
I find it strange to post in a forum that apparently doesn't listen to what you have to say, and doesn't want you around. Wouldn't your energy be better spent on reaching and teaching like-minded people? It seems that your posts in such a forum would do everyone good, fulling your need to teach and be heard, and fulling their need of learning and enjoying your subject matter. I would never perform for a hostile or unwilling audience, or attempt to participate where I wasn't wanted, so I don't understand that need in others...
People like to think that Medicine and Science happen in Sterilized rooms, where everyone wears a lab coat, and everyone knows exactly what the outcome of everything will be. That is not science, it might be a routine test some scientists are doing, but that is not the bulk of how science moves forward in leaps and bounds.

For example, Penicillin was not discovered by someone working for Pfizer in a sterile lab, trying to cure disease. It was discovered by a messy scientist, who was eating in his lab space, and accidentally left a sandwich out. When he came back to the sandwich days later, it had mold growing on it. He put this mold in a Petri dish with other Bacteria, and it ate all the other bacteria. This is how Antibiotics jumped forward.

The first person to invent Vaccines also kind of did so on accident, or at least the guy he copied did. The inventor of Vaccines is Edward Jenner, but 30 years before he invented Vaccines, his friend John Fewster was randomly doing studies where he gave people smallpox on purpose so he could study their reaction, and one time he did it someone didn't react and he questioned them, and it turned out that that person had previously had Cow Pox. So he told people about this and 30 years later Vaccines existed.

Not all science happens like this, but a lot of it does. A more modern example is a spider they found in the Amazon, this spider ha venom that works similar to Viagra. But when it bites you, a guys penis will get so hard it explodes or stops working via ruptured blood vessels or something. So now that some people have died from this (I think you would die, or hope kinda) they are now working on a way to turn this venom in to the new Viagra. So this kind of stuff happens all the time.

I just wanted to point those things out to say, Western Medicine is not the regimented, sterilized, perfect art we think it is. It is just regular people that went through some higher education, and now they are figuring some stuff out. And I told you that because I want to show you where it comes from.

Western Medicine starts in ancient Greece with the worship of the God Asclepius. Asclepius was always identified with snakes, and usually a non-Venomous snake would be kept at his temples, the snakes had free reign inside the temples and were allowed to slither on the floor in rooms where patients slept. The Aesculapian snake is actually a species of snake.

The Temples were known as Asclepeion, and they operated much like Hospitals where people would come from all around to come be healed. The way the Doctors would heal the person is by inducing a dream and interpreting it, then giving the person a prescription based on the dream. This is almost identical to Native American Shamanism, you may have heard people call Ayahuasca "Medicine", this is the context of that. The Shamans are meant to take Ayahuasca and come back to this "realm" with a prescription. And according to legend, the plants themselves actually told the Natives how to make Ayahuasca, since you have to mix 2 specific plants in the jungle. If you want to try to find the ancient Greek writings about this, there is supposedly a book called "Sacred Stories" by Aelius Aristides. He was one of these doctors.

The Rod of Asclepius is a common medical symbol, it is a staff with a snake on it. The doctors themselves were known as Asclepiad, the most famous of which is probably Hippocrates. Hippocrates invented the Hippocratic oath, which Doctors still say today.

Hippocrates is still considered the Father of Western Medicine to this day, he identified a few things that are still named after him sometimes, like Hippocratic Fingers, and Hippocratic Face. He also started the classifications like: Acute, Epidemic and Chronic. He also invented the Hippocratic bench, which was a forerunner to Chiropractor tables and some Torture Devices.

I am not suggesting we go back to the Greek Medical model, I just wanted to point out that the things we take the most serious, sometimes (usually) started as people playing with snakes and interpreting dreams.
I find it strange to post in a forum that apparently doesn't listen to what you have to say, and doesn't want you around. Wouldn't your energy be better spent on reaching and teaching like-minded people? It seems that your posts in such a forum would do everyone good, fulling your need to teach and be heard, and fulling their need of learning and enjoying your subject matter. I would never perform for a hostile or unwilling audience, or attempt to participate where I wasn't wanted, so I don't understand that need in others...
I find it strange that you all can't read, and seem to think that I only get hated on. Just because you can't pull the stick out of your ass, does not mean others haven't. And just because others have, doesn't mean I expect everyone to.

hi George you said earlier....."people seem to think that God is meant to be some "Super Power" or "Creator" or "Magic Force". And if they don't see that, they will not accept him.".

the super power or magic force can only be felt George not seen ......we're the hosts for this "magic force" needs us to exist.

the " magic power " as some call it is very very intelligent and allknowing.

i hope this makes sense.

the " magic power " is god .....not me :)

have a nice day :)

hi George you said earlier....."people seem to think that God is meant to be some "Super Power" or "Creator" or "Magic Force". And if they don't see that, they will not accept him.".

the super power or magic force can only be felt George not seen ......we're the hosts for this "magic force" needs us to exist.

the " magic power " as some call it is very very intelligent and allknowing.

i hope this makes sense.

the " magic power " is god .....not me :)

have a nice day :)
why do you keep insulting George. fuck you bradliner
I have heard some Christians say some CRAZY things recently... Like "I don't go outside the Bible" and "I only follow the doctrines of Jesus" which would be fine if they were true statements. But usually they are followed by something that completely discredits the statements. Maybe a lot of Christians are not aware, but I want to point some things out.

Jesus existed around 1 AD. And he preached some Gospel to some people and was crucified. Then Paul, who never met Jesus, saw Jesus in a dream and wrote most of the new Testament and started the Christian church, for example, many Christians look at the letters from Paul to the Galatians as an example of the very first church being handled and Pagans being converted. The earliest dates possibly known for these documents being written is 49 for Galatians and 51 for Paul's Gospel. These are not the words of Jesus, but at least they are in the Bible, so that is not getting out of the Bible... Yet.

A lot of Christians like to say "I only follow the Bible" but then they say "The Word is God". This is known as "Logos Doctrine". It was invented by Justin Martyr, it is not in the Bible, and it started at least 100 years after Jesus died.

Then people will say "Jesus is completely Human and completely God" this is Nestorianism, which started around 400 AD. This is also where Nuns come from. Jesus never talked about having Nuns. Nestorian Nuns also inspired the Islamic female attire.

Christians will say that Islam is completely different from them and they only follow the Bible, even though as you can see they do not only follow the Bible. Muhammad lived around 600 AD and wrote the Quran, which added new things to the Bible, same as all the people before him.

Then a really weird one that should be obvious... Jesus put a Pope in charge, which was Peter, and the Catholics carried on this tradition. So if anyone is the "real church" it's the Catholics or the Eastern Orthodox, since they held on to that. But Martin Luther (not Martin Luther King) was alive around 1500 AD, and he started a "Protest" against the Church. In his protest he nailed new rules for Churches on doors all over a German town, then he translated the Bible in to a language regular people could read. "Protestants" are not Catholic, and they started doing what they do around 1500 AD.

Then some people will say "America is Christian and God wants us this way"... The original Pilgrims who came to America were Anabaptist, and their remaining American ethnic group is the Amish. So unless you are Amish or one of the branches, then you are not "American Christian" you are one of these other kinds of Christians.

Then the funniest one. The most hardcore Bible Humping Christians are the Calvinists, who call themselves Calvinists, and got their Doctrine from John Calvin around 1550.
Have you been working or helping the old and needy or volunteering in charity know worth while things.....anything finny?..... With all your 550 likes wtf finny that's shit for 17000 posts?...... Didn't u think that's telling you something
Christians like to talk about "Prayer" and things happening, then they pretend that somehow their God is the right God and answers their prayers, but tricking yourself in to being the best you can, or setting up your mind with a community, is not a new trick.

You have probably heard the Anecdote about Cancer patients. When a Doctor tests someone and comes back saying "You probably don't have long to live, there is not much we can do" things like that tend to break people down and make it worse. There are some people who hear that from their doctor and they say "Thanks for the opinion, but you can fuck yourself" and I have heard the story of someone who was told that then living through it. Then there are also the Cancer treatment Hospitals that focus on telling you that you will make it through and that you will "beat this" etc. And according to Anecdote these people do better.

This is not a new idea, it is known as "Placebo" and they have used it as far back as Ancient Egypt. The first Surgeon in Human history is Imhotep, and in his writings he suggests that Medicine does not even work right unless you chant and do rituals for the patients benefit. A modern example of this is when someone comes in to a Psychiatrists office and they prescribe sugar pills, then the person comes back feeling great. It was just the "chanting and the ritual" of the Doctors office mixed with taking a fake tablet that made them feel better.

There is also "Nocebo". The Nocebo effect is when you have not taken anything but think you have, and you think you are getting bad effects. Kind of like when people eat a Marijuana brownie and call for an Ambulance, except this is someone who didn't actually eat anything. Or ate something like a Sugar pill.

Autosuggestion is the idea that once something is in your head it is more likely to happen. For example, if you smoke cigarettes and I started posting about cigarettes, like how I just wrote the word cigarette 3 times, you might want to go smoke a cigarette.

The Thomas Theorem is the idea that if you think a situation is real, you will make real consequences. For example, if you think someone is mad at you, and you treat the situation as if the person is mad at you, the consequences might follow as if they were mad at you, even if they were not mad at you before you thought they were, because you were treating them like they were mad. So even if they aren't mad at you, you can end up getting the same response as if they were. Or you could even possibly make them mad at you.

Pavlov's Dogs is a pretty well known experiment. What he did was feed his dogs, and every time he fed his dogs he would ring a bell. Eventually, the dogs brains connected the bell and the food, so later Pavlov would have empty bowls, and when he ran the bell the Dogs would Salivate. Meaning, the Bell had created a reaction in the Dogs heads that was similar to smelling food. They associated the sound directly with food.

If you look up "Five Monkey Water Spray Experiment" you will find something interesting. There was an experiment where they put some Bananas at the top of a ladder, in a room with 5 monkeys. The monkeys would try to climb the ladder for the bananas, and the scientists would spray ALL the monkeys. Eventually the monkeys stopped going for the Bananas. Then they started introducing new Monkeys in to the room, and when the monkey would go for the bananas, all the other monkeys would attack it.
Have you been working or helping the old and needy or volunteering in charity know worth while things.....anything finny?..... With all your 550 likes wtf finny that's shit for 17000 posts?...... Didn't u think that's telling you something
helloooo :)