more and I would not dispute it anymore.


Well-Known Member
Chuck have you ever grown for maximum production in your space? Do you actually grow? Ive looked i cant find it.My plants cannopy will cover 3-4x the size of the pot, i dont do dirt or snake oils as you call them shit just overgrows its ideal space. Haha angry, not enough to make it my duty to spout bullshit without end about a subjective subject. In fact ive never seen you contribute anything other than a high five for ben and the gang or to shit talk others, how much free time do you have that you can post 40-50 times a day? Your desk job must be awesome bud.
Chuck wait 15 minutes same clones, same medium same light, if it wasnt so crowded and i had side lighting your argument would be 100% correct in my garden this round its not. Edit i guess one night wont show benifits so that would be stupid but the little guy has been unmolested since it cas cut the other hacked


chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Chuck have you ever grown for maximum production in your space? Do you actually grow? Ive looked i cant find it.My plants cannopy will cover 3-4x the size of the pot, i dont do dirt or snake oils as you call them shit just overgrows its ideal space. Haha angry, not enough to make it my duty to spout bullshit without end about a subjective subject. In fact ive never seen you contribute anything other than a high five for ben and the gang or to shit talk others, how much free time do you have that you can post 40-50 times a day? Your desk job must be awesome bud.
Chuck wait 15 minutes same clones, same medium same light, if it wasnt so crowded and i had side lighting your argument would be 100% correct in my garden this round its not. Edit i guess one night wont show benifits so that would be stupid but the little guy has been unmolested since it cas cut the other hacked
I know what I can do, i don't need to impress internet trolls. When people say things to me like"i love your weed" and they can't wait for me to finish. I think I got it down. 5 zips off each of my vortex plants, 3 zips off my og. Yeah. i'm doin aight.


Well-Known Member
Haha ok buddy most of my posts are helping others can you say the same. Btw thats a respectable yeild for an og. I wasnt asking fully to start shit, i actually do read your posts and take what i can, its just i looked and i couldnt find anything. I wasnt looking to talk shit either exactly the opposit in fact, i like to see how others operate to try and take things to improve my garden. I know allot has been posted to see yours and bens grows but honestly ill take your word on what you yeild would just like to see your enviroment.


Well-Known Member
To all,

I first want to apologies for telling someone to "shut the fuck up". I really don't pen posts like that...I really don't. I guess I'm hormonal today or something....maybe I need a tampon.

While I am a believer in not pulling leaves, I don't think I indicated that leaving the leaves on is the only right way of growing weed. It works for me and wanted to share my opinion about this....again. I am by far not an expert on this subject, as most of us are not. Hell, I'm not even a good grower.....I'm just this side of being a so-so grower. Why I got into the "my dick is bigger than your dick" banter I don't know.....ouch..was that a cramp....I need Mydol.

While I'm not a fan of defoliating...I tip my hat to those that get good yields. I also want to ask those that haven't tried doing a grow as Uncle Ben a do so. Then you can make an educated decision which way you feel is right for you.

I have a small dick and am usually wrong about my wife says. :hump:

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Haha ok buddy most of my posts are helping others can you say the same. Btw thats a respectable yeild for an og. I wasnt asking fully to start shit, i actually do read your posts and take what i can, its just i looked and i couldnt find anything. I wasnt looking to talk shit either exactly the opposit in fact, i like to see how others operate to try and take things to improve my garden. I know allot has been posted to see yours and bens grows but honestly ill take your word on what you yeild would just like to see your enviroment.
telling people not to pull leaves, use AN or any other hyped up nutrient that is "cannabis specific" Keep it simple. Those are the ways I help people, and yes, i help people ALL the time.
My environment is a sealed room with c02 supplement, 3, 1000 watt open bulb umbrella reflectors. 24,000 btu ductless a/c. I have 20 plus years in the a/c business and I have a day job where I deal with growing weed all day. I have a huge dick and am always right,lol


Well-Known Member
telling people not to pull leaves, use AN or any other hyped up nutrient that is "cannabis specific" Keep it simple. Those are the ways I help people, and yes, i help people ALL the time.
My environment is a sealed room with c02 supplement, 3, 1000 watt open bulb umbrella reflectors. 24,000 btu ductless a/c. I have 20 plus years in the a/c business and I have a day job where I deal with growing weed all day. I have a huge dick and am always right,lol

We're not worthy! We're not worthy! We're not worthy!


Seriously....other than all that experience.....what do you got?


Well-Known Member
telling people not to pull leaves, use AN or any other hyped up nutrient that is "cannabis specific" Keep it simple. Those are the ways I help people, and yes, i help people ALL the time.
My environment is a sealed room with c02 supplement, 3, 1000 watt open bulb umbrella reflectors. 24,000 btu ductless a/c. I have 20 plus years in the a/c business and I have a day job where I deal with growing weed all day. I have a huge dick and am always right,lol
Oh....and my wife says "HI!" How she knows you just by your description....oh....wait.....


Well-Known Member
Guess you got me there your methods may be brash and not how i would do it but your intentions are good. Guess i shouldnt be argueing seing as i defoliate as a last resort and i dont even pull fans but spindly branches.

I should add everytime i cut something i think about it for a few hours before and after, then i wish i did single stemmed sog so i didnt have to defoliate or really even trim.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Guess you got me there your methods may be brash and not how i would do it but your intentions are good. Guess i shouldnt be argueing seing as i defoliate as a last resort and i dont even pull fans but spindly branches.

I should add everytime i cut something i think about it for a few hours before and after, then i wish i did single stemmed sog so i didnt have to defoliate or really even trim.
I don't consider keeping the bottom of the plant clean as defoliating. It's the plucking of good leaves from the top or mid part of the plant I can't agree with.

thump easy

Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;-0UPhZk7mG0] ZY04ybyhtftx9L[/video]

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
WOW, these plants sure look defoliated, you are so full of shit.
He never said he always did, he said when applicable. And looking down the page its clear that bottom branches and limbs are gone and one plant down to four straight growing tips.

Fresh that is why this forum regrettably gets looked down upon by allot of other sites where everyone that posts actually does grow or breed... ask shanti....simon.....snow....rev....greenman.....sam the skunkman. Ive seen idiots from this site argue with him over the origin of skunk. Thankfully there is the scroll past the bullshit method.

Btw just last night i hacked a bunch of lower growth and shit from a few plants, why? It made everything more difficult to work with and my canopy was so thick they wernt even budding, they are now clones. But im an idiot who cant grow because in my situation i optimized both my enviroment and also my enjoyment working on the plants. Dont like it? go fuck yourself, it did what i wanted it too.
as Haulinbass stated, i defoliate accordingly. i guess you and many others like yourself missed that part. you jokers seem to take what you want and put you'll own spin on it just to accentuate you'll point.

guess what, we see through you phonies. nice try though.

seems like all the guys who like to pull leaves have an angry side. They pop up out of the woodwork to tell everyone there style and to fuck off. I laugh so hard at you girls.
it seems like you non defoliators get more mad that we pull leaves off than we are pulling leaves off. in retrospect,if you were to look back, not only in this thread, but all the other threads in regards to defoliating, it's the same crew consisting of the same people causing confusion.

it really makes me think or wonder if that's what you'll aspire for. you and the joker crew know what you'll be doing. start shit, call people trolls, get the attention of a mod so that they can lock and bury the thread; due to the fact that it isn't all about uncleben and his way of growing.

yo Haulinbass, you might be on to something.

for some reason there a lot of growers that take the piss when you talk about deflation, don't know why

I have done a side my side and it has increased my yield about 30%

you have seen the results and can't make any coment about it
from your what you presented it would be kind of hard to argue otherwise, but like you said, most just want to listen to reasoning.
thanks for repping and providing us with enough evidence to substantiate what this debate is all about.

You have been very rational, that is why I haven't taken the piss with you. Most of the pics I have seen of people trying to justify defoliating have been big fluffy buds. Pics don't prove shit. I would like to see 1 plant, unmolested. 1 plant molested in the same room with the same grower.
show me where the molested one yields more and I would not dispute it anymore.
hmm, is that the pot calling the kettle black. have you or anyone of you done or presented a proper side by side to prove your point? if so, lets us see it. until then, you point is just as null as the one you gladly dismiss.

I know what I can do, i don't need to impress internet trolls. When people say things to me like"i love your weed" and they can't wait for me to finish. I think I got it down. 5 zips off each of my vortex plants, 3 zips off my og. Yeah. i'm doin aight.
so you say, so you say.
which one is it, you don't need to impress internet trolls (a total contradication of yourself) or your shit is so good, that they can't wait for you to finish that swag that you're used to growing? 5 zips in a 10 gal pot or 3 zips in a 7 gal pot, are we suppose to be impressed? oh then again, you might be right, because with your results i doubt you'll be able to impress anyone.

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
remove leaves from (a tree, plant, or area of land), for agricultural purposes or as a military tactic.

so just to be clear, topping or pruning in any kind of way is technically defoliating.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
as Haulinbass stated, i defoliate accordingly. i guess you and many others like yourself missed that part. you jokers seem to take what you want and put you'll own spin on it just to accentuate you'll point.

guess what, we see through you phonies. nice try though.

it seems like you non defoliators get more mad that we pull leaves off than we are pulling leaves off. in retrospect,if you were to look back, not only in this thread, but all the other threads in regards to defoliating, it's the same crew consisting of the same people causing confusion.

it really makes me think or wonder if that's what you'll aspire for. you and the joker crew know what you'll be doing. start shit, call people trolls, get the attention of a mod so that they can lock and bury the thread; due to the fact that it isn't all about uncleben and his way of growing.

yo Haulinbass, you might be on to something.

from your what you presented it would be kind of hard to argue otherwise, but like you said, most just want to listen to reasoning.
thanks for repping and providing us with enough evidence to substantiate what this debate is all about.

hmm, is that the pot calling the kettle black. have you or anyone of you done or presented a proper side by side to prove your point? if so, lets us see it. until then, you point is just as null as the one you gladly dismiss.

so you say, so you say.
which one is it, you don't need to impress internet trolls (a total contradication of yourself) or your shit is so good, that they can't wait for you to finish that swag that you're used to growing? 5 zips in a 10 gal pot or 3 zips in a 7 gal pot, are we suppose to be impressed? oh then again, you might be right, because with your results i doubt you'll be able to impress anyone.
Yeah, My swag. You have no clue what I grow. At least I'm in a part of the country known for it's dank, Not some place the cartels ship there crap weed to. Better hurry up and hurl some more insults before your mom calls for bedtime.

thump easy

Well-Known Member
im just kidding guys but the song sound cool its talks about trees and about some one not growing lolz i thought it was cool and appropriate lolz

thump easy

Well-Known Member
do what ever works in my experience it works for me.. ;) but opionions are just opionions do what works for you i deleaf at the gate from veg the bottoms and at the third week and last week i take it all off and i do very well ill post.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Just wanted to also point out that Breath2de@th decided to jump into this thread on page 27, Now if that isn't a troll, I don't know what is.